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Listening To Spirit
Episode 118th March 2023 • Find Your Joy • Alison Perry-Davies
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Dr. Ida Greene and Ali talk about physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, self-love, and how to learn to listen to Spirit.

About the Guest:  

Dr. Ida holds a PhD. and is an Intuitive Coach, RN, Licensed Marriage, Family, Child Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Energetic Healing & Balance. She combines her many years of training, skills & talents to support you. Dr. Ida offers customized personal coaching programs to fit your unique needs.

Journey To Self-Love provides guidance on self-acceptance, confidence & people skills taught via personalized coaching, seminars, and workshops. Our goal is to help you move through the barriers that keep you from being your best in personal & professional success. Dr. Ida Greene's personalized coaching and training teaches you how to get out of your own way to reach your personal & professional best.

Schedule Your Complimentary Journey to Self-Love Strategy Session at

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About the Host:

Alison Perry-Davies (Ali) is intentional about Finding Joy in her life

Sustaining a brain injury, being diagnosed with PTSD and raising a daughter with a variety of challenges, Ali decided there had to be more to life than what she was experiencing and began her journey to find more joy.

Ali’s belief is that wherever we come from, we have all known some level of pain, loss, and trauma, these things do not need to define us. She doesn’t ignore that these things have happened; however, she decided this is not the way her story ends. Using integrated creative therapies along with sound and vibrational therapies she continues to explore and share complimentary healing modalities.

Ali is a recent winner of the WOW Woman of Worth 2023 award for "Community Spirit" sponsored by Global TV

Ali hosts the podcast, Find Your Joy. She is also a co-author in 2 WOW (Woman Of Worth) Books as well as a Family Tree series book on Mother Son relationships. She went on to write her own book,

 “The Art of Healing Trauma; Finding Joy through Creativity, Spirituality and Forgiveness” which went to number one best seller in seven categories on Amazon. 

A motivational speaker, singer/songwriter, poet, blogger, and author, Ali also shares her thoughts and ideas through her blog and website at

Ali continues to use humour and compassion to invite, inspire and encourage others to Find Their Joy.


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No sleep. Let it sweep you off your feet.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Hi, you're listening to find your joy. If you're looking for ways to thrive rather than survive in a world that can seem rather chaotic, you're in the right place. We will be sharing stories of our own as well as those from guests who have found ways to bring hope, healing and freedom into places where trauma has impacted them. I'm Ali, author of the art of healing trauma, and I'm here to remind you that life is sweet. Now, let's dive in and find ways to create our joy. Well, hi everybody, this is Ali from find your joy. I am so thrilled and excited to finally be getting to spend some time with the amazing Dr. Ida Greene. Dr. Ida Greene. She is a soul whisperer she does soul readings, Akashic Records, a marriage and family therapist, Intuitive Life Coach clairvoyant channels, she channels messages from God and the angels and just so many beautiful things a minister, we could spend an hour with me just talking about a tiny bit of the things that you do in your beautiful life and your serve. You're serving so many people with so much love. Welcome.

Dr. Ida Greene:

Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh, so so happy to have you here. So I I've got to ask that your list of things that you do it that did not come overnight. That is a long, long process that is a trail that that could we could go on for a very long time to find out. But if you could just briefly give us an idea about what you do, and how you how you came to be this incredible person that you are.

Dr. Ida Greene:

Okay, thank you. I call spiritual women to use the energy PS and business and sales to find sales clients cash flow, and have fun. Now how I started on this journey was I really got married to a man. And I was not listening to my inner guys my intuition and ended up marrying someone who was physically emotionally abusive. And I had to figure out how to get out of that relationship that really started me on my in my journey, because I thought it this at the time I was a net registered nurse, I had my bachelor's in counseling, my bandmate. And I had, I was working on my licensed marriage and family counseling, I thought if this event this education can happen to me, it could happen to anyone, right? I started teaching self esteem, self love, I lost all my confidence for who I was, I gave up my own identity to be in love. One today, so I paid a price for that. But I use that experience to learn how to help myself and help others because I just realized that we don't have to give up who we are to be loved. I learned that out loud. I found that out later. So I started on this journey of helping other people look into the inner guy, look at their self esteem, their self worth, and really started writing I wrote 22 books, you know, as oh my gosh, I just started on a journey of developing myself and happiness. And as I started listening more to my inner guidance, then I became more aware. And now I'm teaching other people I have a class now to teach people how to awaken their inner guidance. And I have the ability to ignite and reignite the inner guidance. So I have a class right now that I'm teaching and I just started doing the soul readings. And this is awesome.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh my gosh.


