Monica, from outside of Sacramento, California, shares her double story as an adoptee and a birth mother.
When Monica was a kid getting dumped by her adoptive mother sent her down a path of bad-girl attention seeking that, put her in dangerous situations.
In reunion she discovered her heritage is tied to native people of North America and that her instinct to search was well-timed because her passionate drive was matched by someone else very important to Monica who was looking for her too.
As an adoptee, Monica holds a unique perspective that helped her prepare for one of the most pivotal moments in her life.
Trigger warning: Around 20 minutes into the episode Monica discusses a violent act inflicted against her.
This is Monica's journey.
Who Am I Really?
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[:[00:00:18] Monica: They carried guns and knives and switchblades and did crime
[:Here we go.
Cold Cut Intro
[:as a Catholic. Give it up for adoption. and it was a normalized too in our family because we were both adopted, but that's when I was pregnant is when I really started wondering about my birth mother.
I'd always thought about her, but it's when I really started because I was going to have to give up my only known blood relative, my baby. The only human that looked like me, the only human that was related to me,
[:Show Open
[:And that her instinct to search was well-timed Because her passionate drive was matched by someone else. Very important to Monica who was looking for her too. As an adoptee, Monica holds a unique perspective That helped [00:02:00] her prepare for one of the most pivotal moments in her life. Remember the trigger warning around 20 minutes in. This is Monica's journey.
[:[00:02:45] Monica: my mom back in the 90s told me that story and, laughed about it that I was so horror stricken and yeah, it wasn't funny to me. And then I had a memory of it, but I was always very. [00:03:00] Jealous of my little brother, he got all our attention. He was super needy ice appeared strong.
So I kind of got dropped.
[:[00:03:17] Monica: That's so funny. Well, he lives with me now, so there's that. And we're recording this on Valentine's Day and he gave me a Valentine's gift, which is a necklace little heart necklace.
So we worked it out. But, if you look back and all the photographs of me. In my mom's lab with my brother, well, next to my brother if you see any picture, you can see my jaw jetting out because I'm jealous and I know I picked on him and you can see pictures of me when he's barely walking that, I have my fist above his head and he's cowering.
was four or five. She says, [:And I do remember growing up, we, we used to laugh about it and tell, our friends, we were adopted, they were like, Ooh, you are, I wish we were too, those types of things. And I didn't think it was a big deal or bad thing. When I was little, although when I got a little older, my early teens, I started really noticing the differences within my family that, and in fact, at 15, I was writing in a journal and I made a note that nobody in my family is related.
iving in a house and we were [:He was very sensitive. I was a little like a little percher on. My dad used to think of me as this little bit horses. That's really strong. I was a tomboy, had dark hair, all of skin. And it was, apparently appeared fearless, but I remember as early as my first memory of wanting to not be embarrassed is When I was probably three or four we were in a living in Alaska and I Was told not to but I stuck my tongue to the fence The metal fence.
y tongue got stuck. It was a [:My mom kind of dropped me and I was strong. My dad favored me. and then I had trouble. I had trouble in first grade with being able to count, write my numbers. And I can still remember. I mean, the first grade sitting at the kitchen table and getting confused between, like, maybe the transitioning from maybe 10 to 11 or, 19 to 20.
nd then I, as a kid, I just, [:She'd slam her pencil down and push her, chair away from the table. And so I just stopped bringing work home. I mean, I think I probably had some ADD and learning disabilities or something. and then when I was in elementary school, maybe second or third grade I started feeling really good.
I don't know if anybody listening remembers SRA, but they were little boxes of cards for reading, and you would go up a level and you get a different color box of cards to read. And I moved right up in second grade, and I was so proud. And then we had, I think it was a class census. Must have been because there was something, came around and you had to color it in with a black, number two pencil is very important, fill in the dot and it came to me and I couldn't answer this one question.
th your real parents kind of [:And man, I felt like that was, there was something wrong with me. And that is when everything shut down in terms of education. that's the first memory of my real self worth issues.
[:Just this general question of, wow, what, why aren't I getting this can be really prevalent. Tough to get through. You mentioned before that you felt like your mom Dropped you what does that mean?
[:He was, the lady at the adoption agency was so proud because he was sleeping through the night at three weeks old. Well, I think he had failure to thrive syndrome. He was skinny and gangly. And when we brought him home, he cried constantly. He had food allergies, his blood pressure. Belly button was poking out.
