Artwork for podcast Reqless: Software in the Age of AI
2023-08-17. Vaudeville Gang Gang
Episode 6617th August 2023 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
00:00:00 00:16:25

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Rich and Paul discuss whether the internet is actually elevating people's lives. They discuss the good and the bad, but all in all the internet is making us more informed it's just what we choose to do with that information that counts. This podcast is sponsored by Aboard (where you can save all your mug collections too).


Rich Ziade:

Paul, you sound like shit today.

Rich Ziade:

How are

Paul Ford:

Uh, thanks for...

Paul Ford:

No, I have, uh, I have a sinus infection, so I apologize to the

Paul Ford:

listener for the tone of my voice.

Rich Ziade:

I think it's actually very, um, what's the word, velvety.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, it's velvety, but it's got that nasal top.

Paul Ford:

It ain't great, but regardless, let's not talk about my sinuses anywhere.

Paul Ford:

What do you got?

Paul Ford:

You, you have an idea, which is good.

Paul Ford:

We're gonna keep this one

Rich Ziade:

I woke up early this morning,

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You guys, you're, you're the CEO, so you gotta get up and gotta

Paul Ford:

crush it, give it the elliptical.

Rich Ziade:

up with lists.

Rich Ziade:

I am the stereotypical dipshit CEO.

Paul Ford:

actually CEO behavior right there, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

And I opened Twitter, or X,

Paul Ford:

This is also,

Rich Ziade:

what you want to

Paul Ford:

yeah, that's the other thing CEOs like to do.

Rich Ziade:

I'm a little obsessed with the ads on Twitter.

Paul Ford:

Oh, it's become the back of Family Circle magazine.

Paul Ford:

It's just, yeah.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

there was a mug that came up,

Paul Ford:

It's that, but it's also like anime, like soft poured, like I can't

Paul Ford:

show you the rest of her animated nipples.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

It is pretty bad.

Paul Ford:

Anyway, you saw something, it wasn't that,

Rich Ziade:

So I'm Mug.

Paul Ford:

so a bug.

Rich Ziade:

And there was art and an inscription on the mug,

Rich Ziade:

and I'm going to read it to

Paul Ford:

Oh, okay.

Paul Ford:

Let me, let me listen.

Rich Ziade:

To my wife.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

I wish I could turn back the clock.

Rich Ziade:

I'd find you sooner and love you longer.

Rich Ziade:

I may not, I may not be your first date, your first kiss, or your first love.

Rich Ziade:

Which, in my mind, gives me images of waiting on a really

Rich Ziade:

long line for ice cream.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, we're still on this bug.

Paul Ford:

We're still reading the bug.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

I just want to be your last everything.

Rich Ziade:

I love you.

Rich Ziade:

Forever and always.

Paul Ford:

Wow, so that guy's like, I banged the entire church group.

Paul Ford:

But now, I wanna die with you in a trailer.

Rich Ziade:

Well, I may not be your first kiss or first love, so he's

Rich Ziade:

actually insinuating something about

Paul Ford:

That's very progressive, good for him.

Paul Ford:

He's, he's accepting that she had a very fulfilling erotic life

Paul Ford:

before she showed up on that bug.

Rich Ziade:

Now let me, one thing aside here.

Paul Ford:

Boy, that's an ugly ass mug.

Paul Ford:

You just held it up.

Paul Ford:

I wouldn't give that to my dog.

Paul Ford:

And I don't mind garbage.

Paul Ford:

I don't mind classy with a K.

Paul Ford:

That's garbage.

Rich Ziade:

It's garbage.

Rich Ziade:

It's a lot of junk.

Rich Ziade:

There are a lot of junk ads on Twitter.

Rich Ziade:

Just to be clear, if I gave this mug to my wife, it would come sailing back at my

Paul Ford:

As you say, I can see the parabola of, like, hot coffee flying out

Paul Ford:

of it as it hits you smack in the middle.

Paul Ford:

She's very, very athletic, very fit person, your wife.

Paul Ford:

So she would be able to get it probably about a good inch directly

Paul Ford:

into your enormous forehead.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, so,

Rich Ziade:

I guess this led me to a thought and led me to a

Rich Ziade:

topic I think we can talk about.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

I have always viewed technology as this thing that elevates us.

