Artwork for podcast The future of higher education today
Trailer: The future of higher education today, series 2
Trailer7th January 2025 • The future of higher education today • Universities UK
00:00:00 00:00:46

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Produced by Universities UK and Advance HE, this four-episode series focuses on governing and leading transformation and change in the higher education sector.

Find out more and download transcript:


Aaron Porter:

The future of higher education today: the vodcast bringing people together to talk about the biggest issues facing universities and higher education.

Dr Tadhg Leane:

So in order to merge quickly, you're going to have to make some really big and really difficult decisions.

Gayle Ditchburn:

What do we actually now need to know in order to effect the merger? What things do we need to ensure that are in place before we can proceed?

Professor Lesley Haig:

It very much was a marathon and not a sprint, so how do you look after your people on the way through?

Professor Anthony Finkelstein:

Once you are a combined institution, you have opportunities that are, you know, substantially greater.

Trusha Lakhani:

You've actually got to plan three or four years ahead.

Debra Gray:

So how do we position the college as a leader in its field?

Professor Sir Steven West:

Our job is to make it better for whatever follows.



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