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Marti Hinckley - Holistic Healing through Culinary Wisdom
Episode 25211th March 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this wholesome episode, a cooking coach Marti Hinckley, shares her transformative health journey. The conversation emphasizes the profound impact of nutrition, culminating in Marti's healing journey and the benefits of Purium's cherry juice nightcap.

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Hi and welcome to the.


You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us one of my dear friends from.


We were just talking about this before we got on here.


I think it's been like 10 years that I've known Marti, we've actually slept.


Together. But we'll tell you about that later.


So welcome to the show, Marti.


It is so great to have you here.


Thank you. Thank you, Jill, for having me. I'm excited to be here.


So Marti is.


A cooking coach and she has kind of a different flair for it, so I'm going to let her tell you her story and then how she got into what it is that she's doing now. So tell us your story, Marti.


And then we'll tell everybody how.


We ended up sleeping together.




OK. Thank you so much, Jill, my story.


My story actually like I want to say it started in 2014, but I when I really honestly think about when did it start. It started before that it started with one of my twins. They're 28 now and one of my twins was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.


And I was like, Oh my gosh, I was kind of like if you guys are familiar with Robin.


O'Brien I was like, you know what?


What's causing this and then looking into nutrition and food and going on this journey now for? Well, she was 7 at the time when she was diagnosed with her first autoimmune disease. And then it was age 9. All of a sudden there was #2.


And I needed to find out how to keep my baby safe, alive and healthy and happy and.


Fast forward to 2014.


You know.


Took care of her with different things. Reading labels, cooking healthier. You know, the whole family, not just one person, everybody.


And then.


Ten years ago, in 2014.


I had a very dear friend of mine, Emily, share.


A 10 day transformation with me.


And she said, Marti, it's only 10 days and at that point in my life, I think where I was.


Starting to go with this was.


I was like, OK, now I need to take care of mom.


I need to take care of me more often and I had just lost my job as a school teacher. The Charter school world that I was involved in shut down.


And I was.


Unemployed or underemployed because by the time Emily shared this, I was like, oh, I could do anything for 10 days.


And I was not teaching as a certified teacher. I was hired, but I was hired under hired, right, but I was.


A classified employee.


And so I was still looking for that next classroom, but little did I know this would not only manifest into getting me healthier, but getting me into a residual income and a mindset of wow, I can do this, and I can, you know, help other people. And I can help myself.


And so that 10 day transformation I took off.


Probably about if I remember correctly, 16 lbs and then of course getting closer to that 10th day, she says. Well, now you got to.


Do 30.


She knew what she was doing, right? And I was like, OK, what do I do on the next?


20 and she just.


Told me, like and. The main thing that I learned from her was she. She was there. She was a phone call away.


And it takes.


Coaching and being together with like minded people, no matter what we're doing in life, right to just go. Wow. There's other people out there and there's people to hold my hand when I'm having a rough day or when I'm just not even sure what I'm doing because it was new for me. And then the next 20 days.


I lost six more pounds or nine more pounds. So 16 and 9. That's 25 and I lost 28 inches. To me, the inches were bigger. I lost 8 inches off of my.


Waste, and I was like, what is going on? And so I, yes, yes. And here, you know, I thought we were eating healthier because of my daughter. But then I realized there's even more to it because everybody's body's different and life goes on.


That's a loss.


And there's a good time to detox. There's good time to just get your mindset going.


Then and in the first few years I lost over 100 lbs.


And to this date I've lost over 140, maybe a little bit over 150. I'm not to my goal weight yet by far, but I was a lot heavier. And here's the thing. I always tell people this weight loss is a bonus.


It's a lifestyle, so it started with 10 days it.


Started with you.


Know another, you know, reminding me. Oh, we're going to do 30 days and then.


90 days and what I.


Tell people now being on my own journey is.


I can help you and we have a team, but it's really commit to 90 days commit to 90 days of just sleeping, better water and real food. And if you can.


