Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
No Imposters Among Us: Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Episode 4818th August 2022 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
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Starting a new job can be daunting, especially while you get your bearings in those first few weeks and try to quickly learn new processes, tasks, and faces. However, even after settling in and becoming high achievers, some people still doubt their abilities. Known as imposter syndrome, this phenomenon is the subject of Jeremy’s question for the WorkInSports Podcast:

“Hey Brian, I really enjoyed your podcast a few weeks back on mental health. I wanted to push this topic in a related but different direction. Imposter syndrome. I’ve just been elevated to my first managerial position, and I’m suffering from a massive lack of confidence, and it’s affecting my decision making … what can I do?”

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

People with imposter syndrome believe they are not as competent as their peers think they are, despite strong evidence to the contrary. As a result, they frequently feel like a fraud and doubt their skills and accomplishments, fearing that others will discover their perceived shortcomings.

One of the first steps to defeating imposter syndrome and gaining confidence at work is knowing that you aren’t alone, as 82% of adults experience these feelings at some point in their lives. VP of Content and Engaged Learning Brian Clapp is among those who have dealt with imposter syndrome in his career, and he shares his experience and explains how you can overcome it on today’s podcast episode.




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