In episode 140 Steph co-hosts with Christine Hardenberger of Modern Travel Professionals. They tackle the following questions, all about getting started or starting fresh with a new agency this week:
Questions :
00:00 | Welcome to Friday 15
01:13 | Disney & Universal criteria for advisors
07:52 | What to ask hosts when switching
16:10 | Starting an agency with a partner
1. I'm a new-ish agent, under 3 years experience, and I have been entertaining the idea of venturing out on my own. I am currently with a host agency. I am curious about some suppliers, specifically Disney and Universal's criteria for 'accepting' a new agency. I don't want to leave my host agency if I won't be accepted to sell Disney and Universal, as these are the two I primarily sell. And how do I start the process to apply? I can't seem to find any contact information for applying to sell these suppliers. --New Agent
2. I'm thinking of switching agencies. How does that process work? What should I be asking the new host? --Anonymous
3. My best friend and I are wanting to look at becoming travel agents together as a side job. We both work full-time day jobs. Do you know if any of your agencies cater to joint ventures? She has traveled much more than me and knows a lot about Carnival / Princess Cruises. Although cruising is what we would like to focus on, we would love to learn more about what we need to do to get started. --Anonymous