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Breaking Through Money Mindset Issues
Episode 228th January 2022 • Rich and Worthy • Melisa Alaba
00:00:00 00:10:35

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What’s holding you back? What’s keeping you from having that big breakthrough in your life? We all desire to have more money so we can have more experiences and take care of the people we love, and be able to give service in the world.

Problem is, most of us have been programmed from a young age to believe that we’re not worthy. That it’s not safe to have money, or there isn’t enough to go around.

Get to a place where you feel worthy.  Your life right now is a reflection of what you’ve been thinking for the last month, year, or lifetime.  What are you programmed to believe? What is your set point?

As your money healer, I want you to do your daily money mindset work.

Connect with me on Facebook and say hi!

Are you ready for your one-on-one VIP session with me? Schedule at and don’t forget to pick up your free gift, “10 Rituals of Rich and Worthy Women” while you’re there!

Music Credit: Shut It Down by JAM Studio

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Melisa Alaba:

So what's holding you back.

Melisa Alaba:

What's keeping you from having that major breakthrough in your money,

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in your life, in living the dreams that you've always wanted to live.

Melisa Alaba:

That's the question that I often ask my clients.

Melisa Alaba:

And a lot of times they are asking themselves the same thing, girl,

Melisa Alaba:

why am I still in the same space?

Melisa Alaba:

What is holding me back?

Melisa Alaba:

So I wanted to dive in deep with you guys and share some of the things

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that I've just learned over the years.

Melisa Alaba:

That keep my clients from living their most rich and worthy lives from getting

Melisa Alaba:

the job promotion from going on the trip of a lifetime from having the

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money that they desire in their bank account, from being able to do the

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things that they really want to do, like have someone cook their meals, have a

Melisa Alaba:

regular housekeeper, have investments and savings and feel like a grown as loving.

Melisa Alaba:

So, and that's what we all desire.

Melisa Alaba:

We all desire to have more money so we can have more experiences and we can

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take care of the people we truly love.

Melisa Alaba:

And we want to be able to do it in a way that gives service

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and purpose to this world.

Melisa Alaba:

We want to be able to do it in a way that is easy.

Melisa Alaba:

That is loving.

Melisa Alaba:

That is.

Melisa Alaba:

All about who we are.

Melisa Alaba:


Melisa Alaba:

We want to be ourselves in a process.

Melisa Alaba:

So here's what I'm finding that.

Melisa Alaba:

The things that really keep women and hold us back from having all the things that we

Melisa Alaba:

desire when it comes to our money world.

Melisa Alaba:

It really is our core beliefs.

Melisa Alaba:

It's our mindset.

Melisa Alaba:

It's the things that we were programmed to believe and think when we were a child,

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it's a things that we saw our parents do and how they behaved around money.

Melisa Alaba:

It's the scarcity mentality, you know, like there won't be enough for me.

Melisa Alaba:

It's also not feeling safe.

Melisa Alaba:

A lot of times opportunities come the right person comes.

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The idea comes and it doesn't always feel safe or good to go for it.

Melisa Alaba:

When your mind has been programmed to believe that you're not worrying.

Melisa Alaba:

So the first thing that we must do is get in a space of feeling worthy, feeling

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like we deserve more, you know, and it's interesting because I hear women all the

Melisa Alaba:

time, especially in my business women, very powerful women who say things like,

Melisa Alaba:

you know, I've done my mindset work.

Melisa Alaba:

You know, I don't need to work on that.

Melisa Alaba:

I've been to therapy.

Melisa Alaba:

I've healed that piece of my life.

Melisa Alaba:

And that may be true.

Melisa Alaba:

You may have healed it to a certain degree.

Melisa Alaba:

But when you're desiring more, I beg you.

Melisa Alaba:

I ask you, I plead with you, look at where you are now.

Melisa Alaba:

Your life is a reflection of all the things that you thought about last month.

Melisa Alaba:

Last year, literally, whatever is showing up now, that is the true,

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true thing that we can measure to say what I've been thinking about,

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what I've been programmed for.

Melisa Alaba:

So you can have a business, but that business gets to a

Melisa Alaba:

certain point and it stops.

Melisa Alaba:

It stops growing and stops producing.

Melisa Alaba:

You're noticing you're making a hundred thousand every year or

Melisa Alaba:

200,000 every year or 80 K a year.

Melisa Alaba:

We all have set points, right?

Melisa Alaba:

We have set points and our weight, our body gets used to a certain.

Melisa Alaba:

And in order to move it, to lose the weight, to get to a new set point,

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you have to do some different stuff.

Melisa Alaba:

You got to do different exercises.

Melisa Alaba:

You got to shake it up.

Melisa Alaba:

You got to tell your body.

Melisa Alaba:

No, it is not the way we go on.

Melisa Alaba:

We about to do this.

Melisa Alaba:

And that's the same.

Melisa Alaba:

When it comes to our money, our money mindset has to shift.

Melisa Alaba:

We have to shake it up.

Melisa Alaba:

We have to retrain it.