Paul Ford:

Oh, this is the heartbreak of middle age in technology.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I know exactly where we're going with this.

Rich Ziade:

I view it as something that makes us more enlightened.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

More productive,

Paul Ford:

We're going to augment human intelligence.

Rich Ziade:

more intelligent, I guess, more intelligent, I

Rich Ziade:

don't know, or it frees us up.

Rich Ziade:

The fact that I'm not spending a lot of time on rote tasks and like grunt

Rich Ziade:

work allows me to think big thoughts.

Rich Ziade:

But then I open...

Rich Ziade:

Twitter slash X and I get ads like this and and this ad is just an example

Rich Ziade:

of like what really takes hold on the internet What's really popular on the

Rich Ziade:

internet is Someone frying an egg on pavement for 10 seconds in a video.

Paul Ford:

of the content that's not pornography on the internet

Paul Ford:

is like pictures of shoes.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It left me a little sad.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Should I be sad?

Paul Ford:

Uh, well, uh, there's a few things going on here.

Paul Ford:

I'll give you some context.

Paul Ford:

When television started to happen, One of the, one of the first things,

Paul Ford:

I think it was Pat Weaver was like an early guy at NBC, actually was Sigourney

Paul Ford:

Weaver's dad, just crazy, you know, trivia, but he was like a buckety book,

Paul Ford:

and he would talk about like, we're gonna put Shakespeare on television,

Paul Ford:

and you know, fast forward, and you have like, Welcome Back, Cotter, and you

Paul Ford:

know, entire TV shows in the 80s where the, where the, where the catchphrase

Paul Ford:

was like, uh, an alien going, brah,

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Paul Ford:

for years, just, just like, now we have smart TV again.

Rich Ziade:

You know what the 70s was, and we're old enough to remember this.

Rich Ziade:

And I look back on it and really see it.

Rich Ziade:

The most popular sitcoms were essentially...

Rich Ziade:

Like urban because you were sort of observing the craziness of living in

Paul Ford:

Or, or all of the family where it was about like racial tension,

Paul Ford:

and so it was, but what it was about, when you look back at the 70s, we

Paul Ford:

were broke, don't have any money,

Rich Ziade:

Yeah It was it was it was

Paul Ford:

you just would come home from

Rich Ziade:

Sanford and son was a junkyard.

Rich Ziade:

It was the setting was a junkyard

Paul Ford:

on a British TV show, which is also about a junkyard family.

Rich Ziade:

It's not good Right.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Uh, it's, so.

Paul Ford:

But that aside, right?

Paul Ford:

Like, okay, technology, the promise of technology, the sort of 1960s whole earth

Paul Ford:

catalog thing is like, you're going to get this godlike power, and you're going

Paul Ford:

to use it to become incredibly informed, and you're going to make enlightened

Paul Ford:

decisions about your own life, and you're going to create an amazing future.

Paul Ford:

That is the narrative.

Rich Ziade:

pretty beautiful.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I bought into it completely.

Paul Ford:

I love it.

Paul Ford:

And it's actually, it allows you to really cop out as a technology person

Paul Ford:

because everything you're doing is somehow part of the narrative.

Paul Ford:

And so you will sometimes meet people in our industry who are

Paul Ford:

like, Hey, what are you working on?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's a thing where if you scroll, The ad won't move until you touch a monkey's

Paul Ford:

nipple, you know, and they'll be like, and, but in the back of their head they're

Paul Ford:

like, by doing this I'm enabling people to get access to media experiences for

Paul Ford:

less money and they're going to make the board more powerful and smarter

Paul Ford:

and the reality is like now you just put a monkey nipple smacker ad in the

Paul Ford:

middle of the New York Times, you know.

Paul Ford:

And so, so no, do people Technology does not change human experience.

Paul Ford:

It doesn't.

Paul Ford:

It does make us, we are more informed, but we don't know

Paul Ford:

what to do with the information.

Rich Ziade:

I think about like, you know when when The like, carnival would

Rich Ziade:

come to town and it had the freak show.