Focus on that and we're going to make, I mean, life happens. Don't say it's not the right time. I'm going on vacation or it's not the right time because it's Christmas or, you know, whatever is going on because there's always something going on in our life. Just know that you can get back on the horse. You can get back on the horse and you can, you know. Oh.


Here's another thing too is.


OK, so Jill, you might not know this.


But I am.


Going to start writing a book next year? I don't.


Know when it will be done.


But because what I learned through this journey.


There's Marti’s plan.


And my plan might be different than somebody else.


'S and.


Journaling is huge, I think. Weighing yourself every day, if it's about weight loss, you should weigh every day, because what you're going to see is if you journal and you weigh every day.


You will, you might repeat the same foods repeating the same foods is OK, and of course eventually you get tired and then you find new foods, right?


But you're going when you see results. Make a note of.


It when you see the opposite results, make a note.


Of it. Oh, I had that.


Glass of wine? Maybe there was too much sugar in that even, you know, even though it was one. And now this is happening, I'm having more inflammation or whatever it is. But you take journaling notes.


And so that's pretty much my story and just hearing people's testimonies over the year, including my daughter, just seeing her evolve. And now as a young lady, even her in her late teens, she was in remission for so long from. I'll just put a name on it. It was she was diagnosed with Crohn's.


With a fistula and a fistula is a tunnel like formation from one organ to the next. It's not supposed to be there.


And before that, it was juvenile arthritis and usually Crohn's.


Is diagnosed first.


1st but in her case it was just the opposite, and that's OK, because she sleeps, she drinks water, she does more nutrient dense foods, including super foods, and she just knows. And she is also, even though she knows what to do, she journals or she thinks.


Oh gosh, maybe I shouldn't have done that last night, you know? And then she gets back on the horse, so it happens to everybody. But then knock on wood is she has been very healthy.


That's amazing. I it's. It's so incredible to me how much food impacts how we feel and how our bodies.


Just present on a daily basis.


And your story is incredible when I first.


Met you, I thought. Wow, that just.


I don't.


Think I've ever met anyone who's lost 100 lbs.


Remember I told you about?


My dog, I have one right here. Well, he's gone. Now what?


What kind of dog do you have?


I have to ask, I love dogs.


He's a Labradoodle.


No, Lewellen said.


No, my love labradoodles. I love me. I love all dogs.


Yeah, I.


He's quite the character anyway, so you also had a cooking show that you were doing with on YouTube and on Facebook a little bit.


In your group, we talk about that a little bit and how you were doing it and who you were focusing on helping.


Exactly. Thank you.


With this.


New lifestyle that I found and at the time.


I don't even know how or.


Why I think it was I was so excited about the foods that I was eating. I was eating.


Avocado and I.


Was putting up like there was a mistake. I think the first recipe I made gel is I had a mistake. Well, I call it a mistake, but it was a good mistake I.


Had avocado on the cutting board.


And chopped apple on the cutting board.


And somehow it mixed together and I was nibbling on it.


And it tasted so good.


So my first video is a recipe called an avocado boat. It's on YouTube under pure healthy foods. OK, it's 3 words, pure healthy foods and I just came up with that. I think it was because we get well. I start was giving people gift cards and that's my gift card.


So I just.


Gift cards to.


Save on a 10 day, 90 day lifestyle. Right and that.


I put a little bit of honey with some sea salt, some pure honey with some sea salt and a little bit of a puff of cherry, which is our cherry juice.


It's amazing.


And I mixed it up and I drizzled it on top of this little half of an avocado with the apple inside. And it was so delicious. I was like, Oh my gosh, I got to create more meals. Like, I don't want people to struggle. They can taste the. My palette was changing. The food was tasting.


Better than ever.


And I just was like.


I'm going to make this stuff. My mother was alive at the time I was.


Making food for her.


You know, she was in her 80s at that time. Probably. Yep. And. And then my children were growing up and I'm not.


Going to make 2/3.


Dinners or lunches. You know, everybody's eating the same food.


