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Stacy Sam Lenae - Shaping Your Reality Journey
Episode 21324th January 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this revealing episode, Stacy Sam Lenae, is a reality creation and spiritual mentor. Embracing reality transurfing principles, Stacy emphasizes mindset shifts, self-care, and language's power in shaping reality.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Stacy Sam Lenae and Stacy is a reality creation and spiritual mentor. Welcome to this show, Stacy. I'm so glad you made it.


Hi, I Am too. It's so good to be here.


I'm looking forward to this.


So what is it that you do? How do you help people create their reality? How do you mentor them spiritually? How does all this look and?


How did you get started?


Let's see. How did I get started? I guess I'll start there. I was an army wife. I was married. I had the house. I had the cars, I had the kids.


I had the dogs, I had all the things I.


Was staying home.


Mom and I knew I was meant for more. I often like to say I felt like I needed.


To unzip my skin and step.


Out I, but I just kept getting.


So much shame and.


Guilt about that. You know, you should be so grateful. You should be appreciative. Do you know how many people would kill to be in


Your shoes. But yet I was so unhappy and depressed and weathered multiple deployments and Long story short, I woke up one day and was like I am not being true to myself. I can't keep doing this. I have two daughters who are looking up to me and I've made some radical changes.


Somehow I was raised and I have to do something.


And my now ex-husband and I were on pretty good terms at that point and he had been gone for the majority of our relationship in their lives and he agreed to let me have a break, if you will. I bought a one way ticket. I went to California, I met somebody and then we started.


Cross country parenting, where my kids would come back.


And forth and in this journey I found myself on the side of a mountain with a woman in California, and she said, I don't think you know who you are. I don't think you know how powerful you are. And she asked me if I knew somebody named Amy Allen. I said I've.


Never heard of her? She's a.


Great psychic medium. She had a television show and she said you're going to my partner at the time said you're going to sit here on the side of this mountain and we're going to learn to meditate.


And that's how it all started. So.


Through that I started digging into YouTube. You know, it's like books fell off the shelves at your feet magically, and people appeared. And you know the science, the synchronicities, which I didn't know at that time, didn't understand to the degree that I do now, I was raised very Catholic. I have a lot of de-programming to do. Midwestern, good girl people pleasing.


Catholic and Army wife and all the things. And so the deprogramming began. And that was probably I think it's like 6 or seven years ago now


And I found this woman on YouTube. Her name is Renee Garcia, and she brought a book, I think she translated it. I don't remember now. Vadim Zeland called reality transurfing.


And she has hundreds, probably thousands, of videos on YouTube. And I don't know it just hit.


And it was, you know, you are the creator of your reality. You are not subject to fate and to chance. And you know it's all an interesting perspective. Right. Like, I don't hardly ever believe in anything. I trust my gut. And I just jumped into this. I bought the book. I kept listening and I thought, man.


I can control.


So much more than what you're taught, right? Like you're taught that you've got to do AB and C. And so I started studying her stuff. I purchased her programs. I bought the book by the Vadim Zeland. I watched all her books and my career, if you will. I had been a personal trainer and a coach for women and soldiers.


In the gym for a really long time. But what was funny was I realized they mostly came to me.


Yes, they wanted to get fit, but most of them came in and a poopy mood and left in a great mood. And I was more of a therapist than I wasn't Abs specialist, if you will, like. And I realized, man, there's so much more to this. And I went ahead and I got my masters in sport and Health Science and I got all these certifications to be a personal trainer.


I realized.


As the evolution continued, I could teach these people how to completely change their lives because they're coming to me so unhappy, so unsatisfied, and they mirror me like you never attract anybody that doesn't mirror you in my interesting perspective. So all these people were mirroring or having similar experiences.


And I was like, you know.


I may still train people in the gym


. But I want to start giving people the tools that I had to go searching for. Like if these people are coming to me, why not give them the tools or at least teach them and show them something new. And so that's the direction I've taken it and it just lights me up, feeds my soul and I love to watch.


The evolution that happens with these people on their own journey.


