This episode we’re traveling through the Australian outback to see that, once again, being a parent can tend to be quite the thankless occupation. And for our fact, we’re visiting a rather TINY Oceanic island with some rather LOFTY myths and deities that faces a problem encroaching societies the entire world over. A nuanced balancing act with high stakes and a little bit of snark? Brand new year, same ol’ cast, here…. on the Colored Folklore podcast.
00:58 - Music: Mr. Mischief, All Good Folks (via Music Vine)
01:08 - Episode Art: Jacqueline
01:15 - Logo: Arthur
02:08 – Revisiting the Colored Folklore Trailer
02:14 – Record Scratch, by SoundJay
02:34 – 8 facts about Indigenous people in Australia
03:35 – Indigenous Australian culture
06:28 – Exploring Australia, by JBlanks
07:11 - Sources
14:11 – Take Aways
19:26 – Folklore Fact
20:31 – Australia Oceania Dubstep, by Nuclearmetal
20:47 – Areop-Enap, The Old Spider
26:30 - Colored Folklore contact information