And you know what they


They were all getting a little bit older and they started doing their own little plan, you know? And it was, it was fun. And so then I was getting responses from my friends going, I want another video. I want another like recipe. Marti, give me a recipe.


You know what, what do you do with coconut oil and apples? What do you do, you know? And so those things and even the homemade salsa and it just kind of ballooned from there.


So, so fun, so fun. So the product that we're.


Talking about is purium.


And we were both.


Helping people with Purium products for.


I think we.


Agree that it's been like 10 years and the way we ended up sleeping together, we went to a convention in Los Angeles and there were four of us sharing a room. And so we each had to double up. It was really a great adventure, and we had so much fun.


Purium. It's just such an amazing product. It's unlike any, I. I've sold other MLM sort of products before in the past, but Purium is really different.


I totally agree just with the labels and the owner. I mean Dave Sandoval. He wrote the Green Foods Bible. He also just recently in 2018, wrote the toxin that came to dinner. That's a whole nother story. But it's about glyphosate, of course, and that there's glyphosate in our environment everywhere. I mean, our dogs.


Have their noses in the grass or wherever someone sprayed Roundup which is cancer causing and more animals have cancer too so.


And the cattle that graze around the fields that have been sprayed and it just like moves over into the wind carries, you know, the seeds over into different fields where you have livestock eating.


It's just in everything.


And it's so bad.


It's so bad that Monsanto's lost right to a lawsuit around 20.


18 or 19 or something.


Couldn't happen to a better company.


But we did.


Sleep together. You're right. That was kind of.


Cute how you said that.


Yeah, and I.


You might not even remember.


This but can I can I add a little something about that time OK.


And maybe you do because it was very profound what you said to me.


And this was in.


The early days of me getting out of my comfort zone and sharing my story and sharing these products and super food, nutrition and the, you know, I believe Heavenly Father put things on the earth for us to partake of, to keep our bodies in a healthy state, right and.


You said something about Will Marti.


And maybe you could correct me if I don't get the story all right. But you said you have a.


Green or yellow aura around you?


Do you remember saying?


That to me.


Yeah, I can see people's wares.


Yeah. And I said what?


Do you mean and you said?


He said something about that I'm a healer.


Oh, it was.


Probably a green aura, and that's probably.


That because you are a healer.


And you know, I almost, I'm getting a little choked up. I don't know if it, but it's because.


It's hurting. I'm thinking of how my daughter, who had.


Was diagnosed with all this was Holly and it's Holly's story. But it's my story because.


The first thing I had to do, sorry, I'm.


Getting a little emotional.


Was heal her.


Ask all the questions. I mean the medical community is great, you know, especially I can't say enough about her doctors in the early days, but I had to do more. I had to do more and get her on a sustainable long term, not medicated.


As soon as I could get her off of what they had put her.


On, but I was OK with doing that as.


Long as in my mind it was temporary.


And, you know, blessings just sort of.


Should always be temporary. Those chemicals are designed to, you know, give you a quick fix and get you so you can stabilize. But long term, we're designed to eat like real food and things that can provide our body with the nutrition that it craves.


In order for us to heal and thrive, and I think that pure product, they're all about that. I was, I think I was like 10 lbs. When I did the 10 day challenge.


I remember that I had. I've been taking pictures of my pink scale and I see them every once in a while on my computer and my pictures and they come up on Facebook, sometimes on the memories.


Yes, I had one pop up yesterday, my 10 years.


Will be January 5th and one.


Of my videos, one of my early slide shows.


I don't know if you guys.


Remember making slide shows, but I wasn't really good at videos at that time. So I made a slide show and I put in all these pictures and.


I mean, you have me holding up my big pants up.


Ohh and all this I'm like Oh my gosh I.


Forgot about this slideshow. So anyway.


It's so fun to look back on some of that stuff though, and technology has improved so much over the years.


That it's like.


Yeah. And there was, there was a platform linked to LinkedIn that did slideshows I.


Forget the name of it.


Back in the day.


You know, you help.


Me remember something about my story too?


