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Debunking the stigma of CBD with Lizzy Renee
Episode 375th May 2021 • Balance Shared • Michelle Lasley
00:00:00 00:40:49

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Introduction to Episode

Liz Renee (Carlin) continuously works on debunking the stigma of CBD. In this podcast, we discuss many facets of CBD and why you’d want to use it.

Podcast Episode Summary

Liz and I discuss our mutual desire to live a whole life - meaning, we turn to natural solutions first to solve any of the issues that come our way. Liz reminded me that there have been no home health laws since 1938. She shared that there are more than 12,000 chemicals that can be considered “fragrant”. She also reminded me that the European Union has banned over 1,300 of those chemicals, whereas the U.S. has only banned 30. 


Tips for moving to a wellness lifestyle: 

  • Be patient with the process
  • Start with what you know
  • Start slow
  • Your body needs to adjust 

Two main points for moving to CBD

  1. Get quality products 
  2. Have patience and take the time to figure out the right dose

Recommended Resources

For more information about Michelle, Balance Shared, events, and projects, please visit


Michelle Lasley 0:02

Hi. This is Michelle Lasley with balanced shared a space where I truly believe we are better together.

My guest today is Lizzie Renee. She uses the pronouns she her hers. Lizzy is passionate about helping improve people's lives. Her focus is on natural living and reducing exposure to toxins and chemicals found in our environment, and processed food, personal care products and medicines. She was first inspired to keep her family above the wellness line by using plant based approaches when possible. She believes in modern medicine, but instead of it being her first resort, it is her second or third resort. She first attempts more holistic approach to her family's wellness. So Lizzie is the first person I've brought onto my podcast to talk about another kind of oil. Y'all know or you should know that I love essential oils. But today we're going to talk about CBD and hopefully debunk some of the stigma around it. Thank you, Lizzie, so much for joining me today. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. Oh great. So what does CBD stand for? CBD stands for cannabidiol. And what's confusing right off the bat is that kind of a dial is one of over 100 different cannabinoids in hemp, and cannabis. So CBD stands for just one. But really a good product, high quality you want all of the cbds although there's all different kinds, including THC is one of the cannabinoids. Okay, fascinating.

I want to go back to that. But first, you said that you were inspired to keep your family above a wellness line? What is a wellness line?

Lizzy Renee 1:46

e's been no legislation since:

Michelle Lasley 3:39

So our chemical life is something that is really important to me. And I have written about that. In some ways. There was a really fascinating Australian 30 minute documentary and I will link to my blog post in the show notes where I refer that out Yeah, and Ah, yes, yes. So that will be available to you and all our listeners. One of the things that I have found over the years is like a woman, for example, can put a conservatively 80,000 chemicals on her face, and her body with personal care products, the makeup, the whatever. So I'm going to share a personal story first, and I want to hear more about yours. So speaking to this chemical life, one of the things that we have chemicals in his food, right, so like food, dyes, gummy bears, gummy vitamins, that sort of thing. And when my son was five years old, we were noticing that he This was probably the start of some of his anxiety, but he was having attention challenges in the traditional kindergarten classroom and we had also noticed it when he was in preschool. So we hired a behaviorist to come in and work with us and she worked with the school and it was really great. She was able to help speak the teacher's language to help point out where maybe she was focusing on him when other children had been doing that same behavior. So there was some really awesome things that came out of that. And she also said, what kind of dyes are in your kid's diet. And we had been feeding him gummy vitamins. Like I've been interested in organic for a long time. But my husband isn't always on the same page. So we don't live a completely organic lifestyle. And sometimes budgets preclude you know, living completely organic, right. But we had noticed that for sure, there was a couple spaces where we could remove the red dye. So we did it was like, first of all, I think it was in his gummy vitamins that were given. So we thought we were doing the right thing by feeding him a vitamin. And it was loaded with this potential thing that was you know, maybe causing these attention issues. So we stopped the vitamins and we made sure to be really careful and not feed him any died foods for a solid 30 days. I think we started that in like September. So then Halloween came around, and he got you know, all his candy and he got a package of nerds and I tend to blend on the like get all the candy consumed. So then you don't have it lingering over days and days and days kind of thing. So the kid can still enjoy it. And then you're not

Lizzy Renee 6:09

any get sick, eat so much that you get sick and then make it disappear.

Michelle Lasley 6:12

Exactly, exactly. So he downed this entire container of nerds candy is just a standard little box, right? The next day, he broke out in a rash.