Rich Ziade:

Like the bearded lady and the world's shortest man or whatever,

Rich Ziade:

like just freakish stuff.

Paul Ford:

I love, I love that you're, you're in Bay Ridge.

Paul Ford:

Like, when did that happen?

Rich Ziade:

no, no, no, I, I didn't

Paul Ford:

Wait, you just, when,

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

When you would go to Canarsie, like

Rich Ziade:

No, no, this didn't happen to me.

Rich Ziade:

My point is, I guess we're kind of into the same weird stuff

Rich Ziade:

that we've always been into.

Rich Ziade:

We just like to be

Paul Ford:

I'll give you an example.

Paul Ford:

Remember when that woman, everyone was like, Oh my God, look at

Paul Ford:

what's happening in the world.

Paul Ford:

It was this very, very pretty woman.

Paul Ford:

And she would look at the screen and people would type things to

Paul Ford:

her on TikTok, or they'd give her a little gifts, virtual gifts.

Paul Ford:

And she would go, gag, gag, ice cream.

Paul Ford:

So good.

Paul Ford:

Ooh, so good.

Paul Ford:

And all that nice.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

You heard it.

Paul Ford:

You heard about

Rich Ziade:

I saw it too.

Paul Ford:

So, and everybody in my, in my cohort was like, well, that's it.

Paul Ford:

End of the world.

Paul Ford:

It's all over.

Paul Ford:

Let me tell you a story.

Paul Ford:

Well, I told the story of the podcast before, but it's a relevant story.

Paul Ford:

My grandfather, who I never met, grew up in New Haven, Connecticut, and when he was

Paul Ford:

a little boy, like, Maybe nine years old.

Paul Ford:

They'd pay him a nickel to go with his friend and roll an attire across the

Paul Ford:

vaudeville stage between acts because they wanted to keep people entertained.

Rich Ziade:

You never told me this story.

Rich Ziade:

That's impressive.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So, hey, what are you doing?

Paul Ford:

What are you doing?

Paul Ford:

And off he would go, and he would roll, he would roll his friend in a tire.

Paul Ford:

Sometimes he'd be the guy in the tire.

Paul Ford:

And people in the audience who were literally between an act where like a

Paul Ford:

donkey would count and a woman would sing a song, would be like, Ah, that

Paul Ford:

kid just rolled across in a tire!

Rich Ziade:

This really

Paul Ford:

This really happened.

Paul Ford:

I actually love vaudeville.

Paul Ford:

I'm fascinated by vaudeville.

Paul Ford:

And we're going to go into this for

Rich Ziade:

Is the internet vaudeville writ large?

Rich Ziade:

Is that all it is?

Paul Ford:

so vaudeville is a fascinating form of entertainment because it's

Paul Ford:

a true popular creation So Americans first form of entertainment that we

Paul Ford:

had like Shakespeare plays There were actually big fights in New York City

Paul Ford:

over Shakespeare because like right riots

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

they really did.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, I mean, like, there was a huge fight, kind of like,

Paul Ford:

Shakespeare was lowbrow, and then they kind of started to elevate him.

Paul Ford:

Different, you know, British actors would perform, and that would

Paul Ford:

make people who wanted American actors angry, and so on and on.

Paul Ford:

Anyway, regardless, you got all that going on.

Paul Ford:

The popular entertainment in America was the Mitchell Show, where white

Paul Ford:

people would put cork on their face and do racist impersonations.

Paul Ford:

That was the popular entertainment, and they would just, that was like

Paul Ford:

through the 1800s, and then like parts of the Mitchell show started to adapt,

Paul Ford:

and it'd be like, ah, I'll sing a little song, this guy will come out

Paul Ford:

and tell jokes, stand up comedians.

Paul Ford:

So then there's this

Rich Ziade:

It's a variety show.

Paul Ford:

Yes, it became a variety show.

Paul Ford:

It started as just like singing and dancing and just plain old racism.

Paul Ford:

And then they're like, hold on a minute,

Rich Ziade:

We'll tell a joke.

Rich Ziade:

We'll show a trick.

Rich Ziade:

We'll bring a magician out.

