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Meeting your Best Possible Self
Episode 1417th January 2022 • The AMotherBrand Podcast • Nonie White
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Episode 14: Meeting Your Best Possible Self

Maybe this resonates with you but everyone I'm speaking to at the moment has a refreshing sense of hope for 2022. They feel like this is the year when we’ll emerge from the challenges of the past two and step into the light of clarity and alignment, to be our best selves!

When I talk to the AMotherBrand Community or my coaching clients, there’s a real sense of re-evaluating what’s serving them now, what isn’t and how they can create greater life satisfaction in the year ahead.

Having balance and satisfaction across the different elements of your life is core to wellbeing. The core belief of AMotherBrand is that we can only create a sustainable business around our busy lives and a life we love, if we prioritise our wellbeing.

With this in mind, in today’s episode I am sharing an evidence-based Positive Psychology exercise called ‘Best Possible Self.’

This is a) an enjoyable (and short) exercise b) incredibly supportive in terms of clarifying who you want to be and what you’d like your life to be like and c) super effective in helping you get closer to that vision.

In this episode I explain the science behind how this exercise helps us, how visualisation works and how we can do this exercise for maximum benefit.

Listen to catch these highlights:

3.43 – Why we’ve got to transcend our past to create our future

5:20 - Why nurturing optimism helps us succeed

7:12 - How mentally rehearsing what we want to happen changes things

10:23 - How your creative subsconscious helps you generate ideas to achieve your goal

Do let me know how you find it - I'd love to hear from you! DM me on Insta - @amotherbrand - and let me know what you learned and what you learned about yourself.

Prioritising your wellbeing – by making sure your life is as you’d truly like it to  - is the most effective way to build a sustainable business around your busy life. Having optimum wellbeing is going to make you feel great and do great work, without the fear of burning out.

If you'd like to do a further deep dive into how satisfied you are in the different areas of your life, I've created an in depth free self-coaching package all round a coaching exercise called The Wheel of Life. It's a quick tool to get a snapshot of your levels of life satisfaction now and work out how you'd like to improve it.
Download this coaching pack to:

* Discover how balanced your life is today

* Work out where you’d like to improve that balance

* Create SMART goals that will improve your levels of life satisfaction in the areas that matter most to you.

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Update: AMotherBrand closed its doors in March 2023.

I now help purpose-driven female entrepreneurs to create maximum impact alongside maximum wellbeing, through 1:1 coaching.

I combine my experience as a Founder, with my background in Social Entrepreneurship, Positive Psychology and ICF-Certified Coaching to help ambitious women create the flourishing life and meaningful work that they desire.

Head to to find out more.

Social links:


Insta / facebook: @noniewhite_

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