He needed fattening up. He, he cried at any little thing, especially if it involved being mom, having fun. So basically I was not tonight, not today, honey. We don't want to wake your brother. No more playing the piano, no more time with mom. And I resented him and he just needed her and she needed someone to need her.
opped. At least that's how I [:[00:10:06] Damon: Wow.
[:And, he had, she had nowhere to go. He had nowhere to go. And that kid, man, that little boy, he could write you a letter where you had to read in the mirror. He could write with either hand upside down or backwards. He could, he played first violin in seventh grade by ear. He could sit and play any instrument.
ht was going to happen is my [:and we've healed our relationship. He's finally working. He's getting, self esteem's improved. I mean, codependency it was child abuse and it was elder abuse too, she was living in squalor, I was kicked to the curb, I couldn't really get, see my mom because my brother had her in his clutches, it was a mess.
And my father Had I don't know how to put it. He was sexually attracted to me And so I believe there was and I couldn't identify What was up with my mom and me because I loved her so much. She was my mom and she just Was snarky to me and anything I asked for, I felt like I was, unworthy.
a teenager, and so, I didn't [:I couldn't see it while she was still living, because I loved her. She was my mom, being an adoptee, we, we glom on to anything, anybody, especially Our parent we may not like them but there's this need to be needed or loved and wanted and I couldn't identify it until she was passed and she was jealous of me and she resented me before for my strength for my, I just, I had a lot of trauma, like a lot of trauma in my, especially in the first 16 years.
ing my early teen years when [:Now, mind you, I started writing in 2016. It is today 2024 and it's just getting published and it's because I couldn't it. Finish it until I could see clearly and I couldn't see clearly until she was gone And I remember my friend kelly saying to me Monica, you've always made excuses for your mom
And I think maybe that's an adoptee thing, it's like I just you know, I know my dad The things he did and in his sickness.
He 19. We moved to california when I when I was 16 and so
[:Even one of the things that you said was that she dropped you in terms of an emotional connection to you when your brother was adopted, that seems like that's one piece of trauma right there. And then they became codependent with each other. And then. If I heard you correctly, you said that your adoptive father was physically attracted to you, which in my mind would also play out in their own relationship, right?
That his attraction to you would limit his attraction to her, thereby creating the jealousy that you've now identified as something that she. Was snarky about. Is that roughly correct that there were multiple things along those lines that sort of compounded into the challenges of your relationship with your mom?
[:And actually, my mother dumping me, I don't know how else to say it, that's just how it felt,
I don't even know if that was one of the traumas of the 11th, but, and then there was so much gaslighting, and so much, all those were, aren't even considered big T traumas, and they weren't counted, so yes, Yeah, there, my parents relationship was fraught, and they seemed to get along and love each other, but I learned a lot of things, over the years, and I grew up in a really sick household.
[:Can you tell me a little bit about your teenage years? it sounded like it got pretty rough. You moved away. I would imagine as a teenager, your father's attraction to you probably even worse. Tell me a little bit about your teenage years in your home. Cause it sounded like it was a rebellious time for you.
[:It's isolated. People that go to Alaska why are they going up there? A lot of, some were to hide, some Trying to get away from the law. Others wanted a new start. They wanted So you had a whole different type of [00:17:00] person up there. And you also had a lot of crime that started when the oil was discovered.
t, I read an essay that was a:Our population maybe more than doubled. And we had. The Hells Angels moved, came to town, the mob came to town lots of sex workers, strip clubs everywhere. So it was a real different place to grow up and it's, it was the Wild West. There wasn't a lot of law, there was a lot of [00:18:00] people, making money on the backs of females, literally.
And so I, this was kind of all in conjunction with. Some things that happened with my dad, he he, there was no physical sexual abuse when I was a teenager, but there was some absolute horrific verbal abuse and physical abuse. And it was the. I was about 11 when it first started and then 13 when it just like broke me.
And what I did is I never felt like I fit in with the kids at school. These kids came up from the lower 48. Their fathers were bank managers. They lived in nice fancy houses. My dad was a businessman. He was a real estate guy, but we lived in a, kind of a normal, subdivision wasn't fancy.
ave cute clothes. My mom was [:I felt like someone would look up to me if I was bad. And I didn't fit in with the smart kids in school. And I just became a delinquent and with the claim to a virginity, I was named after the Virgin Mary being Mary Monica, major Catholic family, my dad with Madonna complex. My mother, Virgin, when he married her, it was clear in our family.
