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078 How To Manifest SO Fast You Question The Meaning of Life
Episode 78 โ€ข 10th October 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode, our host, David Bayer, delves into the transformative power of imagination and the concept of the quantum field, drawing inspiration from Neville Goddard's teachings. David explores the idea that all potential futures already exist in a fourth-dimensional space, and by focusing our attention, we can activate and materialize the future we desire. He emphasizes the importance of mindset and personal growth in overcoming limiting beliefs and traumas, which often shape our current reality.

Through understanding and redirecting our habitual thoughts and emotions, David suggests we can transform our lives, relationships, and businesses. This episode offers insights into how problems can clarify our desires, enabling us to translate energy from potential to reality.


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Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality

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What We Explored This Episode

02:33 Manifesting Reality Through Imagination

06:07 Transforming Your Business Through New Perspectives

07:09 The Role of Problems in Personal Growth

12:14 Translating Energy into Material Form

Memorable Quotes

"The reality you're living right now actually started out as an idea, an imagination. You've imagined the life that you have right now."
"Your reality is constantly changing. It's as if there's a live stream coming from the fourth dimension or your imagination into your reality."
"Problems aren't really a problem. Problems are just the mechanism by which you get clear on your desires."

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Well, it's important to understand that the reality you are experiencing right now actually came from that other place called the fourth dimension. The reality that you're living right now actually started out as an idea, an imagination. You've imagined the life that you have right now. Now, sometimes that's a hard pill to swallow. You're like, but how did I imagine this chronic health condition? How do I imagine living in this fear of financial insecurity? How do I imagine a life with a toxic relationship? Or how did I imagine a life where it feels like I don't have enough and maybe I won't have enough in the future? And the answer is, well, you've been thinking on a moment by moment basis thoughts of fear since you were a small child. We called the root cause of those fear based thoughts your belief systems. And when you grow up, you learn from other people how to be afraid. You learned that money was hard to make, or you learned that there wasn't enough time. Or you learned that there wasn't good enough, either because you observed your parents living this way. And so you modeled that from your parents or because you grew up in an environment where there was some sort of, what we would look at, call abuse. People didn't treat you well. Maybe it was a schoolteacher, maybe it was your parents. Maybe it was other kids that you were growing up around who made fun of you. And so you develop these habits of thoughts and habits of emotion that were fear based. And your habit of thought and your habit of emotion is your habit of imagination. This is really important to understand. You're imagining all the time. Some people say to me, you don't have a really hard time visualizing or imagining things. And it's like, no, you don't. You're imagining almost 24/7 you're thinking your thoughts as you're driving from point a to point b, and you're on the highway and you're kind of ruminating in your head. You're imagining when you're thinking about the business that you want to start. You're imagining when you're thinking about not having enough clients. You're imagining not having enough clients. When you're thinking about how you haven't been feeling well in your body for a while and you start to wonder, am I going to feel this way? Always? You start to imagine feeling like this always. So you're constantly imagining. And when you're imagining, you're activating information that already exists in the quantum field or in the fourth dimension. When you're imagining, you're placing your attention on all of this potential that exists in what Neville Goddard calls the fourth dimensional space. And the longer you hold your attention on that information that exists in this imaginative realm, you turn it not into transform it from potential to actualization. It becomes not a possibility of your future, but it becomes your future. And so that's why this mindset work is so important, and this personal growth work is so important. And becoming aware of and transforming or healing or letting go of our limiting beliefs or our traumas is so important because that's the imprint within which you're constantly placing attention in the fourth dimension. And so a lot of people go, well, if I'm constantly creating into my reality, how could that be? I'm experiencing the same reality over and over and over again. Nothing's changing. And the answer is, everything's actually changing on a moment by moment basis. But it seems like it's not changing because you keep thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same emotions. I'm going to say that again because it's really, really important. Your reality is constantly changing. And it's as if there's a live stream that's coming from the fourth dimension or your imagination, over time into your reality. It's constantly streaming, and you can change the stream at any point in time. You can change what your habit of thought or habit of emotion is, or what your habit of imagination is. And you'll transform your reality, you'll transform your bank account.

You'll transform your relationships, you'll transform your business. I'm going to go deeper on that with you here in a second. But it seems like that's not the case. It seems like your current reality, what's already materialized, is fixed. You've had the health problem for a while, and you still have the health problem. You've had the money problem for a while, and you still have the money problem. You've got the business problem for a while, and you still have the business problem. You've got the lack of clarity problem, and you still have the lack of clarity problem. You've got the career problem, you've still got the career problem. But that's not because what I'm suggesting isn't true, that your every single moment is a new creation. That's because you keep thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same emotions and imagining the same fear based future. So you're creating the same undesired reality in your present moment experience. It's important to understand. What's also important to understand is that the problems you're experiencing right now aren't problems so let's just relax around it for a second. I want you to understand what problems are designed to do in the way this system of reality or system of intelligence works.

ome people like to wake up at:

That dream home exists right here, right now. That dream relationship, it exists right here, right now. All possibilities already exist in consciousness. And so the name of the game is to learn how to translate, because we are translators of energy into material form, how to translate that future that you desire that's been catalyzed by your experience of problems. So problems aren't really a problem. Problems are just the mechanism by which you get clear on your desires. We have an opportunity to translate that energy of your future from the field into the life that you're living right now. So again, it's important to understand, like step one is that all of the future that you want already exists right now in the fourth dimensional space. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter. A couple of times a week, I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mindhack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people established a change, changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site, and I will see you in the next episode. On over to the site, and I will see you in the next episode.




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