When you were sharing a little bit of yours.


And so this doesn't have to do with weight loss, but little did I know on the 31st day is that classified employee I had a scheduled Doctor appointment. I didn't plan it that way. It was already planned and they were going to test everything while that reversed to 2009.


Was diagnosed.


Free diabetes. I was borderlined OK.


And high blood pressure and at that.


Time I was still on that journey, right? Because Holly was who? Who knows how old she was in 2009. But you guys do the math. She was born in 1995, my twins.


This doctor had said. I want you to do XYZ. OK, name these prescriptions. I'm going to write you a prescription, I said.


Could you hold off?


A minute.


Let me tell you a little bit about me and then I told her about my health journey and I said, can I call you if and when I decide to get those prescriptions? She said. Sure. And so it took me about five years, right?


But then I found purium and on that 31st day.


I said.


Wow, I'm going to the doctor. They're going to test all this stuff when I got.


The results back.


I was no longer. I mean, I don't know. I just believe that this transformation happened for a reason too, because it wasn't about weight loss at that point, I was no longer pre dieback at Vedic. My numbers were totally good and my blood pressure was totally great and ever since.


Because I still have my power shake, I love my super aminos and my cherry juice. Heck, that's my cherry nightcap. Five to seven days a week, and I put it in wine glass and I have a little nightcap. And it's a natural melatonin.


And so much more, including inflammation. We all fight inflammation at some point in our lives. And my mom had her little cherry juice nightcap every night, too. And she lived to be almost.


91 so.


That's an amazing story. I love the cherry juice.


That pot? The cherry.


It makes you sleep.


Fitness. Well, does it make?


You sleep, but you fall asleep really easily with.


It and it's it just it.


Tastes amazing. It feels like an adult beverage.


But it's.


It's you're treating yourself rather than harming yourself with it.


Exactly. And part of the thing I tell people too is if you can get.


Health and nutrition from a food source. Your body is going to identify with it a lot better. And so I just remembered what happened to me on day six. So remember, it started with this 10 day transformation on day six, I was able to put on these boots that you, they went over my ankles and.


I couldn't get them on.


And I didn't realize that I was. It was inflammation. And on day six I put those boots on and I zipped them up. And I was like, oh, my.


Gosh, they feel so.


Loose like they feel like they're supposed to and.


I was like, I called Emily, I remember.


Calling her and.


Going Emily, I cannot believe this. I I'm. I'm starting day 6.


I mean, I've done 5 full days. I'm in this. I'm in this. I'm committed to the 10 day and then, you know, you guys kind of know a little bit of how.


I got into the month.


So, but that was profound. That was very profound moment.


And it just takes those little.


Little glimpses of success.


To really keep you motivated to keep going and to have the success that I think.


Most people that do that 10 day challenge, they come away with great results and great stories about things that happen to them and it doesn't necessarily have to be, you know, huge weight loss testimonials. It can be things like, you know, your inflammation.


Goes down and you can tell with inflammation with just like things like your rings on your fingers.


They fit looser and boots in your case, but it's just or. You sleep better and.


Believe me, when?


You know, you you're not sleeping well to have a good night's sleep makes huge difference in how you approach the world.


Yes, absolutely. You know, just something you just said there too, I wouldn't.


Oh, I got to remember that.


But there's so.


Much and oh, I remember what it is. It's, you know.


A few of us and I say a few of us because I have.


A team right and we said.


It really isn't about seeing results. First, it's about feeling them.


You feel something, whether it's your eyesight or your skin, or somebody else might say, hey, what are you doing your skin looks?


Different, I mean.


And it's just because our bodies are identifying with real food.


And I remember the avocado became my favorite friend during the 10 days, even though I had other favorites because it was creamy.


It was dense.


And yeah, it was just, yeah.


And it was only 10.


Days of my entire life. So.


But those 10 days are like the start of something, and if you can do something for 10 days, you can do it for more days. It's the start of developing different habits and really, you know, we're just creatures of habits.


