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212: Crazy Stories
29th June 2019 • Change Your Story, Change Your Life • Louis Di Bianco
00:00:00 00:25:29

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You’re probably familiar with the idea of self talk. Maybe, you’re too familiar with it. You just assume you know what it is, so you take it for granted.

You understand self talk in your head. But, you don’t pay close attention to it in your daily life. Don’t worry. You are not alone.

This episode looks closely at the real power of self talk to enrich your life, or to destroy it. When self talk happens automatically and is not monitored it can create crazy stories.

Crazy stories are vivid narratives that sometimes lead to horrible actions. In this episode, we explore the self talk that triggers  the violent actions of young school shooters.

When a human being loses it, goes ballistic, and explodes into a murderous rampage that ends the lives of many people, we are usually at a loss to explain the killer’s motives and actions.

We distance ourselves from the horror by labelling the person crazy. It makes us feel safe. We are sane, and the killer is crazy. It seems to put us in different worlds that are far apart. That’s just a coping mechanism. A story we create to protect our world and our identity.

Crazy stories in the minds of young school shooters are usually about deep unresolved feelings of insignificance. When people feel insignificant, they view the world as a very lonely, dark, and hostile place. Their self talk creates vivid painful stories that make their distorted view of life seem very real and unchangeable.

When the pain becomes too intense, people sometimes explode into violence to feel powerful, to be seen, heard, talked about, and remembered.

You and I all have some negative self talk that portrays us as smaller and less significant than we really are. It’s important to acknowledge that self talk and transform it.

You will find a powerful resource in this episode for developing a healthy empowering self image. That resource is called, The Ways of the Wizard, twenty life affirming and life transforming declarations that you can use daily to attract more of what you want into your life.


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