It's so interesting how people.


With similar backgrounds come into our periphery.


It's like.


Oh, it's. It never ceases to blow my mind.


I too was a military wife.


Totally get it.


No longer married to that person.


Totally again, I was raised.


By a naval officer. And then I married a sub sailor and it.


Was it was.


I was young, I was very young.


You live in kind of an isolated bubble when you're a military wife, you know they have their own little cliques of things that they're going to do and it's really bad if you don't fit into those clicks because it's really lonely.


It is and I.


Was on the officer side of it and.


It the army doesn't care about the spouses, it just really doesn't. The Army is an entity and they like. They like to judge, you know, the army would have issued you a wife if they wanted you to have a wife. Well, I was in the army too. I did three years and I got out and followed my husband. But.


I felt like the army not only controlled his life, but mine because I was then given, you know, as an officer's wife, you're expected to have teas and coffees, and I was like.


That is not the script I wanted to play. I don't want to be that person. I'm not, and I did for a while, but I was miserable. I would go to the Bible studies and I would do, you know, the white gloves and the teeth, not literally white.


Gloves. But that's the perception.


Pretty close. Pretty close. My mom went through the same thing you know. Was there. There were expectations and she hated it.


Yeah, yeah, I don't think anybody that I participated with for the most part, yes, we were grateful as the wives, which I thought we could unpack.


But to have a.


Group of other like minded people when you.


Move as much.


As we did, however, it was also filled with drama and chaos in the army, jerking our soldiers and husbands around I.


Mean it was.


It was not something.


You ever paid me to go?


Back and do.


And the constant idea that you know your husband.


Could be killed.


That's the reality of.


You know the being in the military.


That's your job.


Yeah, and.


You try not to.


Yeah, but I mean, it's the reality every day and I weathered 2.


12 month plus deployments, then multiple state side longer trips. They called them some of them state side deployments, trips to Korea like he just was never around and it was it. It takes more of a toll than you could ever tell somebody. I think that it's they've never.


Been through it.


Yeah, I my husband used to go out on patrol and he'd be gone for six months at a time.


And that was before cell phones and Internet. So we had like a 10 pay or 10.


Ten, I think it was like 2010 or.


20 words that we.


Could put on this piece of paper and they would signal it out to.


The ship they.


Called them something or another. I can't remember what they were or out to the boat and.


You couldn't. It was basically everything's fine. Love you. Bye.


Once a month for six months, that was all your communication with.


Your spouse.


And we didn't live on the base, so I didn't really have any support.


Around that and.


I knew that I didn't want to.


Be part of that.


Community because that was just like.


Too weird for me.


Having been the.


On that side, but.


Yeah, it's just.


A whole different world that most people.


They don't understand and it's not the same as being in the military.


To be the spouse.


Of somebody in the military.


And I always said I was so glad that I was in for three years because I understood.


Differently than wives and spouses who hadn't been in, but man.


You couldn't pay me to go back? No.


Way I'm like ohh you.


Know and my youngest daughter is.


Considering some sort of military and I'm like, Oh my God, you know, and I know with children, if you tell them, oh, I don't want you to do that, it pushes them further towards what you don't want. So I just let it ride and hopes that.


You know, she finds something else to do with her life and.


My, my oldest daughter did join the military. It was the best thing she ever did. She joined the army she was in for two years, right? When 911 happened. In fact, she was in boot camp when 911 happened and her first name is Christopher.


Imagine how great life in the army was, but she ended up getting out after a couple of years because she was a cook and she had cysts on her hands and she couldn't carry the trays around.


But she got she got disability for it, and she was honorably discharged. And it is. It is really shaped and flavored. The whole rest of her life, which has helped her so much. So, you know, even if your daughter does decide to join, it's.


Not the end of the world.


No, I definitely know there's much worse. I mean, I threw my family for a loop. I never had any intention. I joined on a whim, an absolute whim. So I know she's got to make her own decision. She's got her own life path. I just sit here.


As mom and smile.


