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Bigger Than My Body with Ann Hince
Episode 2929th June 2022 • FEMboldened • Angelica Pascone
00:00:00 00:51:26

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We are all holding tension but have you ever considered just how much tension you hold? Or the long term effects that tension could be having on your health, overall well-being, and future? If your ears are perked and your body wants to learn more, tune in to this episode with spiritual teacher, speaker, and author, Ann Hince as we chat about:

  • How her habit of being emotionally reactionary and her state of fear was directly linked to her vast collection of traumas from childhood and adolescence
  • The 3 step process she flowed through to release tension stored in her connective tissue to shift her skull and spine alignment
  • How feeling your feelings not only brings inner peace but can shift the energy of the collective
  • And how all of this is available to you right NOW

Ann is a spiritual teacher, speaker, and author on a mission to change the world from the inside out. When Ann was 19, she woke one morning to find her mother dead in her bathroom.

Twenty years later the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface. Ann found a simple technique that helped her release these emotions - but she went further and can now put her awareness inside her body - and has changed the bone structure of her skull and grown ½ an inch at age 55. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace. Ann is here to share that we have this incredible power within us.

You can find Ann in all these places:

Ann's Website


Ann's Facebook Group

Ann's YouTube Channel

And get your copy of her book: A Pathway to Insight

Ann and Angelica would like to thank PodMatch for linking us together so that this life-enhancing conversation could travel from Anns heart to your speakers.

About your host

Mom, entrepreneur, Physician Assistant, intuitive; Angelica is a multi-passionate with her biggest motivator being changing this world with her God-given gifts by raising the emotional intelligence and self-awareness of our collective.

Priding herself in being the perfect blend of science and spirit, she loves that she is able to read and pick apart scientific articles AND see spirits on the staircase moments later. She felt so powerful having welcomed her son at home a year to the day she first heard her son’s soul call to Earth AND used evidence-based care throughout her pregnancy. Angelica has found her voice in both worlds and is profoundly grateful to be a steward weaving these worlds together.

Her offerings are meant to bring out, as cliche as it sounds, the most authentic version of you, before fear and generational trauma changed your inner- most essence. Whether it by learning the why in an Akashic Record Reading, the how in FEMboldened, or by receiving long-lasting transformation with her signature Hydropathic Attunements, Angelica is here to meet you where you are at and be your travel guide to who you get to be in this lifetime.


You can email Angelica directly at or check out for more.


FEMboldened’s music was beautifully created by Francesca Orsomarso of FMN Creative





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