Melisa Alaba:

So rewiring your brain for success is a real thing.

Melisa Alaba:

You know, when you see folks in there, they now are millionaires,

Melisa Alaba:

but they used to be thousand.

Melisa Alaba:

They're just like, you, you like, what is this?

Melisa Alaba:

How did they jump?

Melisa Alaba:

I guarantee you, they didn't jump levels, their strategy,

Melisa Alaba:

all those strategies important.

Melisa Alaba:

They jumped levels by literally changing their money mindset.

Melisa Alaba:

So in rewiring the brain, you can go really.

Melisa Alaba:

Or you could go really fast.

Melisa Alaba:

I love to take my clients the fast route and the reason why is because hill lots

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of my clients are 40 plus years old.

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Melisa Alaba:

They don't have the luxury of investing at 20 and then seeing the results

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of it at 65, they need to get there.

Melisa Alaba:

Now they need to get there now.

Melisa Alaba:

So the fast way is to programming.

Melisa Alaba:

Raise our vibration.

Melisa Alaba:

Now change our mindset.

Melisa Alaba:

Now create some numbers that almost scare us.

Melisa Alaba:

Now have experiences that we really desire now embody what we want to be now.

Melisa Alaba:

The slow way is we're going to save $50 a month.

Melisa Alaba:

We're going to put that in an investment.

Melisa Alaba:

We're going to bump up that $50 to a hundred dollars next year a month.

Melisa Alaba:

We're going to scrimp.

Melisa Alaba:

We're going to save.

Melisa Alaba:

We're going to do all of these things of cutting out our coffee.

Melisa Alaba:

I'm not getting a Starbucks that we want all of these things to

Melisa Alaba:

get to where we need to be now.

Melisa Alaba:

Am I opposed to saving hell?

Melisa Alaba:

Savings is huge, but it's also how you think about it.

Melisa Alaba:

It should be sexy.

Melisa Alaba:

It should be fun.

Melisa Alaba:

Saving and investing should come from a place of sexiness.

Melisa Alaba:

It should come from a place of abundance.

Melisa Alaba:


Melisa Alaba:

That's the word.

Melisa Alaba:

It should come from a place of abundance.

Melisa Alaba:

Whereas if you're trying to save, you're even wanting to invest out of scarcity.

Melisa Alaba:

You're not going to produce what you desire to produce that fearful mind

Melisa Alaba:

will take you back to your set point.

Melisa Alaba:

It will take you back to where you always were because that's

Melisa Alaba:

where you're comfortable.

Melisa Alaba:

So in working with me, one of the things that I work to do with my

Melisa Alaba:

clients is to get you feeling more comfortable with more experiences, more

Melisa Alaba:

desires, being realized, and being more comfortable with making more money.

Melisa Alaba:

When you start to make more money and you start having money in your experience and

Melisa Alaba:

is showing up more regularly, guess what it's easier for you to save is easier

Melisa Alaba:

for you to invest when having multiple streams of income becomes your norm.

Melisa Alaba:

Money is all around you, you, and you know, it is a predictable factor guests.

Melisa Alaba:

You can do any and everything at that point.

Melisa Alaba:

So just in talking about this inherent ness, I just kind of want

Melisa Alaba:

to end this episode with saying.

Melisa Alaba:

Money mindset is everything.

Melisa Alaba:

And it definitely comes before we create that amazing strategy for

Melisa Alaba:

whether that's your retirement or for whether that is your business that we're

Melisa Alaba:

going to explode, or what have you.

Melisa Alaba:

Money mindset is where you want to start.

Melisa Alaba:

It's your daily exercise.

Melisa Alaba:

People ask me that all the time is.

Melisa Alaba:

How often should I be working on his money mindset thing.

Melisa Alaba:

And I say, every day, every day, I want you to move your body and I want you

Melisa Alaba:

to walk and I want you to exercise.

Melisa Alaba:

If I was your personal trainer and every day I would want you

Melisa Alaba:

to eat good and nutritious meals.

Melisa Alaba:

You know, if I was your nutritionist and every day, I want you to writing

Melisa Alaba:

your journal or do your meditation.

Melisa Alaba:

If I was your therapist and as your money Hiller every day, I want

Melisa Alaba:

you to do some money mindset work.

Melisa Alaba:

We are working to rewire your brain and get you where you desire to be.

Melisa Alaba:

And I want you to know you can get there now.

Melisa Alaba:

You're not bad with.

Melisa Alaba:

You are not bad with money, you just kept yourself safe.

Melisa Alaba:

You did what felt comfortable.

Melisa Alaba:

What allowed you to fit in with your family?

Melisa Alaba:

What kept you safe from standing out too much from your friends?

Melisa Alaba:


Melisa Alaba:

Even probably protected a lot of your gifts, but in this season,

Melisa Alaba:

And this right now, it's time for you to stand up and stand out.

Melisa Alaba:

And that's going to all start with money mindset until next time I love you.

Melisa Alaba:

My friends go out and live a rich and worthy life.



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