Yeah. And sometimes, you know what? The end the end result of what they're going to do is going to be, but you really can't tell them because it's not your place to tell them they're going to have the journey that they're going to have. They came here for a reason and.


And they're on their own.


Everything has LED them.


To that place.


Let's talk about what you do with your coaching.


Sure. I would love to say way out of the military, it makes me feel icky.


Yeah. What can I tell you? What would you?


Well, I know that you do a couple of different modalities. Do you do it in groups? Do you do it one-on-one? How? How does it look when somebody comes to work with you and why would?


Somebody want to come to work with you?


So right now ioffer I do one-on-one coaching and that's for people who want to get very specific, who want to have a lot of one-on-one intimate time with me who want to do an hour and have zoom calls every week and who want.


Five days a week, access to me on like a WhatsApp or something where they have consistent access because they're just tired of playing small and they want to change their lives. That's.


The one on.


One, and that's really catered individually. Everybody comes to me with.


Different things. So it's really based off of you know, are they trying to build their business? Are they wanting to be an entrepreneur?


Are they a stay at home mom and they're just miserable and need somebody who's been there, done that to guide them, to give them things. So that's the one-on-one coaching and ioffer it 3-6 and nine month programs for that then.


And I love one-on-one. It is I couldn't pick between one-on-one, but I have group coaching as well and I'm doing a reality shifting group coaching right now and love to do partners. So husband, wife, partnered people however they come to me.


That is my favorite because I love.


To watch the shifts that can happen, and I feel like in what I do in the coaching that I do because it can be so radical. And once you've seen you can't, unseen, unseen. Sorry. It's like once you remove the veil, it's over. I don't feel like it's fair when you do it with just one partner or the other. It's so much better to be inclusive of.


That so right now we're doing reality shifting, which.


Is realizing who's in control that you're in control and that changing your reality.


Is not hard. We are often, I believe, in society, led to believe that it's hard. We are wanted to be kept in the matrix to fulfill what is set out there. I'm. I'm sure there's a better word than.


That but.


Easier to control us.


Yes, easier to control us to keep us small, to not let us realize.


You were here for greatness. You are your own creation and you can do whatever you want. So that's what I do is I coach them through, you know, and what's really funny is to watch the AHA moments and it happens whether it's one-on-one or group coaching, the AHA moments of like, oh, my God, this stuff is no brainer.


Why are we talking about it like self-care doing stuff that brings joy?


You know, loving yourself, changing your verbiage, just little bitty tweets that and completely changed, you know, your reality, understanding that you have choice, you know, understanding what you say is as critical and important as what you think.


Because it's all energy.


So that is what I do. I just help people remove the veil and understand. And I love to change their verbiage when they say I can't and I'm like, but what if we said it this way and then I am? You know, I'm an intuitive. I'm an impact. I'm a psychic medium.


And I do all of that and that is all incorporated in what I do. So I bring that out, which adds a whole special.


Note to what we do and.


It's really fun. I absolutely get so much joy out of helping people realize their potential.


Yeah, I can relate to that a lot. It it's so fun to watch. People just break out and blossom. And I love that you.


Do it with couples.


It is really.


Hard when there's only one in a relationship that.


Recognizes that things have shifted.


And that they are changing and when the other one.


It isn't along for the journey. It's like.


Dragon and anchor.


Completely. And that's I mean.


Or you have to just like change altogether.


Yeah, it often. I mean it leads to, I mean, I mean you I don't need to tell you what it leads to. It can lead to divorce. It can lead to discontent. I mean, it definitely isn't a loving situation that's created. So I love to be able to do work with the couples because I've been there like my first marriage to.


The soldier I mean.


I had a therapist. This was back before I knew any of this. Who said, you know, is it possible you've outgrown him like I was propelling forward into all of this and I had, and then I was married for seven years to my now ex-wife.


And she just stopped. She just didn't want to know or study. And she was very much stuck in.


Drinking and alcohol and she was truly an alcoholic. And I, you know, I was involved in that. And I drank a lot for years and years.


