Artwork for podcast The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers
e108: Aliwawa?
22nd February 2019 • The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers • Jordan Marr
00:00:00 00:35:31

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In which your host tells you all about his experiences sourcing certain farm equipment using Alibaba, the massive, China-based gathering place for buyers and manufacturers. He'll take you through all the steps, from confusion to suspicion to curiousity to impulsivity, before cruising through anxiety and ending up at ambivalent satisfaction. 

Plenty of tips in here! All the Alibaba tips!

The specific supplier mentioned in this episode is Shijiazhuang Daoliangmou Trade Co., and my contact there is Ada Guo.

Show sponsors: BCS America and Dubois Agrinovation




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