If you hadn't worked it out by now, we record TCD on a Monday morning.
Normally that isn't a problem, but this week my normal routine was disrupted by fitful sleep, the school holidays and a change to the usual greeting that emanates from Linette's alarm clock.
Still, ever the old pro, I was "primed and ready" when the red light came on...i.e. Ant asked me about festivals and I couldn't remember any (have since had many festival memories explode in my head. I'm sure they'll be shared henceforth).
So prepare yourself for err's and umm's from the cabbage which is my brain, along with Francis Dunnery, Up the Junction and yours truly making the point on You & Yours.
And, if that wasn't enough, I manage to slip in a couple of cracking Dad jokes.
Thank you Paul Hester, Milton Jones,
h x
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The Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997
The Invisible Man Volume2: 1998-2014