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SWP #7 – Hazards Vs Dangers with Bryan McWhorter
15th July 2019 • Safeopedia Podcasts • Safeopedia Podcast
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Join Scott MacKenzie and Bryan McWhorter as they discuss Hazards Vs Dangers on the Safety with Purpose podcast. Follow Safeopedia for more great safety content daily!

Podcast Transcript:

[00:01]                                    Okay.

[00:08]                                    All right. Welcome to Safety With Purpose. Again, we’re going to be talking about safety stuff because safety is important at u as safety sherpas are important because you, you’re, you’re doing the heavy lifting, nice seat with the full backpack of safety. Stop climbing this mountain of success so that we could come home to our family, friends in what, what we want to do, because you safety sherpas are carried at the heavy load of safety. Stop. Okay. We’re going to be talking a little bit about hazards and dangers in this particular episode of safety with purpose podcast and of course it’s going to be with the Bryan McWhorter. He is our resident’s safety expert here at a safe, a pedia and safety with purpose and joy. Here we go. We have no time.

[00:51]                                    Things are moving. Things need to be done. We need to be safe. You’re always at the cutting edge of keeping people safe and as such, we know we got to start out with our tailgate. Talk, tailgate, talk number one. Okay. I’m out here. I’d say for PD. Once again, I go to the Q and a section and I’m going to pull up what is hazardous atmosphere, which is just an interesting topic from my perspective. When I was alignment, we would go do some underground stuff. And then of course, the bottom line is we would always, always test for gases within, let’s say, underground faults. So this one is as specifically interesting to me. Now you got to go out there. There’s, there’s a lot of data associated with it, but, uh, nonetheless, it’s important. At worst, worst case, if you go down into a hole, if you go into an enclosed area, if you’re doing something that is, uh, has an a potential of being able and don’t take chances once again, right?

[01:43]                                   Don’t take chances, you can always test. There’s always tests. And if somebody says, Hey, get in there and it’s not tested, you do not get in there. You stand your ground and we’ll hear to back you up. So here, here’s just sort of in a, in accordance with OSHA, OSHA, hazardous atmosphere. Atmosphere is an atmosphere that may expose employees, you and us to the risk of death. Incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue injury or acute illness from one or more of the following causes of course, flammable gas, vapors, mis, you know, that exceeds 10% but once again, that is what this is out on Q and a right Q and a, what is the hazardous atmosphere need to go out to? Safeopedia it’s out there. Let’s get the details. Of course they’ve got the links that uh, will continue to be out there and make you a better knowledge about that.

[02:38]                                    Number two. All right. And then another one would be [inaudible] as an owner of an industrial maintenance company, I always, and I do, I struggle with this one too as well, is why emergency, why emergency equipment is needed. That’s one. What are the laws, codes and standards and uh, this is brought to you by a gentleman by the name of Matthew. Okay. Gabi. Ah, and he is the regional sales manager with western us. And this is sort of interesting with so many antsy, right? And SSI standards and OSHA requirements out there. How does one know when or even where emergency equipment is needed? That is a powerful statement. This was an on demand Webinar. Again, an on demand Webinar and you know how it’s going to cost you. And once again, it’s free because safest PD is committed to providing this knowledge free because they’re their purpose, their passion is of course bringing it home safely.

[03:33]                                    So nonetheless go out there why emergency equipment is needed. It is as on demand Webinar. It’s out there on social so go out there. Okay, let’s get going with the interview hazards versus dangerous. I really enjoyed this conversation with uh, Bryan McWhorter because well, what are they hazards versus dangerous? Well, he answers it in the interview, uh, of this podcast. So thank you very much again for joining safety with purpose. Enjoy the interview. All right, welcome. With safety, with purpose. We are back with Bryan McWhorter and before we proceed forward into hazards and dangers and the difference associated with that, I want to make sure that last episode we talked about fall trees analysis and Bryan, you’re going to be able to provide all that documentation associated with that podcast because that’s an important subject. And, and once again, you listeners out there, these are snippets.

[04:26]                                    It is a wet your whistle, but the real detail is the documents that are attached to these podcasts. Go Out, grab yourself a coffee copy and be safe. Did I get that right? You got it, Scott. All right, let’s go into hazards versus safeties. Do you know the difference? And I don’t enlighten us on my friend enlightened us. Okay. Hazard versus danger. Uh, if I’m dealing with say, a brand new employee to work environment, this is one of the first things I get them to understand. And for anyone in any work environment where there’s potential dangerous, the, it basically goes like this guy, we can be in a surrounded by hazards all day long. It never endanger hazard means a control measures put in place to keep you from danger. So it goes beyond terminology. It’s something that we really need people understand if they’re going to stay say so has it worked like this?

[05:20]                                    A hazard means that we’ve identified a risk. Um, and if you put a control measure in place to protect someone from that risk, they’re going to be safe. So let’s say the hazard were identified or loud noises in a work environment, a noises, Beyonce, 90 decibels. The risk is hearing loss. So we put a control measure in place like we’re in earmuffs are hurting production. So now they’re no longer a danger. No, we’ll use another one. Let’s say someone’s dealing with sharp objects, you know, metal with sharp edges. So the risk is lacerations. Um, the control measure might be cut resistant gloves. But where really important to understand

[05:58]                                    this is okay. So if people are following, understand the hazard, well, say again, the sharp objects. So now they understand the importance of the control measure. I need to wear those gloves. They’re not going to be in danger. Once we choose to disregard that control measure. We just crossed the line from hazard, did danger. Um, I can walk into a manufacturing environment or a construction site and based on how I see people using their control measures, their leading indicators, I can tell or gauge safety every one not being used. It goes back to that broken window theory. You know, we’ve got this being disregarded. They know what needs to happen, right? But if no one’s calling them on it, um, guess what they’re going to start disregarding other control measures. And pretty soon we’ve got a dangerous work environment. You’re not a hazardous work environment.

