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Episode 11 - 5 Mistakes to Avoid at Interview
Episode 119th January 2023 • Career & Leadership Real Talk • Pamela Langan & Jacqui Jagger
00:00:00 00:37:17

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Love them or hate them, interviews are an inevitable part of the job search process. There's nothing more demoralising than being interviewed for a job you think would be your dream role and then hearing that someone else pipped you to the post

In this episode, we're sharing the most common mistakes we see candidates make so you can avoid them and ace the interview for the job you really want

Key points from this episode

  • Making sure you answer the question the interviewer wants the answer to (even if you're nervous or they're not very clear)
  • How to use the STAR answer format to your advantage in an interview
  • Being prepared for very open questions like 'Talk me through your c.v.' or 'Tell me a bit about yourself'
  • Showing passion for a role without appearing desperate
  • Why we don't recommend asking for feedback (controversial opinion alert)

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The Career & Leadership Real Talk website

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