The bad financial decisions you avoid can be just as important as the good financial moves you make. And while no one is perfect, highly successful people and families tend to avoid major slip ups.
Today, we’re going to explore some wealth-destroying mistakes that highly successful people do a good job of sidestepping and how you can take a page from their playbook.
0:06 - Introduction and overview on the topic of the day
1:30 - High successful people avoid making costly mistakes
3:06 - We can take away some lessons from the ultra affluent
4:04 - Stop losing sight of your goals
5:55 - Leverage a vision statement and be clear about what you want to accomplish
7:18 - Work with an advisor who deeply understands your goals and aspirations
11:16 - Utilize a second opinion on your financial world
13:08 - The difference between a stress test and a second opinion
16:47 - How you can get in touch with Mark's team
17:59 - Closing remarks
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