Artwork for podcast Building a Life You Love: Faith, Passion, and Purpose for Women
Ep 128: Following Your Soul's Calling and Becoming a Creative Entrepreneur & Poet
Episode 12816th December 2021 • Building a Life You Love: Faith, Passion, and Purpose for Women • Kristin Fitch - Transformational Life & Leadership Coach, Encourager
00:00:00 00:25:41

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On today's podcast episode, Kristin interviews, Sabrina Gaffney, a quirky, uplifting and funny poet on Instagram and founder of Hullabaloo Poetry- Sabrina shares her story of writing poetry in her youth and then becoming a copywriter and her journey back to listening to her soul's calling and learning to lean into joy and what brings her happiness. Sabrina shares how she turned her fun, irreverent and uplifting poems into a brand and became an entrepreneur and came back to herself as a poet her soul always knew she was meant to be.

One concept Sabrina shares is that no one holds the blueprint to your life but you because you are the designer of your own life and while there are no directions, it's up to us to listen to ourselves and take the path back to our deepest purpose and desire to creative work we love into the world.

Are you a creative entrepreneur? This is a great episode to remind you of the importance of listening to yourself instead of what the world told you and that love is found in your truth. And Sabrina shares several of her poems in a poetry reading. Note: This episode does contain several F-bombs.

Are you feeling stuck and unsure how to move forward? Check out Kristin's new program called Let's Get Unstuck to help folks take their idea or early business and get it out there with confidence, focus, know-how and encouragement.

Want to learn more about the podcast- check out

Follow Kristin on Instagram @kristinfitch

Follow Sabrina @HullabalooPoetry

Sabrina's Etsy Shop





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