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E127 | The Importance of Vision, Systems & People with Chris Croft
Episode 12719th January 2021 • Curious Leadership with Dominic Monkhouse • Monkhouse & Company
00:00:00 01:03:51

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Chris Croft is a writer, a keynote speaker and a bit of a guru on Linkedin Learning, with 34 video courses on subjects including Project Management, Time Management, Process Improvement, Assertiveness, Negotiating, and Happiness, with 20,000 views a day and over 11 million views in total.  

His Project Management Simplified course is thought to be the most viewed project management course in the world. He also teaches leadership. And he’s currently teaching other people how to be trainers. 

“So I'm teaching them how to be self-employed, how to write a training course, how to sell a training course and how to deliver a really good training course. And just generally sort of how to be me, only better is what I think of it.”

Today we chat to Chris about the differences between management and leadership, and what the key elements are of those jobs, why they're different, and how delegation is absolutely critical, but why some people find it so difficult and what you need to do to master delegation.

“I think delegating is probably the most important skill. And I think most bosses are bad at delegating. To delegate something important is really hard. And I absolutely think that the world divides into the good and the bad delegators.”

This is a really insightful conversation with Chris, we hope you get as much out of it as we did.

On today’s podcast:

  • How to train to be a trainer
  • Definition of selling
  • Difference between leaders and managers
  • Visions, systems and people
  • Thank people
  • His 8-point Management Charter
  • Put your prices up
  • Write down your goals






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