And I snuck out my window. I broke into houses. I rode in stolen cars. I beat people up. I vandalized. And I put myself in some really scary places. starting from 13 until 15. and so 15 is when My life changed.
[:I don't know this, but just the way you've described your home life and the abuse and then the breakup of your mom and you on from her side feels like being a badass was saying, Hey, somebody pay attention to me, please. Right. Am I wrong about that? Okay.
[:Oh, please look at me. Please look at me.
[:So what [00:21:00] happened then in your teenage years? It sounds like you had a big moment
[:They carried guns and knives and switchblades and did crime and back then everybody carried a gun, but and I don't, I think they still do. I don't think there's a concealed weapon lot there at all. And so I stuck out my bedroom window one night and I got raped by my friends.
but my crushes were on boys [:and I took that to my grave almost, you know, for, I didn't tell anybody.
I, I felt like it was my fault. I shouldn't have done this. I should have screamed. I should have, I didn't have a bloody lip. I, clothes weren't torn, the whole scenario. The chapter is called. I think a lousy lay in my book, actually. And it was devastating because I'd lost my crutch.
not an option in a Catholic [:[00:23:06] Damon: Wow. That is a lot. I can't even imagine. First of all, let me just say, I'm so sorry to hear that. That's what happened to you here. You were crying for help, acting out and end up in these bad situations and then taken advantage of by someone else and then changed about it too. And so you ended up pregnant with this child.
Yes. And it's
[:There's, [00:24:00] she's there, and I don't know, does she attract those still same kind of people? I mean, the people that betray. And it's happened over my, in, in the years, even in business. And, these things, like you said, that happened to us for me, I believe that me being a bad ass virgin, juvenile delinquent was a survival strategy.
[:[00:24:39] Monica: Yeah, I ended up pregnant. And then my parents hid me away in the house.
[:[00:24:46] Monica: it was during the winter time, very dark. And, they're, from a distance, I've got a lot of distance now from my life and [00:25:00] I mean, yeah, everything that happened to me was, there was a lot of tragedy, but on the other side, it's been my greatest strength, on the other side.
And had I have not gotten locked up, in the house with my very Catholic mother, I'd probably ended up in prison. I couldn't stop breaking into houses. It was my first addiction. And I never got caught. I liked my hair on fire. And so this was a reset. And it did reset me, it's not to say that I didn't, go have problems, after my father died, but man, I got locked in the house with a very Catholic mom, and she became my best friend.
ng girl and as a young woman [:[00:26:21] Damon: When I was pregnant Oh, that's fascinating
Oh, I see what you're saying. Your adoptive mother also no longer saw you as competition. Right. Right.
rs of sunlight. She said the [:When springtime comes around in Alaska, everyone comes, bursting out of their homes, ready to socialize, but Monica still pregnant and intentionally sequestered from the public could not go out and socialize with the others. She was still a kid at 15 years old And all of the frolicking and playing outside, the other kids were doing was off limits to her as a pregnant teenager. As a sophomore in high school, a time when a kid starts finding their groove among an expanded more mature friend group. Monica had been pulled out of school.
[:See, because after the rape, I didn't want to be that juvenile delinquent anymore. I wanted to be a nice girl. I was starting the high school. Sophomores were high school students. Freshmen were junior high there. And I wanted to be different and that's when I found out I was pregnant and got locked up.
ed here. It was just a rough [:[00:28:01] Damon: Was the relinquishment at all your decision or was it entirely your parents decision?
[:And I'm like, there wasn't one. There was never a scene. There was never a conversation. It was probably because adoption was normalized in my family. It was also, we were, Very strict Catholic. It would, it was just, we're going to take you to see a nun at Catholic services and she's going to, for the adoption.
And it was just, it's like,
ere both adopted, but that's [:I'd always thought about her, but it's when I really started because I was going to have to give up my only known blood relative, my baby. The only human that looked like me, the only human that was related to me, and I remember grooming the nun for her to let me see my baby because the Catholic hospitals didn't let you, and I was basically going to hold her hostage, I'm sorry, unless I get to see her, you don't get her.
