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Breaking Through the Noise: How Indie Podcasts Can Shine
Episode 811th October 2024 • Be a Better Podcaster with Jamie and Jaayne • Jamie and Jaayne
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What transforms a hidden gem of a podcast into a smash hit? In this episode, we delve into the critical challenges indie podcasters face: findability and fundability. These two intertwined hurdles often determine a show's success or obscurity.

We also highlight the financial barriers, such as costly award entry fees and the steep price of outsourcing, which can amount to $12,000 annually. Solutions like curated discovery on platforms like Goodpods and potential streaming models for steady income are explored.

And we emphasize the need for innovative approaches to ensure that quality content can rise to the top and reach its intended audience.


  • Many indie podcasters face the dual challenges of findability and fundability, crucial for success.
  • Findability isn't just about being on platforms like Apple or Spotify, but about discoverability by the right listeners.
  • Fundability provides resources for better production and marketing, helping podcasts become more discoverable.
  • Outsourcing basics can cost indie podcasters up to $12,000 a year, highlighting financial challenges.
  • Platforms like Goodpods are attempting to level the playing field for independent creators through curated discovery.
  • The podcasting industry could benefit from streaming payment models similar to those used in the music industry.
  • Listeners play a crucial role in supporting indie podcasts by seeking them out and sharing them with others.

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Apple
  • Spotify
  • Goodpods
  • Webby

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Be a Better Podcaster is a tips and growth podcast brought to you by Jamie and Jaayne. These are AI hosts - their voices are auto-generated, reading content created by Danny Brown, host of One Minute Podcast Tips and 5 Random Questions.

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Ever stumbled on a podcast? Yeah, one that's, like, perfectly up your alley. You get that feeling like this. This is my new thing.

But then you look at the download numbers, and it's crickets. Makes you wonder, right? What is it that takes a podcast from hidden gem to smash hit? Mm.




And I know what you're thinking. Quality. But hold on. Today's deep dive, we're not talking sound effects or fancy intros. We're going deeper. Way deeper.




Two massive hurdles for indie podcasters. Way bigger than just making good stuff. Findability and fundability.


I like that.


Right? So I found this article, and they called it this whole thing, a dual blade sword situation. Catchy, right?


Yeah. Yeah.


Basically, for indie creators, it's like you can't have one without the other. And to help break it all down, we've got an expert in the house.


Happy to be here.


So what's the deal with this whole findability and fundability dilemma?


Well, you're right. That dual blade thing, it really is the perfect way to put it. It's such a tightrope walk for indies.




This article, it starts with a story, super relatable, about Danny. He's like the every podcaster, you know, pouring everything into his show. But he's stuck. Wants more listeners, obviously. Who doesn't?

But how do you break through when you don't have the means?


It's the classic catch 22. Need money to make money. But how do you get the money without the, you know, the visibility.


Exactly. And that's where findability and this fundability, they become so, so intertwined.

Because findability, it's not just being on Apple podcasts or Spotify. It's about being discoverable by the right listeners.


That makes sense.


Like your podcast. It could be this tiny needle in a giant haystack. Or it's a beacon drawing people in. The exact right people.


Okay, so fundability, then, that's what gives you the resources for building that beacon, right?


Yeah, exactly.

It's having the money to invest better equipment, maybe some marketing, or even getting help with stuff like editing so you can focus on the content itself. It all adds up to making your.


Podcast well, that beacon we were talking about.


And how much does beacon construction cost these days? I'm guessing it's not cheap.


Not at all. The article actually throws out a crazy stat. Outsourcing, even just the basics, could run an indie podcaster, something like $12,000 a year.


Whoa. $12,000? That's like some people's rent money, right? Really puts it all in perspective, right? It does that number.

If anything, it shows how much we as creators undervalue our own time.

Because even if you diy everything, that's still time, energy, time you could spend doing things to actually earn, like connecting with sponsors or building up a community around your show.


You know, it's funny you mentioned that, about time being valuable. Cause this whole cost thing, it got me thinking about podcast awards.


Okay. Yeah.


Like on the one hand, they seem amazing, boosts your visibility. You get that little seal of approval.


Right, right.


But then I'm like, wait a minute. How much does it even cost to enter some of these things?




And wouldn't you know it, the article gets into this too.


Yeah, it's wild. It really is a case of need money to even try and get more money. Like take the Webby awards.


Exactly. Those are what, like a couple hundred bucks just to consider for someone starting out, that's like their whole budget.


Oh, for sure.


And it's not just theme. Oh, man, I remember when I was just starting my podcast, there was this award. Perfect, absolutely perfect for my show.

The theme, the categories, everything.


Oh, wow.


But the entry fee. Yeah, it was my entire grocery budget for the month. Like, literally, do I eat this month or chase this dream?




Yeah, this article, it does point out some good stuff. Like some bright spots where people are actually trying to make things better for indies.


Yeah, like what?


Well, like good pods. You familiar with that?


I've heard of it, yeah. It's an app, right?


It's an app. And they seem really into supporting independent creators.


They are. And honestly, one of the best things they do is focus on discovery. But like, curated discovery.

Because the algorithms on a lot of these platforms, they favor the big names, the ones with the money to throw around good pods. They level the playing field a bit.


Oh, interesting. How so?


They've got charts just for indie shows. Small thing, but it makes a huge difference. It means your show's actually getting in front of the right people.

Like listeners who want to find new stuff.


See, that's so smart. That algorithm thing, I hadn't even considered that.

It's like this whole other layer of, I don't know, this hidden impact on what we even end up listening to, what gets seen, you know?


Totally. It really shows how important it is for these platforms, the apps, to be intentional about how they're designed, what the algorithms do.

If they really want a diverse podcasting world, that is because it's not just.


About throwing money at the problem. Right. There needs to be a way for good content to actually rise to the top no matter what. It's like.

We almost need a whole new mindset for how we find and support podcasts, right?


Yeah, totally. And the article, it actually goes there towards the end. It talks about solutions, like really big picture stuff.

One that stood out to me was this idea of streaming payments, like, how music does it.


Oh, okay.

So instead of relying on ads so much, or hoping people chip in on Patreon, maybe podcasts could be on those services or like their own thing where you pay monthly and you get all the content.


Yeah, that model, it works. We see it with music, with other stuff.

For podcasters, it could mean steady income, which, especially when you're starting out, not having to chase those big ad deals. That's huge, right?


Makes sense.




But then does that solve the other problem? Like, would we still have that algorithm bias where the big shows win out? Or would it be different?


Million dollar question. Because even if the money part changes, you still gotta get heard of, right? So, yeah, it'd have to be designed differently.

Maybe playlists that focus on indies better search functions so people can actually find what they want, even if it's not already super popular.


That's the key, right? It can't just be about the creators either. It's about the listeners having all this amazing audio out there, but they gotta be able to find it.

Imagine all the good stuff we're missing out on.




I don't know. I'm kind of hopeful, seeing these challenges. Maybe it'll push us to come up with some really cool, creative solutions that help everyone.


I like that cautious optimism because, yeah, the system's got its problems, but there are people trying to fix it. And listeners, they're a part of this too. Knowing about this stuff, seeking out indie shows, even just telling a friend it makes a difference.


100%. So next time you're scrolling through podcasts, give an indie show a shot.

You might just find your new favorite, and you'll be supporting someone's passion, helping them grow their audience. Thanks for joining us for this deep dive. Until next time.


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