And I was like.


Man, this is not propelling me. I'm stagnating. So I have the wherewithal to step out of that. And it's been a year now.


And I'm partnered, but I'm single and I have no desire to get married. But I'm with somebody who's like, hey, if you listen to something, send it to me. I want to know about it. Let's talk about it. Like, even if we don't agree, we still have it present. So I realize the importance of that in a relationship, whether there's agreement or not, it doesn't really matter if you can.


Yeah, and be curious instead of dogmatic about things that it's so hard when you're.


You're locked into a paradigm.


Makes you play small and.


And tells you things that just aren't true. Really nothing is true or not true. It's just what you accept.


Into your.


Your thoughts that determine?


Your reality is it's really that simple, but.


It really is.


And I love to blow the minds of my clients when I tell them, you know, you are looking at a reformed epic.


I used to build situations up to be the worst they could be like I had to go see my mother-in-law, you know, because I have.


Two kids and.


My husband and blah blah blah and I would.


Create these gargantuan scenarios in my head of how bad it was going to be and it would. It would always be that bad or worse, you know, and I think, man, if I had only known, how could I have affected that? But I like to tell my clients like I used to be that person. I was the.


Half empty the glass half empty.


And they look at me like I've grown a third eye, like, you know. But it's true. It's just a rework of the brain and surrounding yourself with people who you can have the conversations with is surely helpful. But yeah, quite the change I've made.


I congratulate you on the.


Embracing sobriety, I recently did too.


Thanks to you.


As well it.


It was surprisingly not difficult. Yeah.


I know.


It was just like a decision I made and I don't miss it and alcohol still around me. It's just like I don't.


I prefer not to. It's not.


It's not that I can't, I have to quit.


I just.


Chose to be sober for a while.


Yeah, and that's.


Looking at it just, you know, if I want to go have a really nice glass of wine with a really nice dinner and I want to do it, fine. But you know, no more 1 to 2 bottles of wine a night, no more. And that was when I was married to my ex-wife. But no more trying to figure out what store was open to get alcohol. And you know it. It was like man.


What's possible if I stopped drinking?


You know, and it feels.


It does feel good. It's like kind of a.


Interesting door that opens.


I was going to.


Mention something else and I just alluded me.


It had to do with.


With creating a reality and.


Changing your mindset.


I don't know. I don't know where it.


Went just sounds just like me.


I know you do a lot of things with tarot cards and I knew where I was going it has to do a lot with.


Releasing a little paradigm.


I too used to be very pessimistic about.


The trajectory of the world, like with the world is.


Going to end.


Today or tomorrow, every day.


And I was a prepper and I.


It was just like it was spinning out of control until COVID net and once COVID hit.


It was just like.


This is.


This is the.


Thing that I have been fearing and I was living in fear all of this time and it's.


It's got this silver lining of people stepping out and doing something, being different, stepping against the grain. It's OK. You don't have to be the same as everybody else. And the world doesn't have to end just because.


The Bible said it was going to OK, I'll.


Just put it there.


I bought into that for a long, long time, and one day I just decided this is ridiculous. This is not serving me and it's making my life miserable and I just closed the door on it and.


I found.


All of these.


People that are doing these amazing things and I get to have conversations.


With them every day.


My life, my reality changed and my life is happier and I expect good things and I really look at the world like we're going in a good.


These countries are making a huge difference in what's going on so.


Yeah, it's really interesting because I grew up in a family that's they don't talk to me. Ever since I came out and married a woman, I lost most of my family. But I know that they're ultra religious for the most part. I would call them ultra religious. My brother to prepper.


And it's the fear and the news and all these things. And the one thing that and there's so many wisdom Nuggets in reality, transurfing. But the one that made me that came to mind when you were talking is evidence to support all theories.


If you believe the world's coming to an.


End you will.


Absolutely fine evidence to support that theory, if you.


The world's freaking good and life is good. And yeah, there are bad things that happen, but I'm going to focus on the good. You're going to continue to find evidence to support that theory. You have to decide what theory do you want to live in and then think about.