I'm not signing. That was my idea and, in the back of my mind, but they, I did get to see her and while I was pregnant, I went to a pregnant girl's school. I mean, I had the option of going away and I wanted to stay in town because my girlfriend said, Oh, you need your friends the most for this time.
chool two days a week at the [:all of them were planning on relinquishing. I was the only one that relinquished, except for one girl, the 17 year old got an abortion. Everybody else, they weren't at the Catholic hospital, they saw their baby and they kept it. Or their mother wouldn't let them give them up.
[:[00:30:23] Monica: So, I mean, I did see my child and I didn't have any power back then.
If you looked at your parent, I mean, first of all, when they were talking to you, you looked right in their eyes. You did not look away. You did not breathe. You never rolled your eyes, never had an attitude or help. You get slapped across the face. My mother was a rager. I was terrified of her. My father didn't, he didn't really punish us except the one wire hanger beating that I got.
You don't defy your parents. [:And when I was driving down the freeway in California, I mean, I had so many repressed memories thing and it was. It was a, it was the abandonment of my mom who didn't protect me. And, anyway, my son said, I was talking to him about it in the kitchen, and my brother was there, I think somebody else was there, and he goes, Mom, if you or Dad did that to me, I'd have run and told, I would have told somebody right away, it sounds like you had Stockholm Syndrome.
And I'm like yeah, that's harsh, no. I looked it up, abused children can have Stockholm Syndrome.
[:That's really fascinating that he made that insight on you. Wow.
[:[00:32:24] Damon: For a 15 year old girl to give birth to a child is a big deal.
When I asked what Monica's life was like after the relinquishment, she described seeing pictures of herself at her sweet 16 birthday party. She said she was so pretty back then with beautiful, shiny hair and this sweet look of innocence.
[:July 27th in Alaska. And nobody wanted to go to a movie, with the family or [00:33:00] anything. And there's a picture of me cutting my cake. And I remember being so depressed. And I wrote in my journal. I said, Sweet sixteen and never been kissed.
Ha! super, sarcastic and I remember thinking and I wrote it in my journal my other mother She must be thinking about me It's such a weird feeling thinking that somebody you don't even know is thinking about you and somebody they don't even know is thinking about them And when I was pregnant, the state adoption agency came to pregnant girls school and were, giving the women their options, the girls their options.
And I afterwards stayed back and I told her that I was already making plans through Catholic charities. And I said, but I'm adopted and my parents don't know anything about my family. because I'd never mentioned it. I just assumed nobody knew anything. So I went home and I told my mom and she started to cry and I said mama, what's wrong?
What's [:Yeah. Adoption isn't natural.
[:[00:34:32] Monica: And we make the best of it,
but yes.
[:[00:34:45] Monica: I don't, I'm not a depressed person. I have had situational depression. And I think that, God made me strong so that I could survive all this because Yeah, because I did, I just and how I did is I pushed it down [00:35:00] and when I left the hospital after seeing her and we were there for three days, I just, I said to myself, I just won't think about it right now.
I just won't think about it right now as we're driving away, from my daughter. I just won't think about it right now. And so I'd push it down. But that 16th birthday was so depressing and yeah, I, once I got back to school I tried to get back in the swing of things. I thought I, things will be more normal.
They weren't, I had body issues, insecurity. I had a little stretch marks around my tummy and, just, I, I wasn't going to be able to, look normal like the other girls. And so, yeah life was different, but one thing that I might add really quick when I mentioned that to my mom, she said, well, there's some papers in the safe box with your mother's name and your name on it.
amed me, her name was not on [:[:
[00:37:25] Monica: So she'd already been gone a number of years when I thought I could feel her thinking about me on my 16th birthday. And when I wrote in my journal, I need her to show me how to do this. she was selfless. And so good by giving me a better home, then how could I Not do the same, I didn't know this at the time But I had a core of unworthiness but if I didn't do what my wonderful birth mother did then how could I You know, I might be able to get my words back.
I don't know. It's so complex.
[:I mean there was a lot in there. Wow, monica. So your informed that she was deceased for many years.
Did you end up meeting any of your maternal family at all?
[:And it's scratchy VHS, but I'm 23 and my father was indigenous. And so was my birth mother. And so I didn't know that growing up. I always, you know, it's all of skin, straight hair, dark hair. But I had, hazel eyes, my mother was blue eyed, father was Irish, her mother was Indigenous, and my father was Indigenous.
