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052 Why Work & Life Balance is a Myth
29th August 2022 • Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton • Rachael Troughton
00:00:00 00:23:01

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To maintain a healthy work-life balance, you need to create a situation where there’s equal input in your work and in your life. But is it always as easy as they paint it to be? Today, I’ll be talking about the concept of work-life balance as a property solopreneur and why I think it’s flawed. I’ll also be sharing tips on what to do as you attempt to achieve it.

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- Why work-life balance is considered a myth

- How your approach to work affects the balance you wish to create

- The importance of keeping a diary and a strategy as a solopreneur 

- How to find a reasonable balance that works for you 

No matter how passionate you are about your work, you must create a time for breaks or else you’ll burn out. You can always go on a holiday, pick up a new hobby or just spend your break with friends and family without doing a lot of work. As long as you’re comfortable with what you’ve chosen and your schedule is organised, you just might hit that balance after all.


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