Paul Ford:

it got kind of burlesque y out there, like, you know, you could,

Paul Ford:

but you couldn't take the family, right?

Paul Ford:

So you have like, Bistro shows are good, traveling around America, you

Paul Ford:

know, the, the, the trains are coming in, then you get like burlesque

Paul Ford:

showing up and sort of burlesque style stuff, and it's like raunchy

Paul Ford:

songs, and then Vaudeville shows up.

Paul Ford:

And Vaudeville shows up, like, actually a lot of it in New York City,

Paul Ford:

because you could take the ladies.

Paul Ford:

It wasn't like, just all, like, booby jokes.

Rich Ziade:

Ah, okay.

Paul Ford:

wasn't just racism anywhere, there's plenty of racism.

Paul Ford:

Don't worry.

Paul Ford:

Lots for everybody.

Paul Ford:

And a lot of actually, like, funny Swedish jokes.

Paul Ford:

Like, just like, Oh, the Swedes!

Paul Ford:

Ha ha ha!

Paul Ford:

So, but wait, I've got to go to a place.

Paul Ford:

So, absolute novelty and silliness and vaudeville was continuous, meaning for

Paul Ford:

like literally hours and hours and hours.

Paul Ford:

The shows would repeat.

Paul Ford:

So you'd do like a five minute act,

Rich Ziade:

walk in,

Paul Ford:

in, and

Rich Ziade:

catch some of it, walk.

Paul Ford:

the same show would come back on.

Rich Ziade:

And it's just stuff coming at you.

Rich Ziade:

It's essentially a feed.

Paul Ford:

do you

Rich Ziade:

a TikTok feed.

Paul Ford:

the stuff around the country?

Paul Ford:

Well, you have a network called the railways, which is hub and spoke, and

Paul Ford:

you transmit the entertainment for human beings from city to city where

Paul Ford:

they land on vaudeville theaters.

Paul Ford:

How do you have a huge motion picture industry?

Paul Ford:

You suddenly start showing movies.

Paul Ford:

That's a novelty.

Paul Ford:

But it's so, it's so much cheaper than humans.

Paul Ford:

It's like bad news for the humans.

Paul Ford:

What happens to the comedians?

Paul Ford:

Well, you know, movies are coming in, and so is radio in the 20s and

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Suddenly, Jack Benny, Fred Allen, all these people

Paul Ford:

start performing on the radio.

Paul Ford:

And suddenly, one network begets the next network begets the next network.

Paul Ford:

Bringing this back to your point, Are we getting dumber?

Paul Ford:

No, this is always the same.

Paul Ford:

There is a network of information that is putting absolute folly and

Paul Ford:

silliness, anything that can make money.

Paul Ford:

Uh, for the audience, for the theater owners, and for the acts.

Paul Ford:

Anything that people want to see, including a little boy

Paul Ford:

rolling another little boy in a

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

You know what this is making me think of?

Rich Ziade:

Um, minor league baseball.

Paul Ford:

Ah, oh, yes, I know exactly

Rich Ziade:

Like, flaming baseball bats and somersaults.

Rich Ziade:

And then they have, in between innings, baby races.

Rich Ziade:

They're like, do you have a baby?

Rich Ziade:

If it's 6 months old, uh, if it's 6 to 12 months old, bring him out.

Rich Ziade:

We're gonna have a race and the winner gets a 100 gift

Rich Ziade:

certificate to Bill's Hardware

Paul Ford:

100 gift certificate

Rich Ziade:

they like know, they know they gotta work it out, right?

Rich Ziade:

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

You gotta entertain, right?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

What's happening?

Rich Ziade:

Okay, I guess let's look ahead.

Rich Ziade:

I don't know if this leads to advice.

Rich Ziade:

It's more observational.

Rich Ziade:

Should I, here's a piece of advice I want from you to close this out.

Rich Ziade:

This is actually, it's very illuminating because it's hard to zoom out.

Rich Ziade:

It always feels like the end of civilization.

Paul Ford:

always so you could go back 2, 000 years.

Paul Ford:

It's not it's not we actually have better access to more information.