Plains Cree. And so, he got off the plane apologizing for his color. And I've never understood, or I've never experienced prejudice. I'm privileged. White. Transcription by CastingWords pretty never experienced that, but in Canada, being indigenous is real low on the totem pole in terms of, social status, and he was shamed all growing up.
t he could speak fluent Cree [:contained in the lake, which is now a Catholic, but it used to be Lake of the Spirit, Manitou Sakahiga, I believe is how it's pronounced. So yeah, that was a whole new experience.
[:[00:40:49] Monica: So, growing up in Alaska, in the 70s, Half Breed, you know, by Cher, and Cherokee People, that song, and Billy [00:41:00] Jack was a movie, and it was cool to be Indian, And I wanted to be Indian, and my best friends, my other little hoodlum friends were, they said they were part indigenous. Cree blood, and the other said she had Nez Perce blood.
And so I wanted to be too, and I'd always felt drawn that way. but I had no idea. And then on the papers that I saw when I was pregnant with the baby, I relinquished, it said that my father was French and my mother was Irish. Well, they left it off because I would have been hard to place. And I was born, I found later with a full head of dark hair.
t Victoria Belcourt Callahoo.[:She was an historian In, around Lac Saint Anne, when I was, where I was born, about how, her mother she went on buffalo hunts, and her mother was a medicine woman, and so she would be my great aunt, and her mother would be my great grandmother, and I've been an herbalist, aromatherapist, I've made poulticists, I've, I mean, For years, I've been like the healing lady everybody came to and I started a company, a body care company back in the mid nineties, that's now in 64 countries today.
I don't know it anymore, but I've always formulated and created and it's like no kidding. My great grandma was a medicine woman, right?
[:Part of your indigenous family. That's really amazing. Wow. So then, how was your relationship with your [00:43:00] biological father? You've told me that he sort of apologized for his color. I get the impression that he was playing to the discrimination that a lot of people have against people like himself, who I assume looked more indigenous than you do.
What was your relationship with him after your reunion?
[:And I took the daughter that I relinquished, who was pregnant at the time with my granddaughter, my other daughter and my son, and we all, went, I took my daughter to the land of her people, right? And I remember my father standing there and, my son looks, he's part Japanese, so he's a little darker hair and stuff, but the rest of us, we've all got bleach blonde hair, my daughters, and he spreads his arm out and he goes, This is my daughter [00:44:00] Monica and her offspring, like so proud right and even in the interview in my living room It was like, I just didn't you know, I just you know, the color so different I will you know, I couldn't believe she was my daughter, and so He was the sweetest, humble, kind, quiet, reserved, complete polar opposite of me.
[:[00:44:25] Monica: My mother's, my birth mother's father was an Irish, or I think he was English and Irish drunk. With a high forehead, with a gift for gab, could sell ice to Eskimos. I got that gene. With the alcoholism, too.
[:My sense is that years of trauma from, basically, colonizers, has made it such that people feel that white is right, right. That they've been oppressed. And so it must be better to be white. And so it's just, it was just interesting to me to hear him make a comment that. almost echoed years and years of trauma that would have been inflicted upon indigenous people.
Am I wrong about that?
[:So you're no one. You're not white and you're not indigenous. You're not a no man. And that's who settled around the lake is of the people that mostly took script which was the government gave the indigenous people a little bit of land, a little bit of money to not be Indian anymore. And so it's, it was a genocide.
, the Pope came to Lac Saint [:He apologized. we don't hear a lot about what, in the U. S., about what happened up in Canada with the Indigenous people. Like, I was part of the Sixties Scoop. That was different. They took Indigenous babies out of homes and put them in white families. They were trying to get rid of them.
[:[00:47:22] Monica: the growth of the
Suggested, maybe she should just wait.
[:[00:48:25] Damon: Monica was living in California, but her daughter was relinquished in Alaska. So six months before her daughter's 18th birthday, she called the adoption agency. Alaska is a state where adoption records are open. One of very few states with that status back in 1991. The agency asked Monica to write an introductory letter That they would share with her daughters adoptive parents. If her adoptive parents were open to communication, the agency would facilitate their connection. Monica had deep, mixed emotions about writing her heartfelt [00:49:00] message to her daughter.
