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Episode 25th June 2024 • Her First Million • Amanda Bedell
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The interviews on HER FIRST MILLION are designed to give female business owners practical tools to make the journey to Her First Million simpler.

In these conversations, your host Amanda Bedell, sits down with trailblazing women entrepreneurs who have excelled in industries traditionally dominated by men.

In these interviews, we unearth strategies, navigate challenges, and uncover secrets that have led these women to the coveted first million, and beyond.

In this episode,

Danielle Dinkelman, a sought-after coach and speaker known for her philosophy of doable, enjoyable changes for lasting results, shares with Amanda some tactical steps to creating more self-care, or, as mentioned in the episode, self-respect for ourselves as we grow businesses.

Amanda acknowledges that self-care can feel elusive and asks for what a practice could look like.

Danielle mentioned a few clues viewers can consider as "self-care," including finding something that feels:

- restful

- playful

- like you're learning

- like you're alive

- like you're yourself.

Danielle recommended two resources for entrepreneurs aiming to achieve their first million while prioritizing self-care.

These resources include the book "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown, which emphasizes the importance of self-care by advocating to "protect the asset" (spoiler: that's you!).

Additionally, she suggested "The ONE Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, which offers a valuable strategy for managing overwhelm by posing a crucial question:

"What is the one thing that, if accomplished, would make everything else on your to-do list easier or unnecessary?"

You can find Danielle on LinkedIn at

Thank you for watching HER FIRST MILLION on YouTube!

If you like what you see, please consider subscribing to the channel and clicking that notification button to ensure you don't miss the next episode.

Until next time, here's to your success! See you tomorrow.

Mentioned in this episode:

Her First Million Podcast Outro

Her First Million Podcast Intro


we are live well hello

there let's see go hello everyone

welcome to her first million a new

YouTube channel tailored directly to

women business owners in manufacturing

construction and the trades I'm Amanda

Bedell your host and guide on this

journey with her first million we're

dedicated to providing three segments

set to transform your business tra TR

trory the first segment that I love is

love your numbers I'm here to unravel

the complexities of financial management

where we demystify the numers so that

you can confidently optimize your

business for greater profitability it is

not Accounting 101 I'm literally diving

into those numbers so that you can use

them in your business um so that we can

create the world that you want to see

and then in the second segment that I do

is called ask Amanda those are where

questions take Center Stage no question

is off limits I have people that DM me

for privacy or they share their

inquiries in the comments below I'm

thrilled to hear from people those are

the best performing segments is whenever

I get to answer your questions and I

share insightful answers that can help

you steer your business in the right

direction and the segments that I'm most

excited about are these interviews I sit

down with trailblazing women

entrepreneurs who have excelled in

Industries traditionally dominated by


in these interviews I unearth the

strategies and navigate through the

challenges to uncover the well-kept

secrets that have led to these

exceptional women to that first million

and Beyond Today right here and right

now we are live with none other than

Danielle dingleman her story is set to

inspire her insights are set to

transform and her journey is a testament

to the incredible potential that awaits

inside of each of you so without further

Ado let's Dive Into the Heart of her

first million and welcome my first guest

Danielle hi Danielle hello Amanda

thanks an accident hopefully that

doesn't give us a hiccup but I'm just

gonna give us a second I clicked the


button um so with Danielle Danielle is a

um it's still kind of thinking so I'm

just going to chill here for a minute

make sure that we don't lose


um so there we go I see that my online

is working now so Danielle thank you for

uh holding there for a moment but thanks

for being here Danielle is a national

board certified health and wellness

coach and the author of the book If

diets don't work what does as a thought

after coach and speaker Danielle is

known for her philosophy of doable

enjoyable changes for longlasting

results Danielle lives in my home state

of Oregon in a city called Oregon City

with her husband and four children she

is trained mu classical musician an avid

bird watcher tree lover pickle ball

addict and rock climbing Enthusiast

which I luckily get to see that rock

climbing wonderfulness that happens on

your Facebook page now that I um am

Facebook friends with you so that's

really fun thank you for being here

absolutely my

pleasure so can you tell us a little bit

about the definition of self-care so to

me self-care um feels like one of those

elusive words that I don't really quite

understand what it is I thought I was

doing it um how do I what is the

definition of

self-care that's a great question I

don't have a structured

definition I think that each of us get

to kind of find what that means to us

and it will look different for each

person for me I know I'm doing self-care

right when I feel okay and when I feel

like I can show up at my at my best for

my family for my friends my community my

work when I start to feel frazzled

stretched too

far overworked just tired or bitter

resentful when things start to feel like

a chore like it's a physical experience

it's also a mental emotional energetic

experience so answer your question

self-care is whatever it takes for you

to not feel that way and on the other

side on the flip side we want to feel

like we can show up we we are giving

from our abundance of energy to all the

things that we care about and and that

there's there's this level of ease and

flow and I got to tell you I haven't

figured that out 100% yet it's an

ongoing process it's an exploration but

I've been engaged in that for some time

now and I feel like I've definitely

learned some lessons for myself as well

as in my coaching experience of what

what that looks like for other people

and it is

different it's different uh how is

self-care connected to business growth

in your opinion in my opinion it's

essential especially with the folks that

we're talking to folks that

that are running businesses that are

incredibly demanding right uh so you

focus on folks that are in the trades

especially women that are in the trades

and I love that I was I was raised by a

Tradesman uh my dad has been uh a

solopreneur uh carpet cleaner for the

last 30 plus years and I that's that's

the that's the space I grew up in and I

watched him struggle I've watched him be

successful and kind of both on the

business side and the personal family

side seeing that

so you know I think we learn really well

from watching other people's mistakes I

know I do and I I always admired my dad

for kind of this work your guts out sort

of work ethic and that's how I showed up

for a really long time and it wasn't

until I burned out the first time first

of multiples that I started to realize

maybe there's another way to do this and

maybe maybe building a successful

business doesn't have to come at the

cost of whatever it is for you maybe

it's your happiness maybe it's your

physical health maybe it's your your

zest for Life whatever that is for my

dad it's just like been watching his

body just deteriorate and he still wants

to be young and spritely and fun but

then he does those things and then he

pays for him because he he literally

just like sacrifices his body in this in

this business he's in but

so I don't know did that answer your

question it's like definitely you have

to you have to take care of yourself in

the process it is essential to take care


yourself and you know what resonated

with me was the burnout piece and so

you've experienced burnout what I've

heard before uh so when I back when I

owned my bakery business so I had a

bakery business in:

um I probably slept a handful of hours a

night for multiple years um I had a

wholesale manufacturing facility I had a

retail store I had um staff running

seven days a week three shifts and it

was Mayhem just to say um you know

that's just how it felt it didn't feel

like that in the moment but when I would

talk to other folks about burnout and

self-care um what I heard and maybe this

isn't what they said but what I heard

what I interpreted was that when burnout

happens it happens again Fair fairly

quickly so when you experienced burnout

what did that look like for you what

were the feelings that came up and what

did burnout feel like for

you yeah so one of my more recent

experiences with burnout was actually

after I wrote my book and it's been four

years now since I wrote that and and I

sprinted on it hard I I wrote that book

in six months I wow

like from the Inception the idea to

publishing it was a six-month

process and that's insane if you've ever

written a book that's absolutely insane

so what it felt like for me was hitting

a wall is how I describe it I can't move

forward I have nothing left to give I

don't wanna like I don't want to play

anymore I don't want don't wna I don't

want any of it I don't want my life uh

and all it's all of it it's my work it's

my family like I just was no good to

anyone uh in including myself especially

myself I was just

done yeah I see burnout show up in me

when my brain doesn't work I call it

when my brain doesn't work it just shuts

off um I have to


TV nonstop so um I've literally watched

like four to six movies in a row where

the movies I don't even remember what

they are I don't even care when I'm

selecting them that's how much like I

see that with you what you just said

like I don't care I don't care about my

life uh I also get a little bit of guilt

in the back of my mind I'm thinking I

should be doing something right now

that's furthering my career my family my


um but I do allow myself that one um the

the one full day where those stories

like intertwine and and I do live

through that guilt process but I guess

um I want to kind of transition our

conversation to okay those are the

feelings of burnout how do we identify

what self-care means to us and what are

some of the things that we can um what

are some of the things that we can do

like getting out of the burnout stage

yeah so I look at it a few different

ways if you're already in Burnout you

need to do something drastically

different than what you would need to do

to prevent burnout those those two

things are very different so okay like

recovering from burnout you do need to

stop everything you need to go down to

the absolute bare minimum and you need

to like I I look at it as like healing

your relationship with your self it's

like you need to send a message to

yourself your body your spirit however

you want to think about it loud and

clear that I hear you we overdid it I'm

gonna I'm gonna take a step back and I'm

gonna do it different right and if you

need a coach come talk to me so help you

through that it's different when we are

wanting to prevent getting to that point

right and I have experienced all of it

I've experienced having to recover and

I've experienced now I'm more aware than

I've ever been before of when I can kind

of see the early signs that o okay I'm

starting to I'm starting to overdo it


so how to navigate self-care leading up

to that and preventing it is constant te

checking in with

yourself do you

have some quiet time and this is

laughable right for like the I know you

have four children how does this happen

in the

bathroom no not even in the

and I'm even thinking for the Mayhem you

described in your business right this is

this might be laughable to women that

are running a business and probably

having some sort of family and social

life and Community involvement right we

we are whole people living a whole life

so it might be

laughable but that's why it's so

essential it is so essential to find

that quiet time and that can look so

many different ways for some people

that's a meditation practice for

me it's

waking up before my kids wake up and

even if it's 5 minutes 10 minutes 15

minutes gloriously if I can get 30 40 60

minutes if I can wake up before them and

come into a space that's mine and just

be still and just be quiet and just

observe how am I feeling in my body my

neck hurts uh my hips are kind of sore

um my chest is tight maybe it's hard to

take a full breath okay checking in with

the body and then it's checking in with

my mind like where where do my thoughts

want to run to right and if you've if

you've looked into meditation you you

know that there's practices around that

of just observing and not judging the

thoughts you're not trying to change

them you're just being The Observer

that's a place to start and then

checking in emotionally where are my

emotions right now am I am I feeling

happy am I feeling sad am I feeling

angry can we identify that can we name

it right so wow you could do that whole

thing what did that take that took maybe

45 seconds for me to walk through that

right and and I can tell even just in in

you Amanda that you like feel more

centered and grounded right now because

you are just doing that with me right

which is awesome it is that easy okay so

we need to give that space and maybe

you've practiced this before and so I

have no idea where you're coming from

with this but even those that are

listening to this right now did that

impact you to be asked those questions

could you carve out some space even if

it's 5 or 10 minutes to start that is

just yours to be still and be silent and

start asking those questions what I

would then do from there is to finish a

session like that with the question what

do I

need what do I need what does my body

need what does my mind

need what is what is my heart need

whatever it is like better if can go

full picture and holistic with it in all

of those

dimensions and then what can you do

today to answer that question you know

and the hardest this I've worked with

people that live in the Mayhem that you

described and this is really hard work

this is a really really hard thing I'm

asking but it is so powerful and it is

the biggest gift you can give yourself