Rich Ziade:

till Apple straps a, an IMAX camera to your head,

Rich Ziade:

and then that's the end of that.

Rich Ziade:

Then we'll be having another podcast like, Paul, I haven't seen a human

Rich Ziade:

or touched anyone in two weeks.

Paul Ford:

The answer to human behavior is how humans behave.

Paul Ford:

It is not, there is no device that improves the quality.

Rich Ziade:

Is there a device that degrades the quality?

Paul Ford:

I do think that, uh, here's what we've learned.

Paul Ford:

Small, clustered groups of mutually supportive people are able to

Paul Ford:

achieve really amazing things.

Paul Ford:

Enormous groups of fighting people get really, really bad.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Right, like we just saw Twitter.

Paul Ford:

We saw like, you know, Gab and like just you just thousands of screaming people

Paul Ford:

It just brings out the worst in us

Rich Ziade:

I think, I think there is that aspect of it.

Rich Ziade:

The thing we're not going to talk about on this podcast is that it was stage and

Rich Ziade:

audience, right, for the longest time.

Rich Ziade:

And, and, and now everyone's got a stage.

Rich Ziade:

And I think that, that, that instinct to perform and that urge

Rich Ziade:

to perform and be loudest in the room leads to some messed up stuff,

Paul Ford:

will say the easy access to everything means there

Paul Ford:

is less rehearsal in practice.

Paul Ford:

So chat GPT will write an essay for you.

Paul Ford:

It's pretty good, better than you could probably

Rich Ziade:

yeah, yeah,

Paul Ford:

So you don't do that thinking, you don't rehearse the thinking.

Paul Ford:

You don't learn the form.

Paul Ford:

That's too bad.

Rich Ziade:

That is too bad, and I think, but you know, to close it with a

Rich Ziade:

bit of hope, when you do see something that clearly someone put a lot of

Rich Ziade:

work into, it's still a marvel, right?

Rich Ziade:

It's still really appreciated.

Rich Ziade:

Like a great movie is still a great

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's still really appreciated.

Rich Ziade:

because he's an obsessive

Paul Ford:

Difficult people are still making interesting things.

Paul Ford:

And you can also appreciate the craft of popular stuff.

Paul Ford:

You can appreciate the craft of like Dua Lipa songs.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Those are industrial interesting products of their own.

Rich Ziade:

Yeah All right.

Rich Ziade:

This was a great zoom out Paul.

Rich Ziade:

You're good at that.

Rich Ziade:

You're good at that because I want to be angry I woke up angry.

Rich Ziade:

I had a list I saw that mug and I got angry.

Paul Ford:

People are getting dumber.

Paul Ford:

They're the exact same as they were, which is too bad.

Paul Ford:

And they have green.

Paul Ford:

But they're not getting

Rich Ziade:

Paul, if you'd like to save novelty mugs

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

on the, off the web, what tool should you

Paul Ford:

We have a product called Abort.

Paul Ford:

And Abort lets you, like, save things on the web.

Paul Ford:

And there's a fantasy I would have had years ago that Abort will make you,

Paul Ford:

like, make everybody smarter and better.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

But I don't think, no software will do that.

Paul Ford:

But what a board does do is make it easier for you to have a resilient place

Paul Ford:

to save your information and communicate with the people in your peer group.

Paul Ford:

So I'm going to, all I want this software to do really, is just allow people to

Paul Ford:

do what they do with less friction.

Paul Ford:

I feel that that's the best you could hope for.

Paul Ford:

And so I think we,

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

good, it does

Rich Ziade:

live very soon and everyone will be able to sign up.

Rich Ziade:

So check it out and check us, check us out at Ziadeford.

Rich Ziade:

com and at Ziadeford on X, not Twitter, Paul.

Paul Ford:

You know what, one way you get smarter, you listen to this podcast.

Paul Ford:

We're not making people dumber.

Rich Ziade:

We're not selling mugs, I'll tell you that.

Rich Ziade:

We may sell mugs one day, who knows.

Paul Ford:

it'll be exactly like that book.

Paul Ford:

Alright, I'm gonna go decongest.

Rich Ziade:

a lovely day.

Rich Ziade:

Feel better, Paul.




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