Yes, we are.


I also like the way Purium is created. It's freeze dried.


But it's done in a.


Really interesting way.


And it's.


A lot of times things are freeze dried and they're heated really high to really high temperatures that he has it, and Dave Sandoval is the inventor of this process. Do we want to share what the process is?


Oh sure, I can share some because the when I first got involved and I had this profound experience, I was like.


Emily, I'm coming to California. I was.


I've been in Idaho for 30 years and.


So I drove to the Bay Area and then we drove down South. At that time, they're still in the same area, but they were in Long Beach and I remember that. I was like, they're going to let us come in and see how they.


Quality, the quality control and everything with these, she's like, yeah.


They're open. Dave and Amy, they're.


Just like open to having tours, right? And so I went and.


They have so many different labels. I mean I probably will miss something, but they have the non-GMO label which if something is 100% non-GMO it has to have that butterfly seal.


They're organic. Originally their name was organic by Nature.


And their USDA, yes, the labels. What I love too is when you look at any labels whether.


It's in person or on the web.


Right. You can see that it's a.


10 point commitment to purity. That's how they got their name. Purium is premium or pure. Purium is PURIUM and it's pure in premium put together and just.


Having that access.


To be able to for the facility was huge.


And they are the manufacturers, so they're not like there's no middleman. And so I don't know if that answered your.


Questions that that answer part of it.


Yeah, he had a process where he freeze dries but he.


It's more based on evaporation and it's at a lower temperature where most freeze drying is done at a really high temperature. His is done at a very low just above room temperature.


Temperature and he.


Got it from the ocean watching how the ocean evaporates salt.


Yes, I remember that now, yeah.


He was telling that story. I thought it.


Was really interesting.


I love that. I love that you remembered all that because, well, I'm not very scientific, but I can tell you is that one of my friends too, in the early days made a light test kit.


And that light test kit was to show how much electricity or how much energy is in the power shape.


When you add.


The ionic elements which is trace minerals from the earth and the ocean and yeah, and it lights a.


Light bulb so.


That's really impressive and it is.


All natural it might.


Come in and in a powdery form, but it's.


It's natural ingredients.


In a powdery form.


Exactly, exactly. And then?


I think the other part.


Well, just the testing because they want to make sure nothing's in there before something has the cap on it or now they're plastic free to all those everything. The last thing to go, I think plastic free was the Super Aminos, which is a vegan protein because we all need but.


Yeah, and now we get these. I mean, I forget how much on their website it shows you how much plastic 2 date purium one company has saved.


Because they just.


That's pretty impressive.


So it's not just about food, it's about the environment. It's about, yeah, just bettering the world. And that's probably just a combination of everything. Why I've stuck with them for 10 years. And plus it makes me feel good. And other people and I was even thinking of Caleb. He's 8 now. He's my grandchild.


I'm a Nona.


He was six months old. I remember texting Dave and saying, can I give him the power shake? He's constipated and I filmed him and he's in some video where I was filming him. And once that little bottle went in his mouth for that Appleberry power shake, he was like.


And yes, he did poop.


And the flavors are really good. It's that apple Berry is really it's tasty and the cherry of pot. The cherry is amazing and.


The aminos they.


They say they work, but they really do help your body.


What it needs to process in order to function properly and we don't get a lot of really good quality amino acids in our diets for the most part because we're dependent on animal sources mostly for that.


You know, I'm. I'm supposed to go tomorrow night to taste test all the mushroom blends that we just came out with.


So that's the newest thing I think N3 functional or yeah, functional mushroom blends one's a mocha, one's golden, and one is plain. And so I'm excited to taste test those at a friend's house.


That should be really exciting. I love what mushrooms are doing in.


Just in the marketplace now, it's kind of trendy, but it's been a thing for maybe like I'm sure it's been a thing for a long time, but it's been in my periphery probably for the last five years or so and it makes such a huge difference in your cognitive function.


When you're using these mushrooms.


Ratio and.


You know.


Sorry, my dog decided to eat glass.