Tell people where they are and their life, what's the next step they need to go to? And where what is blocking them from getting to where they need to be. So it's just ordinary people. I mean, really, I'm just so delighted to have them and bring everyone into this fold because everyone has inner guidance. They had the wisdom, but we don't know what we don't recognize it. And like me, I ignored it. It was telling me things and I didn't listen to it. Right. Let me stop eating sugar so your intuition get get better. And I love chick. I'm just gonna keep eating. Went up to set by 100 I gave it up. So now God has picked us up whenever I eat sugar. My stomach hurts. But I had to listen. I had to start listening to the garden. And now I'm closely listening. Every word every day that comes to me comes from the Holy Spirit. It just ah beautifying words of wisdom. So I really invite people to take time to listen to Anna goddess First, I have to recognize that people dismiss it. Feeling the instinct that everything is sixes is whatever it is, there's only one energy source in the universe. And that's divine energy of God. And you can just ignore that. So I've ignored it. But I've learned not to listen, I'm listening closely every second of the day.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh, that's beautiful. And I love what you said, you're learning things like even what you put into your body can impact how we're able to hear I know that for from my own life, you know, I said, when I was younger, then we used to do all kinds of crazy things party and whatever. Nowadays, I eat a chocolate bar and I wake up the next morning, and you think I drink a 26 or a tequila I'm so out of it is like, horrible, it's like, but as we clean up our system, and part of it is aging or something I personally recognize, I don't hear as clearly in my own life, or make a sound of decisions. When I'm putting things in my body that my body has to fight to get through. It's like a cloud, right? I'm just this constant cloud. That's amazing. So you started how wonderful like you said, you already had a nursing degree and a bachelor's degree in counseling. So you are already there, when you started. So that's an incredible, what would I want to call that? A diving board, you know that you got to bound off of that to go towards all of the other things. So what's sort of the spiritual side of it for you, because there's such a strong spiritual component for you.


It is my mother. We didn't call them my mother was psychic. My sister was clairvoyant, but they didn't talk about that. I just knew that there was a spirit, spiritual part of me. But I was educated at night dad wanted me to have education, now's his driving force. And so I just followed my dad's leaning. And when he died, then I started following my mother's meaning that intuitive stuff, it was there on the time, when I was paying attention to it, because I was into this education. Once I found that looking, setting, again, all the education I needed, then I really went to a spiritual path. So it took me going from where I my dominant traits were to go into the place that God wanted me to go with the goddess, I really had to start trusting and having faith and because I thought, Who would I become? What's gonna happen to me, I'm gonna become something different, really, to us. So the biggest lesson me just to trust, and because whenever I get asked to speak, God would change the words I put on the pavement. Oh, my God. Listen to what I was saying. Because these words were coming through me not in me. Yeah,

Ali Perry-Davies:

I know exactly what you mean when you're writing. And then you have to stop and read it. Because you're not even sure what you just put on because the spirit is just moving your whatever people want to call it intuition, the spirit or however it works. There is a time when we're moving in something. And it's, we're not we're just participating.


Absolutely. I right now, just lay use my body and keep me clean. And I mind cleaning my body clean and deathless spirit take over. Let God take over.

Ali Perry-Davies:

That's beautiful. That's beautiful. So in your you were saying that you you are doing a course right now you're teaching of course now is that an online course is that it's when people do that around the world to join you. How does that work?


