Artwork for podcast Performance Mindset - Fueling Success in Commercial Real Estate and Leadership
Leveraging Home Systems to Thrive in Business and Life with Kelly Hubbell
Episode 7529th January 2025 • Performance Mindset - Fueling Success in Commercial Real Estate and Leadership • Amy Calandrino - Commercial Real Estate & Leadership
00:00:00 00:34:05

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In this episode of the Performance Mindset podcast, Amy welcomes Kelly Hubbell, owner of My Sage Haus. Sage Haus helps families create a more intentional, impactful existence by bringing in more help and reducing the shame that comes with that. Amy has been hiring help at home for years, but recently, she needed to realign it, and she used Kelly’s resources to help structure what that would look like after discovering Kelly on Instagram.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. The story behind the founding of Kelly Hubbell’s company, Sage Haus.
  2. Applying business principles to your home life.
  3. How a lack of family nearby requires creative solutions like hiring a house manager.
  4. The shame women often feel when they ask for help outside their households.
  5. Freeing up your time for essential moments versus spending your free time managing a household.
  6. The flexibility a house manager’s role can have while being well-defined.
  7. When Kelly hosts her cohorts and what they consist of.
  8. Finding the right fit for your family and letting go of anyone who isn’t a fit.
  9. Involving your partner in the family calendar.

Connect with Amy Calandrino here:

Beyond Commercial

Amy Calandrino

Connect with Kelly Hubbell:

My Sage Haus

A Complete Guide to Partner Collaboration





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