Are you proud of who you are ?
Do you soak in life and all it has to offer ?
Are you a happy and light person or do happy people trigger the shit out of you
Do YOU get super annoyed and irritated by soft spokenness and compliments ?
Well well .. lets have a look at it and what the causes may be.
with love and respect
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Hello, hello and welcome to the Borealis
Unknown:experience. I'm your host Aurora, and I'm very happy to be
Unknown:spending some time with you today. It is a strange day. It
Unknown:is a day without WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. I don't
Unknown:know if everybody is being affected by this. But I'm being
Unknown:affected by it. And my people around me here in Canada, so
Unknown:yeah, very interesting to see how dependent we are on social
Unknown:media, or to see on how active we are. Right? We connect with
Unknown:most of my people through WhatsApp and Facebook. And yeah,
Unknown:today is a day of silence and reflection. Yet I thought, I'm,
Unknown:of course not going to hold back and send out an episode for you
Unknown:on this beautiful day. I hope you're doing well. I hope life
Unknown:is flowing smoothly for you in the direction that you want. And
Unknown:if it is not, if you feel stuck, if you're frustrated, if you
Unknown:feel unhappy, then I hope I can bring you peace and hope and
Unknown:resolution maybe. Today I want to talk about regrets and how we
Unknown:can move on from feeling guilt and shame and regrets. Couple of
Unknown:weeks ago, dear listener of mine mentioned that one of my videos
Unknown:really lifted him up and helped him not because he lives in a
Unknown:lot of regret and pain. The person that he dearly loves
Unknown:past, and he regrets not being there enough for that person on
Unknown:that last couple of days. And it's an incredible pain that I
Unknown:could feel from my dear listener there and I kind of wanted to
Unknown:come up with with a good episode to send out there for him but
Unknown:also for all you others because of you sometimes we all feel
Unknown:regret, something triggers us a memory comes up, a person steps
Unknown:back into our lives, or we read something we watch a movie,
Unknown:whatever it is it can trigger regrets, and how can we then
Unknown:stop ruminating so much and self punishing, and start forgiving
Unknown:ourselves moving on. And knowing that, at that time, we didn't
Unknown:know better. At that time, we did our best. We didn't wake up
Unknown:in the morning and decided to be a shitty person. We didn't
Unknown:decide to neglect we didn't decide to hurt, we didn't decide
Unknown:to do something that we will regret further down the road. So
Unknown:the first thing that I want to mention here is that we need to
Unknown:forgive ourselves we need to know that it is okay how it is
Unknown:even though it is uncomfortable as fuck. It is okay how it is
Unknown:and we're gonna do better in the present and in the future. This
Unknown:is the only part of your life that you can truly influence
Unknown:your present. And talking about the present. alumnus slightly.
Unknown:Quickly slide I mean into presence. The more presence we
Unknown:give to our daily activities to our work to the people we love,
Unknown:the less likely we will end up regretting stuff in the future.
Unknown:So if this is one thing that we learn from regret, is that maybe
Unknown:we can be a little bit more present and the future Not only
Unknown:to, like, give people more attention, to listen better to
Unknown:them, to connect better with them, but also to protect
Unknown:ourselves, the more you are present, the more you learn to
Unknown:read other people, the less missteps you're going to have,
Unknown:when you make an important decision, like a choice of your
Unknown:partner, your lover,
Unknown:your boss, your co workers, the better you know yourself better
Unknown:decision decisions you will make in the future. This is my little
Unknown:quote that I love to throw out here and there, if you know me
Unknown:already, but the more present you are with your environment,
Unknown:the more you will be able to tune into it. And the more you
Unknown:will see if it is suitable for you, or if it is not. So from
Unknown:that standpoint, you can make way better decisions for
Unknown:yourself and others that are being affected, without
Unknown:regretting as much in the future. Now, if you regret not
Unknown:being present enough with a person who has passed, then it
Unknown:is really painful place to be I understand because you cannot
Unknown:call that person bad, he cannot apologize. And you feel like
Unknown:there's no closure. But you have to permit closure, you have to
Unknown:allow yourself to find peace. You know, oftentimes, when we
Unknown:feel we feel we have to punish ourselves, maybe even for the
Unknown:rest of our lives. We don't do it consciously. But
Unknown:subconsciously, we dim our light. When we, for instance,
Unknown:hurt a loved one in the past and hasn't really forgiven ourselves
Unknown:very well be that you don't allow yourself to be open and
Unknown:fully, like vulnerable with a new person, person that has
Unknown:nothing to do with your past. And you will not allow them to
Unknown:be loving with you. Because you feel you're not deserving
Unknown:because of that one thing that you've done in the past and that
Unknown:you're not forgiving yourself. So what this means is that
Unknown:you're preventing yourself from a truly juicy life. And this can
Unknown:be a start of a intense depression. Because you lock
Unknown:yourself up from the good of life, you are dimming your
Unknown:light, because you're not forgiving yourself. You don't
Unknown:allow yourself to see the good memories you don't allow
Unknown:yourself to be forgiven by the other person and by yourself.