When they can right now, since I just started in San Diego, I start doing these. So be they invited people into my seven week class that I'm taking right now on awakening and guidance. But I'm starting another class the first of the month, first of April. So me at www, calendar PCle and for slash got it green force last 30 minutes. Okay, then what reading is 15 minutes, you know, not really that add the $97. But the one that cost? The soul read is $97. But the one during the class, they probably have 30 minutes to talk to me about what they need. You know what? Asking a question about the class, but rather, is just chatting about God is $97. Okay, and my phone number in case they can't get to me on camera B is 619-262-9951.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Awesome. Well, what we will be doing is at the end of the broadcast, when I post this, I'll have all your information, and I'll make sure that everyone is able to get in touch with you that way. I was going to ask. So for me. The whole reason that I started this podcast was to show people all the different ways that people find their joy. I wrote it What am i Well, I've done a few books but my book The Art of healing trauma was about I'm kind of coming from a very dark place, and how I found joy in the midst of all of that how there was, it wasn't, it's not an easy path, as you know, you've come out of an abusive relationship, but going towards that joy. And so what I'm always looking for is ways for the listeners to say, wherever they're at whether they are in a position where like you, they already had a few degrees under their belt. And that might seem like it's an easier road. And there might be some easier things. But it's really about how do I get from where I am right now to finding my joy? And so what did that look like for you?


Well, from every anyone, I really recommend taking 10 to 20 minutes every day, just spirit to practice. For me my spiritual practices, daily Word, the Bible, other spiritual literature, that's gonna motivate me, but they can do and then I take 20 minutes twice a day, to just be still and listen and see what spirit has is telling me a lot of ideas. Also, Spirit speaks to me at nighttime. So between three and four o'clock spirit is talking. Beautiful, beautiful lady, so that can get those messages. But there's a time but usually, the spirit spirit is really active between three, two and four o'clock in the morning, if you ever want to, you know, tap into that. But if you're not, can't get up at night, to do that, then take time, everyday take time, 10 minutes to 20 minutes, just sit still be still and certainly happy eventually hear a voice telling you. I'm here, whatever you hear. Yes. And this voice is very soft, very distinct. So you have to be quiet, and your mind, but a lot of thoughts going through your mind. Right, right, like a thought. But they're gonna maybe just one thought that can guide you through the day. And then you want to be in gratitude. Before you start your meditation, your being gratitude after you Thanks. And thank you, spirit source, God, whatever you want to call that. But just visit and make a date, the more thankful the more gratitude we are, the more shows up. And the more it speaks louder and more intently.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Right? That's beautiful. And I love that how you It's so open the way that you say the open invitation. Because sometimes people I think can be nervous to even reach out to like you said, Spirit, God, universe, whatever someone might call it. And like you, I like to think if I can just steal myself. And that's not easy for someone like me, someone like most people I know. It's me. Fast and Furious. The thoughts are coming. I'm okay with that. That's okay. That's okay. I just wait. And I just invite, and in any way that spirit wants to say, I'm here, and there's a multitude of ways, what are some of the ways that that you feel like you're in especially in the early days? What are the some of the ways that you felt you were connecting with spirit?


What I found is that I was always being guided being told things. The more I start listening, like, go this direction, go that direction. I found that when I wasn't following that intuition and the guidance, and it's a traffic jam or whatever. So after I started listening to this, it got a divorce and problem. So the more I saw this, the easier My life became because it's just really simple thing is finding a parking space. I was the one call me just really being on a podcast like I was on a podcast the other day, the least How'd you find me, I sat down to my inner guidance you just let me tell you, it's

Ali Perry-Davies:

just beautiful. I love that


Pina diamond give me every day to God wants me to know that I can take care of me, I could just talk to my son, I'm employed by God. I could do whatever I want. And he sends me commerce, he sends me money. I will send $5,000 in credit card debt. He let me find a way to pay that off. Not so used thing you know, but I just really, and I never have to pick up the phone and call my clients, my phone rings and people call me. But the more you trust that source in that spirit to take care of you, the more it will take care of you but you have to have faith, trust and rely on to Matthew, that's what I had. The challenge is really doubting that God's gonna take care of me to know you let me know every day. I thought opinion, these opinions everyday sub use a