Lizzy Renee 6:25


Michelle Lasley 6:26

the only difference was the red die, because we still would eat Oreos or brownies and things like that. So there was still sugar, and different things in our life, but no red dye until that day,

Lizzy Renee 6:38

I need to get you a podcast and on the podcast. It was a TED talk. And I need to go look up the woman's name. I don't remember what it was. But it was all about she is a psychologist trained psychologist and her son had the same problem with red dyes and yellow dyes. And they couldn't figure out what he ate. And it was like an an egg bagel or something that had yellow dye in it that they didn't realize they just you know, they were at the store. And they got lazy on reading things because they had really established a norm of what they bought and like, oh, some egg bagels, I'll just buy those. And they didn't read the ingredients, assuming that it's a bread product. So like, you know, you're not worried about bread products. No. And then it took them a couple days to figure out what his problem was. And so she is convinced of this problem. And what's really sad again, and it comes back to just where the focus is on the companies that we buy from where our dollars are spent. There's just in the medical community too. There's not enough kids, there's over on, you know, I want to say like 2 million kids or something that have ADHD. But it's not enough of the general population for it to drive a change yet those of us because my my 14 year old has ADHD as well. We really struggle. You know, it's it's a struggle.

Michelle Lasley 7:50

ter, say on a scale of one to:

Lizzy Renee 8:27

Okay, I'm gonna just add one thing into that. And that's that I started with essential oils before CBD. And I feel like my pivot was with the essential oils. And let's do that as the marker. Yeah. Um, okay. And so you want the California or the American. So

Michelle Lasley 8:44

you, you and however you define health, and, and 10 being like you're on it, and you're doing the best you can possibly do to maintain health. Like, where do you think you were before you got on essential oils. And then now,

Lizzy Renee 8:58

I'm going to use the word clean, because I feel like I've always been relatively high, I don't think my health level has changed. If anything, it's gotten worse just because I'm older, and I don't have as much time to exercise. So but in terms of like the choices that I'm making about the types of products and everything we use, I would say I didn't pay attention at all into the cleanliness of it. It's like I've heard the term organic, but I didn't really know whether it was worth the money kind of thing. So I would say I was probably more like a three or a four. And now I would say I'm probably as much as I would like to say I'm a nine or a 10 I'm probably like a seven and a half or an eight and that's because I'm married to somebody who my husband actually does a lot of the shopping so that's a blessing in disguise. And we're very busy. And so the busy factor gets, you know, plays into that and we we live outside not during COVID but when it's not COVID we are relying on schools that feed our kids and we're relying on it we eat out of these I mean, we eat out a lot. I've been cooking more in the last we're on about what six weeks now of, of quarantine. Yeah, I've cooked more in the last six weeks than I have the last six years, I'm cooking three meals a day. It's crazy. But the quality of our food right now is, is really pretty good. So I it is you have to make and also the evolution in this I'm sure I'm gonna guess that you agree with us. But I feel like the evolution when people's you start talking about essential oils and CBD and making all these wonderful health changes. It's really overwhelming to people at first. And I think, well, I can't just change everything all at once, or that's gonna cost me so much money. I've always just said you start with one thing and you add on to it. So if you start first with treat using the essential oils, or the CBD to treat whatever your problem is that you're currently working on work on that and then let it expand. So my pivot was not overnight, it probably took a couple years, you know, and then I have to watch because sometimes things sneak back in Old habits die hard. It's like, Oh, yeah, I shouldn't have bought that I won't buy that again, and we still eat it. Or we still, you know, I really liked this shampoo. So I'm just going to use it. So things do sneak back in. So I'm not aiming for 100%. Because I think it just takes the fun out of life. But if I can control and make positive changes to that 80 plus percent in what I can control, then that's going to reduce my overall which would have been really bad. Yeah. Yes, control what you can and work from there. If I've reduced our risks of getting sick of having bigger chronic problems, not having to take allergy medication every single day for, you know, four or five months out of the year. If I can remove all of that with using plant based stuff that's not hard on my on my liver. And it's not hard on our bodies with the buildup that it can have been I've won. And I get an Advil every so often but a lot less because I try other things first.

Michelle Lasley:

Oh, absolutely. I still get headaches because I didn't sleep enough or I didn't drink enough water and right, you know, yeah, yes, absolutely. Try the essential oils first and whatever. And then and then if that still doesn't work, then you have the backup, because it's not about getting rid of Western medicine.

Lizzy Renee:

Right, exactly. And that's why I say it's my second or third choice instead of my first choice. And I would actually say since I wrote that bio of myself, it's probably more like the third or fourth choice like now I have more things in my arsenal. And I'm more patient with the process. And I have I just don't have as many things pop up anymore.

