Artwork for podcast Second in Command: The Chief Behind the Chief with Cameron Herold
Ep. 407 - Penji Co-Founder, Johnathan Gryzbowski
3rd September 2024 • Second in Command: The Chief Behind the Chief with Cameron Herold • Second in Command with Cameron Herold
00:00:00 00:48:16

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In today's episode of the Second in Command podcast, Cameron is joined by Johnathan Grzybowski, Co-Founder, Head of Operations, Marketing, Sales and Strategy for Penji, a creative technology company that leverages some of the world's most talented graphic designers to serve business owners in need of design work.

During the conversation, Cameron and Johnathan discuss the rapid advancements in technology and communication, touching on futuristic ideas that seem almost surreal. You'll learn how emerging tools might reshape the way we exchange ideas, with the possibility of achieving instant, precise communication on the horizon.

The discussion shifts to the essentials of running a modern business with distributed teams. Johnathan shares insights on how to maintain clear communication across global teams, emphasizing the importance of setting expectations, following up, and ensuring respect for all team members, regardless of location.

This episode offers insights on lessons learned from both successes and missed opportunities, underscoring the importance of persistence, data-driven decisions, and the pursuit of long-term goals in both business and life.

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In This Episode You'll Learn:

  • Penji's strategy of leveraging SEO and data to target their audience effectively, ensuring their ads are seen by the right people. (2:25)
  • Penji's choice to use AI tools and the importance of human involvement in the creative process. (8:51)
  • Johnathan's experience with building a global team and the importance of clear communication and respect. (21:06)
  • The challenges of managing a remote team and the importance of clear communication and follow-up. (44:29)
  • And much more...


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