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Episode 41: The Anatomy of Fear: Understanding its Impact on Healthcare Professionals (featuring besting selling author, Mindy Spigel, RN, MSN, CPXP)
Episode 411st November 2023 • eLABorate Topics • dibroadcasting
00:00:00 00:31:23

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Tune in for Part #2 of Stephanie Whitehead's interview with Mindy Spigel, the author of the best-selling book There’s a Snake on My Head! Strategies for Alleviating Fear and Anxiety in Healthcare for Patients, Families, AND Healthcare Teams.

Listen to Part #1 of their interview here: eLABorate Topics | Episode 39: "There's a Snake on My Head!" (featuring best-selling author, Mindy Spigel, RN, MSN, CPXP) (

In this episode, Stephanie and Mindy discuss the fears of healthcare professionals and how they can impact patient care. Tune in as Mindy offers practical tips to healthcare leaders on how to recognize and address these fears and how to create an open and safe environment where healthcare workers feel comfortable to express their fears and be honest about their feelings. Mindy’s interview is essential listening for healthcare leaders who want to create an environment of trust and safety for their teams!

Mindy Spigel's Bio:
Mindy Spigel’s passion is helping people create meaningful connections as a leader, a team member, and while caring for customers. She enjoys helping leaders build strong teams and exceptional work environments. She is committed to helping teams communicate, respect each other, and work together effectively. It is her desire to alleviate fears, build trust, and create an exceptional experience for all. Mindy is proud to be a nurse and has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Nursing. Mindy has been honored to have presented at numerous National, State, and local conferences and provided consultation and coaching to various organizations. In 2018, Mindy completed a research study on the fears of patients and families. She published a book on Amazon entitled, “There’s a Snake on My Head! Strategies for Alleviating Fear and Anxiety in Healthcare (for patients, families, AND health care teams) based on her research and experience

Connect with Mindy Spigel:

Connect with Stephanie Whitehead
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