It you know.


Yeah, and look for evidence to support your theory and you will find it. And your life will be so much better.


It's so simple and we're not taught that we're taught watch the news, don't tap out of the news. What? What do people say to you if you say I don't watch the news, they're like, oh, my God, you're so.


Uninformed, you should.


Vote no. You know the old.


Rhetoric like no man.


I unplugged my.


TV. I'm great and call me delusional. Call me checked out. I don't. I don't care anything you say about me. It's just a projection of you. Don Miguel Ruiz. Nothing you say about me is about me. It's about you. I don't care what you say.


Have your opinion? I don't care.


I'm happy.


Yeah. And I can choose to enjoy.


Every day, every moment and.


It doesn't have to be.


It doesn't have to be anything, it can just be.


Yep, I couldn't agree more.


And I love it and that is.


Why I teach it because we need that message to get out more and it's not. You're not going to find it on TV. You're not. I mean, I can't imagine. I don't know. I don't watch TV.


You know, it's just not out there as much as I would like to see it be out there. You know. So and because I have a 1915 year old daughters and I think it's important and I don't want them to have to, you know, not know these things like.


I didn't know.


Them when I was their age.


It's valuable information.


I think my experience is that the younger people actually are aware of some of this stuff, lot more than when we were young, they.


They just look at the.


World in a different way, and maybe it's just.


The people, the young people, I.


Know that are in their teens.


But they just seem to.


To let life be good, it's.


They just, you know, it's not super important that we go out and push really hard and accomplished all these things that really don't.


Have any significance? Or maybe it's because of video games or the online communities that are out there that where reality is really?


It's kind of ethereal, it's more ethereal for people that that game and live in that other world than it is for people that haven't ever experienced alternate realities.


No, I agree. And it's interesting because.


I do work with well I have worked with some of the younger.


I feel so old when I say that.


Now I'm like I'm.


Not old enough to say that, but I do work with 20 somethings and it is vastly different I think.


My kids, kind of.


Shelter. What? I get to see because I'm mom, right?


But Dad is also.


Their dad is a self-described narcissistic sociopath. He sent me a book called The Sociopath Next Door so they get this really jaded.


Outlook on life and then they've got mom saying, well, what about this? So I hope that, you know, with my kids that.


I plant seeds.


But I can definitely relate to what you're saying because my partner right now, funnily enough, they're not going to be happy I.


Say this but.


They're 15 years younger than me.


And there's a big difference.


In their outlook on life and then what I was raised with and how I see things and how easy and lazy fair things can be. And they were a gamer or. Yeah, I don't think they don't think they play games anymore. But it's interesting. I agree with you.


And I don't. I don't think there's, you know.


There's really not a lot of good and bad.


Or should or shouldn't in the world, and I think the more that we move away from.


The good, bad paradigm, the freer people are to create a reality that aligns with who they decided to become when they came here.


Yeah. No, I agree with you. Now, it's funny to try to get somebody to one of another favorite thing. I like to do is like now you decided to come here. You decided to my interesting perspective. I never make them believe anything I believe, but.


You know you.


Chose this reality and you chose to Incarnate with these people and you know, I chose to come on this podcast.


Do well before I ever put foot on the earth, and it's interesting to get people to think about the possibilities of well, if I chose to come here.


What else did they choose and how else? How does that affect me now? You know? Just to expand their minds?


A lot of fun.


Our realities are just the.


The manifestation of thoughts that we've had up to this point, the decisions we've made get us to where we are in any you know, if we find ourselves in a bad situation according to ourselves.


Not outside external forces. Then we can make different decisions and we will have a different outcome. It just that's the way reality does work.


Yeah, completely. And that's one thing that I like to teach in my in.


My courses and.


Just on social media is materialization, which is how reality transurfing looks at it, as opposed to manifestation, which whatever you know, it's a word, is a word, is a word, is a word.


We can attribute.


Whatever meaning we want to it, but calling it.


You know what you want? I have become a master materializer. I can create anything I want and it's still like I know that I'm really good at it.


