I've seen too many coaches have a nervous breakdown while building their biz, but it DOESN'T have to be that way.
This episode talks about this common challenge and HOW to prevent it (or recover...)
I share some examples of what a nervous breakdown can look like.
I also open up about my own experience with working through and moving beyond one.
I hope my advice helps you prepare ahead of time so you can minimize the struggle and thrive in your business!
“It really doesn’t matter what you accomplish or don’t. We have to do the work of seeing ourselves - of seeing our value - and really loving the journey along the way.” – Molly Claire
What You’ll Learn
- 3 types of Nervous Breakdown candidates:
- Type #1: Jumped right in
- Type #2: Not making traction
- Type #3: Never good enough
- Molly’s breakdown story
- Allowing myself to be human
- Taking time away
- My ah-ha moment regarding success
- Combine learning from experts with DIY
- Engage your own coach who believes in you
- Continue adding and refining coaching skills
- Make successful processes repeatable
- Have personal life support
Contact Info and Recommended Resources Connect with Molly Claire