Unknown:And so you dim your light and you kind of walk around with
Unknown:this dim light and people don't really know who you are what you
Unknown:stand for. They treat you like they think they can treat you
Unknown:and you don't really set boundaries because you're not
Unknown:deserving of good treatment and good boundaries. Can you know
Unknown:unless the wind was getting a little bit too intense here? Can
Unknown:you see how this might apply to your life or maybe to life of a
Unknown:loved one. It is last year that I reconciled with three people
Unknown:in my life. And I could have bet my right hand that these people
Unknown:don't want to talk to me anymore. That these people if I
Unknown:contacted them they would have approached me with resentment
Unknown:and anger, sadness, frustration. And I just decided to do it
Unknown:anyways. To my huge surprise these people, all three of them,
Unknown:approached me with an attitude of forgiveness, of hatred, let's
Unknown:move on together. Let's be in each other's life again. I'm so
Unknown:grateful that I do didn't waste more time to reach out and
Unknown:contact and to see what's going on in their life.
Unknown:I'm so grateful that I am in contact again. Now think about
Unknown:all those nights that I was crying and wasting energy on
Unknown:regretting and hating myself. being mad at myself, not
Unknown:allowing myself to see that I'm a good person. Because of these
Unknown:three people, not forgiving me, and they actually had forgiven
Unknown:me. I just couldn't believe that I could be forgiven. It is your
Unknown:birthright, to live at peace, and to live a juicy life. It is
Unknown:your decision to reach out for help, to apologize to forgive
Unknown:yourself. And to then move on. Don't waste time on what has
Unknown:been an things that you can change anymore. Focus on what
Unknown:you can do better now. Life is not about not making mistakes.
Unknown:being perfect, it is not about perfection. It is about making
Unknown:mistakes, and then learning and then moving on. And then
Unknown:applying what we have learned to a similar situation that we will
Unknown:encounter in the future. be kinder to yourself, forgive
Unknown:yourself, just as much as you forgive others. It is important
Unknown:that we see you that you shine your light brightly. Because
Unknown:otherwise, you're facing depression, you're facing a
Unknown:mediocre life. And you're deserving of so much more. Thank
Unknown:you so much for listening to this episode here today. It is
Unknown:very dear to my heart to provide you with tools with shortcuts,
Unknown:to reach a more content life, and to waste less time on stuff
Unknown:that we can change anymore. And to invest time in ourselves and
Unknown:feeling good and better with ourselves. And in doing so,
Unknown:making better decisions and the future for ourselves and the
Unknown:people that we affect around us. If you're new to this podcast,
Unknown:welcome, warm welcome. I'm so happy to have you here. Make
Unknown:sure to subscribe and add me on Facebook. I'd love to hear your
Unknown:comments, your thoughts and get to know you on a deeper level.
Unknown:And if you are an old loyal listener, know how much I
Unknown:appreciate you know that you are incredible. And without you I
Unknown:wouldn't be here. So thank you so much for being there and for
Unknown:supporting me for learning with me for walking this path with
Unknown:me. I know my stuff can be very triggering and then comfortable
Unknown:at times and I just have huge respect for you. And yeah, to
Unknown:all of you take really good care of yourselves and I will be out
Unknown:there very soon again on Thursday. Until then, drink lots
Unknown:of water. Go walk in nature. Be kind to yourself. Connect deeply
Unknown:with people that do that.