Michelle Lasley:

Can we highlight that more patient with the process? What do you mean by that?

Lizzy Renee:

Well, especially with essential oils, CBD too, they just take a little time to do a call it trial and error. Yeah, so with essential oils, you have 100 different oils available to you. And you may not own all of them when you first get started. So I always say buy the flexible ones. And you know, you can just use jockey around for what it is that it didn't work for this, but I'll work for that. You got to give it a try. And the great thing about essential oils is you get an immediate response if it's going to work, you know, that night did I sleep better? Okay, so you and then also when you're getting started both CBD and essential oils, you have to start slow and add up and build up. You don't want to just flood your body with the system your system with all of the stuff and be like, gosh, I'm having this weird reaction. What is it? What is it from I don't know, I tried four new essential oils today that you want to avoid that same with CBD, if you just start taking the full dose that you know I take 66 milligrams a day right now. And you don't want to start there that could upset your stomach. It's new, it's new to your body, your body needs to adjust so so I just say it takes trial and error. You got to figure it out with essential oils, you have to figure out which one is going to work and with CBD, it's about how much is going to work and you have to slowly build up the amount in your body.

Michelle Lasley:

So you get that magic number. Awesome. Okay, I want to take a super quick break and then I want to know why you landed on CBD oil. Okay. I love aligning my days with nature's rhythms and I made a tool to make it easier. I would like to introduce you to my moon deck. My moon deck is a perpetual calendar, a calendar that never expires. This 86 card deck with booklet will allow you to lay out your day week or month and overlay the sun and moon with the elements and with the celebrations from the Wheel of the Year. This tool drawn and created by me. Michelle Lasley will be your fun, whimsical and practical tool to see how nature and its rhythms can support you. If you want to learn more and get your own deck today, visit www dot Michelle slash moon deck. I can't wait to help you align your time with nature and my perpetual calendar the moon deck

Welcome back. So you said that you started with essential oils. And then I think this happens to people in different ways when they start getting into the natural lifestyle, right. So like for me, it was actually learning to make soap and what goes into So why do we put all these things in and when you learn, then you're like, oh, soap really only needs to be three things like water and fat. And so why do we put all these other things in and whatever. And so so for me, that was like, my gateway essential oils are an amazing gateway because they smell good, right? And you can do different things with them. And it can be just so amazing. But you kept going. And so can you just kind of explain that journey?

Lizzy Renee:

Sure. Um, so I'm in my mid 40s, I'm 46 years old with a 14 year old, a four year old and a two year old and my stuff all started before my two, which is almost three now. So in my almost three year old was still not walking, she was probably about 1516 months. She was also a big baby she'd love to eat didn't move very much. So she was almost 20 pounds, and I started to experience really bad sciatica. I had never had sciatica before. I don't even I don't even know what I think it comes from inflammation, but I wasn't really sure. And before I went to the doctor, I never even met the doctor. Yay, I went to the physical therapist, I went to the chiropractor, and I used every single essential oil in my arsenal. And I have at least 100 oils. So I tried just everything. And I was like this is miserable. So I picked up the phone. And I'm like, Alright, I'm calling the doctor, because I can't figure out how to make this work. But the last thing I wanted was some kind of pain medication, because they can often alter that have oftentimes have side effects. And they can alter your ability to stay focused and do other things. And I have a lot of responsibilities. And I've got kids and I've got stuff I have to take care of. So the concept of taking a medication that would slow me down at all was a little unnerving. So I'm open to anything. And I actually met with a friend, we were having lunch talking about one of our businesses. And we were just chatting. And she asked how I was when I shared with her my my sciatica problem. And she's like, have you tried CBD? And I was like, You know what? I haven't, I had been researching it for about six months for my 14 year old. Unfortunately, because I'm in a divorce situation. And it's not legal for under 18. I can't just give it to my son. And I tell you, it is probably one of the biggest things that just kills me because I'm watching him struggle. And I have a possible solution that I believe in. And I can't give it to him because his dad won't let me and I can't put custody at risk, right? So I decided, well, if I'm willing to give this to my 14 year old son, he was 12. At the time, if I'm willing to give this to my son, I should be willing to take it for myself, right? So I did pick up the research where I left off and I found a 0.0% THC product. And the reason I was interested in that is that I had the stigma around around CBD products because they are there.

Michelle Lasley:

Yeah, like what are some of the things that you thought of and have heard about CBD?