And it still blows my mind like I set a goal of holding. I work with a financial coach and I wanted to be able to be an energetic match for and hold $10,000 a month.


And it started in the first part of October.


And I was.


Like you know.


I could hold 3.


$1000 I know that you know.


I could hold 3.


$1000 a month.


And within a week less I have a check for $3700. I was like, oh, that was way too easy. OK, what am I capable of holding now? And it went up to like, I was like, OK, $5000 then I had two people sign on and that threw me well over.




I have about $3000 left, but if you count the fact that I have materialized a $8000 car that's being shipped across the.


Country for me free.


I may have hit that $10,000 mark.


You know, and it's just a reworking of the brain.


And it's a belief.


You know, it's believing that you can.


Do it when.


You are the most.


Powerful. My coach likes to say the most powerful entity in your own reality.


You are because you're constantly creating your own reality, however, that looks.


I know that you have a three-part series.


That's available on your website called how to ground surround and cord cut.


Want to talk about that for a SEC?


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I love to offer free stuff. I love to build like, like, no, and trust with my people so that they can understand who I am. And I thought, you know, what is really important if somebody came to me and said, what is one thing I can do today that I could teach them?


It is.


Really quick, what would I teach them?


What is something that they could learn that they would need extensive training on?


Which I don't think there is much of that.


Ground, surround protect and cord cut, and that's what I decided to put out. It's a 3.


Part series on.


What is grounding, grounding versus earthing? Different ways that you can ground and why you should ground how to do it and where to do it.


I don't know how long the videos are. I think maybe 10 minutes apiece. They're short, they're digestible and they're.


Easy to do.


So there's a grounding one, then a surround and protect is one of my favorites because I am so sensitive and I am an empath and I can walk into a store and be like, Oh my God, what did I do? Why did I come out of the house today a protection, a white light protection it.


Doesn't have to be white. Light it.


Can be any thing.


It's a protection again. How do I protect? Why do I protect? When should I do this for myself and how to do it for others and then cord cutting?


Which is something that I learned in the last few years, probably three years ago, from my coach, and it's a really interesting concept and can produce amazing results if you look at.


It, like every person, place, thing, or idea that you've ever interacted with in your entire life, if you've never cord cutted before.


Everything and everyone.


Has sent you this little thin etheric cord, and you are attached to all those people, places, things, and ideas to your body.


Neither good nor bad. Neutral. It's just a thing you have these energetic attachments.


And I teach you how to remove those so that you call back all the pieces unto yourself, and you can do it as often as you want. There are no negative side effects. There's nobody you shouldn't cord cut. I cord cut my children every day, sometimes twice a day, depending on.


The phone calls I get.


And it's just about how to cord cut to protect your energy, to come back into a hole, you. And so that's what these three quick easy digestible ground surround protect and.


Hard cut courses are for so that people can and I thought, man, this is the time of year. If anybody celebrating, you know, we're going into the holiday season here in America like this is a good time to learn these and do it with the quickness. So that is actually out of your website right now.


I think I'll go do it.


Let me know what you think it's.


One of my favorites will I will so.


This has been amazing, Stacy.


I really am glad that you were.


Thank you.


Able to.


Meet me here.


You too.


So what's the one thing you want to?


Leave the audience with today.


Oh man, you are absolutely the strongest entity, the strongest person that there is in your reality and you have untapped potential and power beyond what you've probably ever been told. And I would love to.


Be able to teach you how to tap into that or just go. Go look at all my free stuff. Just start to believe.


That you can do it. Start there. You know, simple step. I am the strongest entity in my reality or change the word to whatever you want to.


Tell like the.


Word entity, but you know, just start with the little Nuggets. It doesn't have to be a marathon. It can be a slow walk to get you there, I mean.


This is my I've been doing this.


For seven years.


And it's the journey. But I'm exactly where I'm meant to be so.


And we all are.


Yeah, we absolutely are.


Thanks again for joining me.


Yes, thank you for having me.


I appreciate it.



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