Ali Perry-Davies:

little reminder. That isn't wonderful, just a little reminder and what, and what's interesting when you're talking about it earlier that, you know, God had told you something, I found that interesting because what you're describing is, for someone who is maybe thinking it's going to be a burning bush moment or parting the seas moment that it can be as simple as you just get a feeling about something. And it's listening to those little feelings, and it's an a whisper. And then it becomes a little bit louder and a little bit louder. And the more we connect to it, the more we become, oh, my goodness, like I've had, I'll tell you, I had an experience once I was driving up a hill, and there was a blind spot because the hill was so steep, it's does Hill and Coquitlam. And on the backside of it, it has this little dip down that it goes and you can't see anything. So I was driving up that road one day, and all of a sudden, I heard swerve, and I didn't even know like I almost heard it outside of my head, and I swerved. Why did I do that? I just listened and coming down on my side, but I couldn't see it because of the blind spot. Someone was driving on the wrong side of the road, just bombing down there so fast, would have crashed into me. But that's the type of thing when people are asking. I think that is maybe what you're talking about. Is that does that sound right?


Yeah, it will. We have, we have 12 Angels with us all the time. And we also have spirit guides, but angels will not let anything let us go before our time, they will do something to get us out of the ways. So we want to live that we signed a contract before we came, what we want to do, and we see all these problems we want to work through, we signed up for that, but see the soul meet they have some problems I can PowerShell solely like a diamond without to evolve. So we have to be thankful for problem because that's how I sold me Bob didn't need the weapon up. So getting the polish.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Well, that is eautiful that I liked that shining light shine bright like a diamond. I mean, is. So that was a really good because


once you go through it, I have gone through like 20 lifetimes in this lifetime, you tend to go into some and get on the other side. I had a mini stroke. And I was able to keep talking and perform. No one knew me. God just kind of got me through that had several accidents. And God got back five and God got me through those things. My God, how are you? So it's just all kinds of thing. You plus I had a business firm that stole half million dollars from me. So I just got through all those things. I had a nonprofit, NATO, a $1,000 for me. So I've been through some stuff, but I don't come by stones, I finished it. But after it's over just got come week that you pass the test. You don't know when you go when you have some rough time you go into a test. Once you get another side, you say oh my god, that was a rough ride. But that's the test you pass. So be glad and thankful for problem. Because that's how you solely evolved and get to the next level, we have to have some time to pause. So when I was younger, I heard this phrase into his life, some rain will fall, some days will be dark and dreary. And I was kinda I was prepared for life. Because God can promise us the Rose Garden we're here to evolve and to grow, to become more likely divine. And the only way you can do that is to go through some luck when Jesus went to. So we have not been that far.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Right, we're gonna go through some things. And I love that, because that's what it's about. It's it's when all these things are happening. And you've, you know, been through some really tough things. And, and I know that listeners are listening right now and they're thinking, Yeah, but you don't know. And we're just suggesting, stay grateful. Find the joy. There's always a place in the midst of anything that's happening, if we can just stay focused on getting to the part where the where the joy is finding what brings us joy, right in the midst of a very difficult time. I love it. Well, let me say amazing.


My first husband was schizophrenic. My second husband was bipolar and alcoholic had been in prison. I didn't know any of this stuff. But I'm, I'm past it now. But I went through that I wasn't like 25 years old. I thought How did I get my stuff and get this to get here and horses and throwing food around in the room and you're? I'm scared to death. Yeah. Wow. I've evolved.

Ali Perry-Davies:

You have and look at you now. You're it's beautiful. I am so sad that our time is coming to an end and I am so grateful for just even a smidgen of your time because You're such an amazing human being. And I am so grateful. So as we're signing out, I'm just going to invite all the listeners that when this was posted this podcast and all the all the information to get a hold of Dr. Ida Green will be at the bottom of the podcast, you'll be able to find her. And is there anything that you would like to say to these fabulous people? Before we say our goodbyes to


those that would like to tell them increase their faith more trusted? Stop doubting, stop guessing, and stop wanting to know all the answers. You don't want to know everything. Just allow and be in the moment and allow spirit to take home.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh my gosh, that's so beautiful. Thank you so much. Well, everyone, this is Ali, and I'm signing off for find your joy. Thank you so much for being a part of this. And please do contact Dr. Ida Green. She has so much to offer. Thank you so much again for being here. Bob. I'm with you next time

Ali Perry-Davies:

thanks so much for joining me today. If you found a piece of your joy in this episode, I would love to hear about what came up for you so that we can continue to grow the impact of this show. Thanks again. See you soon and remember find your joy




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