I was sitting at my desk at work, and the phone rang, and it was Catholic Social Services, and I'm, we're sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, and I'm, Like, okay, I wasn't expecting you to what, well, we have a picture here. I'm like a picture of who of your daughter, she and her mother had called within a week or two of my call six months early because she couldn't wait.
[:[00:49:47] Monica: s Just like me, too. Looks like me, walks like me, talks like me. I mean, we both have, we're both really untraditional in any way, shape, or form. We're kind [00:50:00] of beat, dance to the beat of our own drum. We both like to decorate. We both have the same clothes in our closet.
We have the same interests.
[:[00:50:16] Monica: It was so I had stuffed the emotion because I couldn't think about it because it was too painful.
died. And then I got sober in:I couldn't see to hang up the phone. I couldn't speak. I was speechless for the first time in my life. My co workers rushed to my cubicle. What's wrong? Who died? I just, it all came. [00:51:00]
[:That it's been behind the wall of the dam and someone just calls with this notion, this information that they've got a picture of your daughter and the dam just opened. Unreal. Wow. So what happens then? You get this call. What do they tell you is the next step and how do you go about meeting your daughter?
[:I was using Federal Express and fax machines. Couldn't wait. So I wrote a letter to her parents. [00:52:00] They responded. My daughter wrote, I wrote a letter to my daughter. She responded. I have all the letters. In fact, they're in my manuscript, in my book. It was surreal. And then she finally, they gave her my number, but in the interim, I had to, I knew she was going to say, who's my daddy?
And what was I going to tell her? she's going to want to know who he is. And so that was a whole nother really fascinating turn of events. But she called me and We get on the phone I had stuff my feelings for so long and I would never watch sad movies about loss, someone dying nothing sad.
knew what she wanted. I knew [:Those things I wanted to ask my mom that I never got to ask her. And we talked for two hours and she later told me, she goes, you, I didn't have to ask you anything. You just gave it all. Everything I wanted to know.
[:I need to pre deal with some of this stuff is really powerful. I think a lot of people, one, we don't necessarily get the opportunity, right? Sometimes reunion just happens fast and you're like, Oh shit, here it comes. Right. And you just kind of dive in. But the fact that you were able to sort of make and take time to get some of your own emotions out of the way so that you could be really present and.
Grant space for her is pretty impressive. I find
[:[00:54:26] Damon: absolutely.
It was intuitive. Yeah. It was both intuitive and you had the unique perspective of the same lived experience, , and therefore you could. Empathize accurately versus attempting to empathize. There's a huge difference. That's really awesome So tell me a little bit about what your reunion was like.
How did it go?
[:It's dark and, the planes are coming through, but you can't see anything. All just the reflection. I'm staring at this reflection looking for her plane and I'm tapping my foot. I'm so nervous. I'm taking deep breaths. I'm pacing back and forth and I'm not generally a nervous person, but I mean, this was the biggest deal of my life.
This was it. And I'm waiting for her to come up.
ing up and all of a sudden I [:I don't remember it. I can see it on video and we hug and brace and she's got tears and I'm got tears and we pull apart and look at each other in tears. You can see her face and then we hug again. And and then my daughter, The first baby I got to keep, Becca, she hands her a bouquet and she wipes her tears.
I mean, it was super, super emotional. It was super emotional. And my mom was there and my brother was there and I had a few friends there. And it was like, I don't know the top of the heap, it doesn't get better than that.
[:Wow. So what did you do? You obviously didn't just stand at the airport. What did you guys do after you sort of greeted each other there? Well,
[:In fact, I had an 18th birthday party for her in a reunion party. And in my backyard I had, gotten my act together. I had a little girl. It was a single mom had my own home and and we dressed. And the same clothes, they were vivid purple and green. The same colors I painted my bedroom right after she was born, like trying to wipe out all that darkness is funny.
We talk like each other. You [:And I look probably because I'm indigenous, at least 10 years younger than I am. And she Yeah, we just look so much alike and we're only 15 years apart too. So
[:It is Uncanny really amazing. Wow. So how I was
[:[00:59:04] Damon: That's amazing.
[:[00:59:07] Damon: Sure,
[:I mean, their family, like my family wasn't like that. Nobody came to our house. Nobody wanted to be around my parents. Nobody really, we didn't have relatives. And, I'm like my family, I want my kids to have, they come to my house, their friends all came over, it was an open house, they were always welcome here.
And that's how I would have grown up.