is to answer that question and to meet

your own needs it might

mean I

need I need to end work a little earlier

today so that I can just have some chill

time with my partner maybe that's trust

whatever comes into your mind honestly

like trust the thing and then the the

brain that comes in and says you can't

do that you don't have time for

that you can say I hear you I think I'm

going to try it

anyway you know so that's where I would

start and I would trust where the

intuition and where those thoughts take

you of what would feel really supportive

to me today there's lots of different

ways we can frame those

questions that's a place to start so I

might take us back a little bit and and

I love those tools that you just gave us

but just to reinforce what that means I

guess uh for me I have always been

someone that's been in my head and you

know we work in places where uh there's

a lot of male energy around us all the

time male dominated Industries can be in

any industry but trades manufacturing uh

it uh Tech uh we are women who are

already doing so much to stay ahead in

our fields in our business to um you

know we ow sometimes have to show up

overprepared um and I can see you know

past Amanda so I've done a lot of work

since I left my bakery business and

healing uh my healing Journey has

brought me to a place where I can do

exercises like that but if I look back


she would have she would have been like

listening to H quiet time yeah no like

am I gonna break down you know some of

the questions that I had for myself and

the reason why I never sought out even a

business coach or anyone that had coach

at the end of their names was because it

had a lot I Associated it with therapy

and I didn't need a therapist and to be

honest when I dig deeper into that it

was I was scared that if I told the

truth of what was going on in my

business or if I stopped and thought in


capacity um that I would break uh I

would turn into a crying model I don't

love crying I think um you you know that


vulnerability when someone told me in


be your superpower Amanda and I said

what the heck is that and that sounds

terrible and weakness and is written all

over that I'm gonna keep this wall up

and I'm gonna keep thinking um because I

can think my way out of anything um but

it turns out that I can't um so if we

can back back into why is self care so

important to business owners on their

road to that 1

million well can I just

say that if we are

women in a male dominate dominated


which I I feel that way I I mean I'm in

I'm in the B2B space my my company

provides an employee wellness program to

other companies mhm

I'm in the business

world I feel like I have to keep up I

have to show up I have to overperform

over prepare all of those things to keep

up right to

compete that's a lot that's a

lot I think there's way I think there's

another way and

I I think that if we

embraced our feminine energy our

intuition our heart-c centeredness our

compassion our our nurture instincts for

ourselves and others I have

seen amazing women building amazing

businesses with amazing

culture that to

me is it gives me hope for the future

that our business world can evolve and

our business world can heal our business

world can get to a place of wholeness

that it doesn't have to be male male

dominated energy whether that's men or

women showing up in masculine energy

that it has to

be just this way and it has to be all in

our head but if we can normalize

dropping into our heart dropping into

our gut if we can normalize

that wow I I want be a part of that

economy so just putting that out there

that's exciting to


that's collaborative is what I hear I

hear intuition I hear and you know which

is one shift that I made in the in

communicating with people is using the

word replacing the word I think with I

feel o yeah so that's one trick that I

learned recently I mean this has just

been the last maybe six months is um I


transitioned the that word instead of

any time I wanted to say I think this

this this this this this it's I feel

that I and then it just helps bring me

you know Place me back into feeling and

uh even if this sentence ends up the

same um it it just shifts it just a

little bit yes for me personally but

with you you know you know stressed out

business owners because you see them all

the time when you're um in that space um

employe employee Wellness that you do

now um you see these stressed out

business owners how can we improve our

self-care so we've got meditation as a

tool or not necessarily meditation but

that um that meditation 1.0 which can

take anywhere between 45 seconds to 5

minutes whatever you have time for

yourself tapping in we talked about that

what are some other ways that we can um

improve our

selfcare yeah I think it's the other

it's the other side of the conversation

that you have in that I'm going to call

it a check-in like yeah don't call it

meditation don't call it Stillness

silence and don't call it anything that

you feel resistance to call it something

that you can be like yeah I could do

that I could check in with myself I

think most people could be okay with

that the self-care practices the steps

is listening to yourself and answering

it right like you wouldn't you probably

wouldn't have an employee call you up


say oh my gosh my kid is super sick I I

need to I need to check out today I have

to go do this thing you wouldn't say

like that's not okay you're fired you

wouldn't do that you would say oh my

gosh totally yeah take care of it we we

got this covered thanks for letting me

know you would show up for that person

in that way right you would give them

space you would give them permission

right you would help them feel safe and

okay to do that thing give that to

yourself okay

so pick pick something

small I I would I would say pick

something small but

significant and then commit like like

draw a line in the sand so I'll give you


example actually for me uh we were

talking about bouldering right talking

about rock

climbing I I am still grappling with the

fact that I take an entire

morning I I leave at I leave my house at

9:30 every Monday morning and I do not

come back until 12

o'clock wow I know right okay that's

