Delivering the news as of 6th June, 2022. Today's transfer includes Sony's State of Play announcements rundown, EA's Pride Month statement after disgruntling its staff, Epic Executive unsure if people care about the Metaverse, pay as much as $110K for lootboxes in Diablo Immortal, Prince of Persia Remake pushed again, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: Sony’s State of Play run-down
Story 2: Epic Exec says people have lost interest in the metaverse
Story 3: Prince of Persia Remake is no longer coming in 2023
Story 4: GPU prices dropping further as demand decreases
Story 5: EA issues Pride Month statement after staffers disgruntled from “rainbow washing” attempt
Story 6: Rare Employee caught achievement-hunting in unreleased Goldeneye 007
Story 7: Diablo Immortal character completion could mean spending $110K on lootboxes
***Push-up Challenge: support me while I do push-ups for charity! Click here to donate and support Lifeline Australia and mental health support services.
The Push-Up Challenge - Matthew Bliss (
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