Oh no. Will you save your dog?


Yeah, sorry.


You know, I work for the airlines at home, right at night. I clock on for like and I broke a.


This is part.


This will go well, so I had this glass of my tart cherry juice on my last break and I brought it over to my desk and I put it right there.


And it was.


A thin glass and I don't know how, but I knocked it. Glass went everywhere. I remember being on the phone with the customer and saying, could you hang on? I just broke a glass and.


My dog is right here.


Those dogs?


But I think he's OK now. What did I?


Really love is the can't beat this juice powder for circulation. For the heart. It's a natural caffeine, right? And beaches. And with pomegranate. Oh my gosh.


Out of this world punch right? It's so.


It's so good and I just kind of end with this because I'm like I realized the other day somebody said they invited me to their house for a movie and I said, Marti, do you want a Pepsi water, iced tea or doctor Pepper? And I realized.


At that point.


Because I'm never really asked if I want soda.


If purium.


Has done anything for me in the last 10 years.


I broke my soda addiction in 10 days, 30 days that first month.


Or less and I don't miss it. I have tried it and I'm like, Oh my gosh, I don't even want to take another step that my palate is totally changed. And when you can change your palette and your mind frame, of course, to get there it it'll make a world of difference.


Soda pop is just like.


I have tried it.


And it just it burns so bad. It's like you can taste the acid. But we're so acclimated to that taste that people just don't realize how awful the stuff is. It's.


Just like.


Especially if you get away from sugar.


Because sugar starts to have a bad taste also yes.


You know what? I I'll show you.


I'd rather have my sea salt than sugar.


I I'm a salt junkie. I.


Lots of salt on stuff, but it's salt on stuff is especially like the quality salt the Real Salt.


Yeah, in our diets.


Redmond’s and I love pink Himalayan sea salt, and I'm telling you.


Guys, no matter what you're buying and Jill, you probably know this and many of you probably know this. You got to read your labels because something that says organic, organic basil or whatever it says you got to read it, because even on spices, they're putting things in there that shouldn't be in there. And it doesn't make it organic.


I'm sorry.


It could be bugs.


It could be.


They're organic.


Oh my God.


Might not want to be eating them though.


Oh my gosh.


I'm coming. So, Marti, this has been such a pleasure. Getting to chat with you again. Is there one thing you want to leave the audience with today that you hope they take away from our conversation?


You know I.


Think the main thing.


Is we can all focus like our energy flows where we focus so.


Have the desire have the mindset. Write it down.


And you can do it and know that there's many people that want to do the same thing or are doing the same thing as you. And if you're in the conversation, whether you're having an off day or not.


We're going to help other people and we're going to help the generations to come.


I mean, it's it. It makes me so happy when any of my grandkids. Now I have a three-year old A5 year old and that little baby I was talking about, he's 8 now. They'll come in the door after school. We have them every other week and Nona, can I have a chocolate drink? And you know, that's the epigenetics, kids.


Their pallets have changed. I can put chicken and avocado and.


Maybe cheese curls in front of them. Whatever you know. And I notice, like they come in the door from.


Another place OK with a pop tart.


They don't eat it.


They take a bite out of it, probably because they're hungry in the car.


The it's on my kitchen table and they're playing.


And I go throw it in the garbage.


We won't tell anybody, Marti.


No one will ever know.


OK, they don't miss it. They'll eat the avocado, the strawberries.


And they'll gobble them.


Up and the littlest one. The three-year old. She wants this fruits and veggies. You know she'll eat some other things once in a while.


You know that aren't fruits and veggies, but that are good for you and we just got to know our labels, know our manufacturers and that's.


Basically, just hope that I can encourage all of you that are listening to.


If you want to do it, you can do.


It. There you go.




And you can.




And we'll be sure and put that in the show notes.


Thanks so much for joining me, Marti. This has been a fun.


You're welcome. Thank you. It's been so much fun too. And.


I love that story that you started out with. Yeah, I remember.


All right, love you guys.





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