like like I almost feel like

self-conscious like admitting that I

take that much time for myself and isn't

that funny that I think that that's not

okay isn't that interesting so yeah are

there tradeoffs that I build in around

that to to make that functional make

that work for my business yes for

example yesterday I was up at 6:00 am

working on a report for a

client okay no big deal like that's the

trade-off that I'm choosing right and as

business owners you get to choose your

trade-offs yeah you get you get to

design your day you get to design your

business you get to design your world

that's part of the really cool thing

about being a business owner so be

careful of the shoulds and the have toos

and the I can'ts that show up because

it's like Is that real or is that just

in my head could I just like break that

rule could I make a new rule my new rule

is I go climbing every Monday

morning I check out and it is one of the


productive three hours of my

week because I come home totally high on

endorphins I'm so excited to do it again

next week

it's productive so find something so

don't don't take three hours out of your

day right now if you're doing nothing

for self-care please don't do that I'm

giving you an extreme example but I am

saying draw a line in the sand so for me

like I've made it's on my calendar and

it's on my work calendar my assistant

that helps me manage my calendar she

sees that and she might be judgmental

about it and that's okay but it's I know

that this helps me show up at my best so

what what is a small thing that you

could start doing that would help you

show up a little better so I'm going to

give you some categories to think about

yeah something that would feel

restful we really suck at resting you

you gave us great example of that right

we traditionally we really suck at

resting and that could be you know not

getting enough sleep that's one piece it


be uh gosh I have a puzzle in my family

room right now that's restful to me to

just like give myself permission to okay

I just finished that meeting with my

coaching staff I'm gonna take five

minutes I'm just gonna go like do this

puzzle like that's restful letting

yourself be okay so and this is

brainstorm stuff that you can be doing

of like what would feel restful the

other piece what would feel

playful that climbing for me is playful

it's play it's a puzzle on the wall that

I get to do with my body and it is so


fun play is productive okay it opens our

minds it clears our thoughts it's so

productive it's so cool so what would be

playful I also really enjoy playing

pickle ball okay I'm going to go hang

out with girlfriends tonight playing

pickle wall do something that's playful

have a dance party in your kitchen when

you're making dinner

tonight you know like plan a fun silly

date with your partner like something

playful okay uh and then like there's

other categories you can play with for

me I feel more myself when I'm learning

something when I'm like

intellectually engaged and excited about

something so I always love having a book

that I'm learning

something you know find out what those

other categories might be for you like

what helps you feel alive what helps you

feel more

yourself right and for me I'm a learner

that's my thing and then I think play

and rest is for everybody everybody

needs that and everybody generally sucks

at it and we all need

especially as grown-ups yeah especially

as grown-ups oh my goodness we take

ourselves way too seriously and and I've

only figured that out maybe about five


ago so it's a process so permission

right and starting

small but then being really if you can

be so rigid about your work like get

rigid about your play like get really

strict about your rest protected um all

of that

we we do all of the amazing things for

our business for our work for our

team take a look at that like observe

yourself and like can you hold a mirror

up and say am I am I giving

myself all of that amazing care because

that's what it is care

respect okay I'm I'm offering that to

others am I offering that to myself

that's another like if you don't like

the word self-care call it self-respect

that is really it it self-respect is

helpful for me because I self-care feels

like it could be a buzzword it's used

all over um it could mean massage like

it could mean all kinds of things that

um and but at the

essence at the end of the day when I was

in that space with my bakery um

self-care ha was the furthest away from

my um ethos because I was in survival um

my cash flow was so

tight um I kept getting Revenue but the

profit was not there uh I was missing

the profit piece I couldn't figure it

out um so I was in a high stress

situation and when people said play to

me I was like what are you talking about

and I see my s it's patterns right so I

see myself doing that even now as I'm

building out this new I have a new

membership model and I'm almost like I'm

starting again another startup um within

my startup and I I notice myself slip

and I know for viewers who maybe like I

was um in my first business you can say

oh yeah self-care whatever or you hear

this idea of play or rest

and it feels like it's for someone else

but the times that I have allowed myself

to rest I'm so surprised at the AHA

moments I have even while resting the

creativity that comes back um even last

week I worked straight through even on

at night I you know I've got um some

life changes that are happening with me

that have made it where my weekends are

really full so I don't have my weekends

to work on my business anymore anym

which is really good but that means that

I pack it all in in the weeks and I just

keep going going going so then the

creativity Falls um I am less productive

I do just what I need to do in order to

make that next thing happen and then I

start to feel that almost burnout so

we're going full circle in our

conversation today but one of the things

that has come up in my um in this

journey as I continue to like kind of

play out what uh this all looks like in

you know a really successful business

seven figure business and being

healthy um one of the things that I see

in my clients and I even see myself in

these moments are that it I feel

restrictive I feel as though I don't