[:[00:59:54] Monica: Yeah. And it's sad. I see, the pilgrimage pictures and pictures [01:00:00] around, the fire pit at my. My birth father's cottage. I mean, he just deceased now. And my family in Vancouver getting together for hockey games or concerts, I mean, people travel to see each other and I'm missing.
My sister right now is on this big walk. She's got a group text going, pictures of her in Vancouver, walking with all these women. Like, I don't even know what it is exactly, but something she's doing there. That's And I miss it. I missed it all, but I'm not going to move to Michigan and I'm not going to move to Canada.
I have kids here and grandparents and my grandchild and my brother and a life here. And it's just, I'm so fractured.
[:But what you're describing is this geographic separation from everybody that won't allow for you guys to easily make memories. Also [01:01:00] because each of you has a life. You've got your own children, your own family. She has her own children and family. And As much as you want it to just come right back together, be parallel and aligned and fit neatly, unfortunately it can't because we've all grown up and developed our own lives.
It's, I feel what you're saying.
You have been through so much. How are you doing now? I mean, you've talked about trauma from childhood, being broken up with from your adoptive mother. Sort of the challenge of their co dependence, your brother and your mom, your father, and the challenges he presented in terms of, you You've talked about lashing out, and trying to be the baddest girl possible, and unfortunately you've talked about that going terribly wrong.
that we've been here, and I [:[01:02:05] Monica: I'm good. I just, the last, since 2016, so it's been almost eight years of writing this memoir.
Some of that time was really dark. And I thought, what am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. Cause I was digging up memories that I'd stuffed and finding out, what the reoccurring dreams were about and there's different things that happened. And I almost stopped. And when I first started writing, it was cause my daughter, wanted me to, not the one I relinquished, but the one that's 39 now.
And she said, mom, I think you should write a memoir. He's such so interesting, or adopted and you found Mary and you found your family. And I started writing cause now kids had moved out and such, but it got so dark cause I still felt guilty for the rape at 60 still. And I had to get through all of that.
, Almost stopped. But then I [:Even, things that aren't really, one guy said, I'm not adopted. I wasn't raped. I'm a man, but I had a dysfunctional family. I feel so much. Your writings helped me so much. And so then I kept going because I knew it wasn't just for me. It wasn't just for me. It was bigger than that. And so, I'm good.
regurgitate it again and it [:Like I got emotional when I thought of my daughter. Well, I mean, I've gotten emotional a number of times recounting my story. Like, it just, it is what it is. This was my destiny. This is, I'm accepting it. And I'm grateful that I'm here and then I'm present and then I'm sober and that I was a good mom and that I've healed.
And there's just so many blessings in the darkness.
[:And some, when I shoot out the elevator version, the quick hit that lacks emotion, I'm fine. But if I sit here as you have done and tell the, super long version, I definitely still get emotional. And I've been in reunion for, the longest time you've been in reunion longer than me.
And. You got emotional, recounting that moment of seeing your daughter, whom you had relinquished years before. So, I think it's important for people to recognize that this stuff doesn't just go away. Just because I'm smiling and happy and I'm going about the rest of my life doesn't mean I don't think about all of the things that coincide with being an adoptee and that sounds like that's what you're saying is having been an adoptee, a birth mother, having been through some dark times.
It never goes away, but it sounds like you've done some real Taken some real steps to your own healing and that's amazing. And I hope others are motivated by it.
[:[01:06:01] Damon: For sure. Thank you. Monica for being here. I appreciate it very much this was really fascinating and i'm inspired by your strength So thank you so much for everything you shared.
[:[01:06:15] Damon: You take care all the best to you.
[:Father's pride for his daughter And the extended family she had created. And I was really emotional as Monica described that anticipation. She felt for seeing her child walked down the jetway to meet her again for the first [01:07:00] time. But I want to draw your attention to the language. Monica used to describe her children. Naturally, she referred to her daughter with whom she experienced reunion as the one she relinquished.
But did you notice How she referred to her other daughter. She called her the first child. She got to keep. That is a powerful framing for what adoption means for a birth mother and their respective children. Some they are forced to relinquish others. They are allowed to keep. I'm Damon Davis, and I hope you found something in Monica's journey that inspired you. Validate your feelings about wanting to search or motivates you to have this strength along your journey to learn who am I really, if you would like to share your story of adoption in your attempt to connect with your biological family. Please visit who am I really
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