How long should live videos be? Some platforms recommend that you stream for at least 20 minutes, others say 1 to 3 minutes. What is an ideal length for your live videos? On this episode, Christian Karasiewicz and Jim Fuhs discuss tips for better live video broadcasts.
If you start with the end in mind, it will help you….
While some platforms let you stream for hours at a time, will your audience stay interested?
There are a lot of factors that go into determining how long your live videos should be.
- What is the purpose of your live stream?
- Are these tips, interviews?
- Is it a live webinar?
- How much preparation time do you need to produce your live stream?
- Is the time you have to put into preparing worth the end result of the live stream?
- Who is your audience?
- What platform are they on?
- If the audience is on Instagram, you have to use mobile (Instagram Live)
- When are you going to be streaming?
- A schedule and consistency are important
- Pop-up lives can be effective
- Breaking news big changes
- The value is in the replay
- Never find time that works for everyone
5 ways to figure out how long your live videos should be
- Review your analytics
- YouTube analytics in Creator Studio
- Average watch time, average view duration
- Where do viewers drop off?
- A/B testing
- Test different lengths. (5 minutes versus 10-15 minutes)
- Look at successful live streams that you admire. How long are their shows.
- But don’t compare yourself to them.
- Compare platforms
- Platform audience Psychology
- People have different behaviors on different platforms.
- Facebook vs YouTube
- Quick updates vs more in-depth content
- Audience
- Where does your audience spend most of their time?
- Where do they prefer to consume video?
Thank you for joining us for episode 25 of the Launch Your Live podcast where we discussed how long your live videos should be.
For more information, head to . We will see you all on a future episode.
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