breathe fully

in and fully

out and that breathing piece even just

doing that so when you're saying a baby

step when you're

saying um You Don't Have To Call It

self-care you don't have to call it self

respect you don't have to call it

meditation but just a full breath in and

one full breath out you will be so

surprised how much you don't fully

breathe yeah yeah and yeah the body will


you the body

knows let it talk to you when you try

that and and you feel a constriction

it's like interesting what's that about

let's lean into that let's have a

conversation with ourselves let's check

in what's that

about and then the other really cool

thing that I've discovered this year in

October I had declared that I'm going to

move my body 20 minutes and I call it

movement not exercise yeah uh for me um

exercise is added stress and I already

am a very stressful filled person um and

so for me I had to take the word

exercise out and replace it with

movement so movement for me is 20

minutes it doesn't matter how fast or

how slow I go um movement 20 minutes a

day no matter what and it has it has you

know become something that is running

where I've even ran up to eight miles

recently and so uh those baby steps

build on each other and I think this

kind of leads

into one of my signature questions that

I love to ask my guests and kind of

wrapping this whole thing up can you

recommend any valuable resources books

or workshops that you'd recommend for

those driving for their first

million absolutely yeah especially from

this lens of

valuing that practice of taking care of

yourself uh is a book called

essentialism by Greg McKuen and he

actually has an entire chapter dedicated

to play and an entire chapter dedicated

to rest

and his chapter on rest I believe is

actually titled protect the asset and

guess what the asset

is it's

you yeah it's you so that

is it if those that are listening find

themselves kind of in what you're saying

Amanda of like your past version of of

you where there was a lot of resistance

to this stuff the self-care thing feels


fluffy if you're if you're feeling

resistance to that go check out that

book it is written by a man which I

think is actually amazing because he is

leading the way to this new paradigm

that I want to be a part of which is

more welcoming of the fact that we are


beings and we happen to have these

businesses and this work and these lives

that yes require structure and they

require work and they require discipline

and they require all these things and

and we're human we have hearts we have

Spirit we have energy we have lives we


relationships we have stories and Trauma

like we get to show up with all of it so

it's a fantastic book it's not woow woo

it's not out there it's actually very

mainstream in a way that's like so cool

to give people that are in that

mainstream mindset permission

and reasons it very much appeals to The

Logical brain to say you better take

care of

yourself I have not read that one so I'm

really excited to have that as a part of

my to-do list for reading um are there

any other tools and resources that you

want to share the other one that I could

share but I I hope that you'll all read

essentialism first the other one that I

could share is a book by

oh Gary Keller is his name it's called

the one

thing in that book he frames up a

question I this is what coaches do we we

we ask questions this is what a good

coach does so I really really like the

question he frames his entire book

around he calls it um the clarifying

question and let me see if I can

remember it what is the one

thing I can

do that will make all other things

easier or

unnecessary that's the question Isn't

that cool that's it it's a way of

helping you in and in the book he kind

of says it kind of helps you line up


dominoes right

we as busy entrepreneur

people our to-do lists are so long like

they they regularly overwhelm me my

to-do lists and if I can ask that

clarifying question then I know what the

first thing is that needs to that needs

my attention and that's so useful

because we always we always have a

mountain of things that we could do or

that we should do and if we can just cut

the overwhelm for a moment and just

focus in on that first Domino and treat

it like it is the only thing in the

universe focus on that one thing then

the other dominoes will fall more easily

some of them might not even be necessary

anymore if you do that one thing and let

me tell you your self-care

practices could be that one thing right

like what what you were saying of when

you take that time you notice your

creativity coming back whoa okay by

doing that one thing you made future

things easier because your creative

energy has been opened up

so I I call it a backdoor approach like

do not underestimate the

the the power of finding seemingly

unrelated things that make Domino's fall

easier and that book is a great place to

explore that idea the one thing and that

that question that you ask

yourself is so fundamental because of I

love that you alluded to and what I

heard you say is to do list plural to-do

list our to-do list have to-do list and

we can feel like that list is really

long but when you strip it down to that

asking that one thing that that one

thing that if everything that makes

everything else either easier or


disappear that is a it it is amazing to

look at a to-do list and see you can see

that one thing that that first Domino I

talk about it all the time with my folks

so I love that you brought up the one

thing one of the essential items that we

need or valuable resources for our

companies to hit that million-- dooll

business and Beyond um an essentialism I

can't wait to read it it's a new one for

me I love that you brought that to my

attention protecting the asset um I'm

going to uh put together some of these

resources for everyone and get the links

there in the description uh here in a

little bit after we get done but for

first I want to thank you Danielle for

being here and sharing your insights

with me that is it was super helpful to

go from um you know something that can

be so easy like a word like self-care

and can kind of feel wooy to um

something that's tangible so absolutely

is there any last words that you want to

