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Marketing Testing: A hugely-valuable lesson...
11th August 2021 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:14:01

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Marketing testing can be your secret weapon…

And it’s not just doing a few A/B split tests…

Or even developing a full-on conversion rate optimization plan.

It goes deeper.

It’s the THINKING and PRINCIPLES and STRATEGY behind testing that will make you a better marketer.

You can learn what’s important.

You learn what moves the needle.

You learn what ACTUALLY generates response: leads, customers, sales, and profits.

And that will mean every piece of marketing you touch going forward has the potential to be even more effective.

Today I share one of my biggest lessons in marketing testing, that matters whether you’re running tests or not...

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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