[06:50]                                    C and a, we did a podcast on the broken window theory. I think it’s a phenomenal example associated with the hazard versus danger scenario. What we’re talking about and I, and unfortunately you safety pros out there are witnessing this all the time and that is a, everybody sort of begins to take shortcuts and uh, let’s say not put it on the hearing protection because apparently something needs to get done and they forgot to put the hair in protection and now they’re in the danger mode. And uh, I, I just didn’t get that. That’s a great example. Absolutely.

[07:26]                                    Very important to understand. Like I said, this is if I’m doing new hire orientation for a company for safety, this is a first thing I drill under the that understand the difference between hazard nature. Yeah. You can work around hazards and be safe. Don’t disregard that control measure. Once you do, you’re now in danger.

[07:43]                                    That is key and especially when you start, I don’t care, I’m not going to try to minimize some other industrial environments, but if you’re in a petrochemical, a chemical, you know, working in an elevated positions, you can’t, you cannot circumvent those control measures.

[07:58]                                    Yeah, absolutely.

[07:59]                                    And you’re around hazards. You’re around hazards all day long. That’s all wonderful and Dandy and we have to do it as a society. But what keeps us safe are the control measure measures.

[08:10]                                    Yeah. And the problem is with us humans, which I’ve been at human most of my life is we’re creatures of habit and once we disregard something once and get away with it again at that broken window, it’s very easy to disregarded again. Cause risk comes with reward. You know, I, if I find that I can work on that machine with the guard off what they’re running and avoid putting it down, saving downtime, all of a sudden I’m a hero. But you know, I was also very lucky individual cause I put myself in danger for a paycheck needlessly,

[08:40]                                    you know, and I I call that riding in on your white horse and, and uh, I’ll do anything to get that asset back up and run whatever it is. And you, you ignore those control measures that you work in that hazardous environment and you’re back into danger. But it doesn’t matter. We got to get the asset up and run in blah, blah, blah. That there’s was a real cultural challenge.

[09:03]                                    Yeah, absolutely. This is why that that phrase safety asked me, number one is still important to safety first culture because we’re performance ribbon. Like I said, risk comes with reward. Yeah. We want to be that person that shows that get her that attitude. The highest numbers. Lowest Damn town. Hi Lois. Scrap rates.

[09:20]                                    Depending on, this might be another topic for safety with purpose and your subject matter. But I find do you find these safety signs affective? Okay.

[09:34]                                    Uh, yes and no. I you’re right that Kinda I, I get where you’re going with a Scott yet they blend into the background and no part of a consistent message so it has to be consistent with everything and you’re right. We’ll, we’ll talk about this.

[09:49]                                    I got to because when we start talking about it’s like safety’s number one. Yes, I’ve heard that for ever cut corners and yet we still ignore control measures because we got to get the thing up and running but we’ve got that sign on the wall that says is number one.

[10:06]                                    Yeah. You’ve probably seen that yo patients, I’ll say a guy out of steps.

[10:11]                                    Cool. On the ladder you’re hanging a safety side. You know I call this [inaudible], right? We have two phases when it comes to safety. We have the thing we say and we have the thing we actually do and unfortunately you’re off the few different things.

[10:25]                                    Absolutely. Hey, we’re going to have to wrap this one up. We’ve got some supporting documentation regarding hazards versus dangers. Do not go around those control measures. You is safety pros out there. Make sure you keep those individuals safe. Once again, we’re to keep on firing out. Next one we’re going to talk a little bit about the moral safety compass, which I have no idea what Bryan is going to talk about, but I’ve heard the dog gets excited because I’m enjoying this a lot. Thank you very much for joining safety with purpose. We will be back with another great pop. Think in safety. As an industrial professional myself, I was always passionate about sales, marketing, branding, expanding the marketplace for my company. That’s what Ian Dust, real talk platform is all about. It’s about you, the industrial company, the industrial professional and your legacy, increasing sales, gaining greater exposure on what you do and how you and your company changes the world. Go out to industrial that’s Contact me. Let’s have a conversation to see how we can work with you on improving your bottom line and that you can be a part of an ever-growing network of industrial companies focused on expanding and growing and leaving a legacy. I hope to hear from you soon and be safe out there.

[12:04]                                    All right. Thank you very much for joining us. Safety with purpose. You Safety Sherpas out there. Thank you very much for what you do from the bottom of our heart. Thank you. Uh, you do keep us safe. It is an important component and you’re changing the world. Industry is changing the world. You’re a huge, the most important component associated with it because you’d get us, you bring us home safe, you bring us home safe to our family and friends. Thank you very much. Let’s sort of wrap it up a little bit. Hazards and dangerous. Thank you very much. Brought Bryan McWhorter for the interview. And then of course, hazardous atmosphere. Go out to Safeopedia Q and. A. Find it, get a little more detailed. That’s important. And then finally, uh, the emergency, uh, equipment that you need on a job site. Aha. You need to listen to that on demand Webinar at Safeopedia.

[12:49]                                    And if you’re interested in expanding your market, of course, go to industrial talk. There are solutions out there. It’s industrial specific geared towards you. Uh, let’s have a conversation. So anyway, thank you very much. Always be safe. Always help your others because it’s always about the other. And thank you very much again for joining safety with purpose. We’re going to continue to bring great content. It gives, it’s all about knowledge. It’s all about you bringing you the best that we can possibly bring. So take care of. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day. And be safe.

Supporting Documentation:

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