give to our viewers before we head

out yeah I think just to to tie it all

together when you talk about the to-do


plural that is not the purpose of being

on this

planet oh wow it's not like really do we

get to the end of our day our month our

year do we get to the end of our

life and feel good about ourselves

because we checked a million million

million millions of

boxes I don't think so so I you know I

think it just we need some perspective

and as I Was preparing for our

conversation today I wrote this

down success without

well-being really isn't

success I think we get so fixated and we

I absolutely include myself in this and

I'm I'm still in my process of like kind

of peeling back the layers on

this success for the sake of success is

like pretty Hollow pretty empty so you

might step back and think like why do I

even do what I do why am I even building

the business I'm building and you might

you might say well I'm in

survival because that that's what you

shared and we you know yeah it's how

we're putting food on the

table if we can get Beyond Survival if

we can get to with your help I love the

amazing things that you're doing for

your folks of really hashing out how to

build a business that's actually

profitable if we can get past survival

into thriving

businesses then

what what are you going to do with that

what do you what do you really want what

is actually really important to you and

those are really confronting questions

that most people don't think that they

will ever get to ask themselves but if

you get help in your business or in your

life to get out of survival mode and

once we like get our head above water

it's amazing

how clarifying that can be of like whoa

I was chasing success for the sake of

success but now that I have it now what

do I

want and that's for me when it comes

down to it I I want to be well

physically mentally emotionally socially

I want to be well all of these ways so

that I can just do good for the people

in my business people in my family

people in my community for myself like

you got to you got to

clarify why you're doing what you're

doing and where are you going and if you

had everything if everything was done

then what and then can you can you

design a life that actually feels good


actually is fulfilling and feels

purposeful to you um and rest in play is

a part of that connection is a part of

that collaboration service those are

parts of that that those are the that's

the stuff of Being Human and I I think

we just need more Humanity in our

businesses and in our relationship with

work and it starts with this funny

little thing called self-care it's a

it's a place to start so maybe that's

that's what I'll leave you with of kind

of wrapping that all together but I

appreciate you opening up this

conversation Amanda because it needs to

happen and we need we need more people

like you that that are willing to yes

talk about the nitty-gritty details and

the and the mechanics and like all of

these busy things and to also talk about

the humanity and the heart and the soul

of of Being Human so thank you so much

yeah and that survival mode to Freedom

the Financial Freedom piece I love how

you just wrap that all together um

because you know that's where I go with

folks is when we're in survival mode we

just survive um but our goals are always

to get to a place of Freedom it tends to

be as business owners whether or not we

got into business because we're really

good at our jobs and we wanted to build

something for ourselves or we saw a

problem in the marketplace and wanted to

build something brand new or we're

manufacturing a new product underneath

all of that is still this idea that

Financial Freedom comes from owning a

business and when we get into business

is when we find out that we get

distracted that there's so much chaos we

don't know what to do so um it's with

those options when we get to the

financial piece of having Financial

wellness and it's not the million it

doesn't have to be Financial Freedom is

um you know that profit that's enough

where you can pay your bills that gives

you options and the options are Can you

hire someone can we have a better life

and I dare to say that if we can take

care of

ourselves in the way that we talked

about if I could go back to where I was

and put into play some of these even

simple things as breathing and um that

conversation that we talked about in our

heads um and listening to what's going

on in our heads and either letting that

conversation either go or having that be

oh that's my intuition that's bringing

me pushing me towards something and

listening truly listening to that um

that I would have a different life now

but I dare to say what I'm trying to get

at is that we would have a different

world and a healthier World means that

we have healthier kids with healthier

kids we have a better economy we have

families that are together so that's I

mean it's such a big conversation and so

great to you know just dip our toe in it

just a little bit um and you know you

alluded to it Danielle of that we're

peeling back the layers we're not done

so Danielle's coming here as a wonderful

coach giving you experiences that she's

had so far but and I have my coaches my

Consultants my advisor my mentor I have

four people that are of you know that

can see um outside what I can't see um

we're not done I'm not done so you have

to settle in as business owners we have

to kind of settle in into this

uncomfortable peeling back um the layers

of what it means to get there absolutely

getting there being like having our

successful business whatever that means

to you absolutely oh my gosh thank you

so much for all of these insights

Danielle I feel like we could keep going


another hour or more but we'll let our

team or let our viewers soak in what we

have please um thank you again Danielle

for being here and um thank you so much

for these insights we'll have the links

to the resources in the video

description here shortly and please

remember to subscribe and hit that

notification button so you stay in the

loop for the next episode of her first

million until next time here's to your

success we'll see you





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