Lizzy Renee:

Well, the the stuff you hear before you're educated is or you think is Oh, I'm gonna get high from this. If I take this product, I'm going to get stoned and Okay, I'll admit I had my days where I know what that's like. And all I do is eat and I can't think straight and I like to sleep does not go well for you know, being a responsible mom doesn't and I've been an employee like that that can add up. So that's what was in my head like I didn't want I was afraid of getting high. So I really liked the idea of 0.00% THC product. Now in the beginning of my of my journey on this, I did not understand how important THC is to the success of your CBD. Okay, so it's kind of confusing, right? So that it's in my bottle at trace amounts. So it's 0.00 to sort the hundredths level of THC but there's just a tiny bit in there and we have our body has what's called an endocannabinoid system. So that's just like our respiratory system, our digestive system, like our reproductive system, well we actually have an endocannabinoid system. And that system is in charge of making a chemical similar to CBD. It's the plant version is slightly different than the the animal version, right? But it can supplement and use it the same way. So our bodies making it and we have receptors all over our body. So I think of this as little Pac man's and a little Pac Man is wants to eat the CBD that goes by in the bloodstream, okay, and Pac Man is sitting on my brain, on my, in my lungs all over every major organ has its own pac man that's in charge of jumping on the proper CBD that it needs that it can take in to keep your body working properly. So we have this endocannabinoid system that is in charge of keeping everything happy, and the THC. So again, when we talked about the quality of product as a term you'll hear in the CBD world, which is called full spectrum. And that means they've used the entire plant, and it has all 100 plus cannabinoids found in hemp and marijuana. Okay? Now hemp has a different makeup than marijuana, they have different different amounts of things. So let's focus on hemp. That's the product most people want. That's what's legal in all 50 states. And so our bodies are taking it up. Well, if Pac Man is sitting there with the limited amount that our bodies make, and it's off kilter, because our body isn't making enough and the plant version of the CBD comes by, he's like, I don't know what's going on. I don't know what that is, that's something new and he kind of skips over it, where the THC will come in and say, Hey, dude, wake up, wake up and get ready some stuffs coming your way that you're going to want. And it like perked up the little, little receptors so that it grabs on to the CBD faster. So what you find is, and the clients of mine who are marijuana users, they use the product and they noticed the results immediately because their body is primed with a bunch of THC in it. Now I'm not recommending that for everybody can still get the effect, you just have to wait a couple days to see how it's gonna work. So with the product that I use, and having very trace amounts of THC in there, it makes people comfortable to get started. But it takes a little longer to figure out how much does my body need for Pac Man to stop wobbling and to be like, oh, cool, I'm happy I have what I need and then I can calm down whatever organ isn't getting what it needs in the body.

Michelle Lasley:

So you used it then to help support a healthy inflammation response in your back.

Lizzy Renee:

It was in my leg but yeah, we might. She was started in started from my upper cheek all the way down to the back of my knee was my whole thigh that was really bad. And it just shot all the way down. I could feel it like you never knew when it was gonna come on, it would just come on all of a sudden. And then the really crazy thing this was really well a couple crazy things that I thought it was crazy just because I wasn't expecting anything other than hopefully to help the sciatica. The first thing I didn't realize was and I don't know the you know, I don't have any, any science. This is like my own personal hunches, right? Well, I went through expense, extensive fertility treatments to have my two kids and I had extensive shots, right in the part of my rump, like my husband had to give give me injections. And I had kind of like a knot that was there, like and I didn't really realize that this knot was kind of sitting there until after about six weeks on the CBD that knot went away. So I don't know if it was the chemicals that I put on my body. Or if it was the you know, the response of giving yourself an injection that the muscles were just irritated. And that could have been it took took many years before it surfaced as a problem. But the CBD Okay, so back to my, my, my journey on it, I get the bottle, and I take the half a dose for you know, my first few days. And then I put it aside, it didn't work. Eight milligrams a day didn't work. And so little, little devil on my shoulder was like, oh, maybe it was the pride the angel Don't do this. Take this anymore, you're gonna get high. And I put the darn bottle aside and I left it and I ignored it for like two or three more days. And then I was like, okay, the sciatic is terrible. And so the other shoulder, you know, I don't know which one is the devil or the angel here, right? But the other part of my mind is saying, Liz, you have that bottle, it might be your answer, just go take it like, go take 16 milligrams and just do it. And three days after taking the 16 milligrams of sciatica was gone. It's never come back. I have increased my dose for a variety of different reasons right now. And the amount that we're sitting at home at COVID. So I'm home sitting, I'm not walking around at all, I live on a hill, I have two kids and a big dog I can't see easily take walks. It's been rough. I'm just finding myself, my legs, just that dead feeling. And so it's helping to improve that circulation or something. And so that's why I'm taking so much right now. And I won't stay on this dosage forever. It's just right now I'm just not getting enough exercise and I'm feeling it in my body. So for me, the other crazy thing that happened is my energy levels soared. I thought I was tired. Because I'm 40 at the time, 4344 years old with the baby and a toddler. And of course I'm tired, right? I mean, it's acceptable to be tired in your mid 40s with toddlers. So that's what I thought it was. And I start taking the CBD and I want to say about six weeks into me taking it. My husband we have a business that takes him out of the house at nights a few nights a week. And normally when he would come home, I would be asleep on the couch like I fall asleep between eight and 830. I was tired. I accepted that as my norm and he started coming home and saw me sitting at the computer. like he'd come in at 10 1030 getting me He's like, sweetie, what are you doing up I'm like, I don't know. And he's like, I can't believe you're up and like the third time it comes in is Liz, this is really weird, because you're never up this, like you're doing something different, like I'm not doing anything different. And he's like, you're doing something different. And we're like, like, he's like, when did you start taking the CBD and I was, you know, and he goes, I think it might be the CBD. And so I was like, maybe like maybe it is like, because it was a significant difference, like it was hours a day different. So my husband who happens to be the Energizer Bunny, decides he wants to try it for energy. So he wants more energy, he wants more energy. He has a 2pm slump every single day. Like and he goes for he's not a coffee drinker, he's a soda drinker. So every day 711 run or stops at McDonald's to get a soda. My husband was drinking a case of Costco diet, Dr. Peppers a week, plus the stops to the supermarket, or to the like 711 or whatever to just get once a cold likes the fountain, you know, we're talking a lot of chemicals jammed into his body. And I've always been like, if there was just one thing I would change about my husband is how much soda he drinks because it's just and then for a while, I'm like, Can you just drink the regular stuff because at least it's sugar and not chemicals like, still, it's chemical sugar, but still just seemed not as bad to me. So he did that for a while. Well, since he's been on the CBD. He is off soda completely. He drinks tea with nothing in it as bitter as can be. Oh my gosh, 20 cups of iced tea a day like, you know, like in terms of cups in large chunks. We drink two or three really big iced teas every day, we've gotten completely rid of the chemicals.

Michelle Lasley:

And he doesn't have the 2pm slump?

Lizzy Renee:

Nope, neither of us do. If If one of us is tired, two or three o'clock in the afternoon, we say it to each other. The other one always says, Did you forget your CBD today? And the answer is usually Yes.

Michelle Lasley:

Wow. That's amazing. Okay, so you had so many amazing things that happened with us, right? And you were able to like, go really full force into this much more natural lifestyle. So that just feels more balanced. And all those great things. Right? more control. So you know, yeah, like, as you indicated, at the time of this recording, we're all in quarantine. And one of the reasons I love having my natural solutions, whatever they are, are, it helps to even support what our governments are saying what we should do, right? You don't have to go run out to the store, because you've got a system in place where you get your natural solutions, or you have them. And so there's more control and more sovereignty over our health, so many things. So you wrote a book

Lizzy Renee:

I did.

Michelle Lasley:

It's called 52 tips using CBD for your health and wellness. And we'll put a link to that in the show notes.

Lizzy Renee:


Michelle Lasley:

So tell me more about this book.

Lizzy Renee:

Well, last, I guess it was April of 2017. I got certified in CBD. So I went and took a weekend class came out with a ton of knowledge, understand a ton more of the of the the science kind of behind how it works, and all that kind of stuff. And as my business started growing, I'm noticing I'm getting asked the same kinds of questions over and over and over again. And this is you can see two I wrote a small book, it's not something there's not even room for a title on the side of it. It's like a thin book. And the purpose of it is for people to get through it relatively quickly.

Michelle Lasley:

Oh, that's beautiful. You

Lizzy Renee:

know, like it's, it's the goal truly is to help anybody who wants to get started, that doesn't want to read a book this thick to get comfortable, doesn't want to go like search all over the internet and wants just to get good information that it's all here. It's 52 tips. And it's a combination. The first I want to say 30 tips are specific about everything from the difference between marijuana and hemp. Am I going to get high the concept of drug testing. If I'm traveling, what should I do if I'm traveling, and then it gets into the there's a whole chapter on shopping tips. So the full spectrum concept, why it's important to get organic, a whole bunch of shopping tips for the quality of the product. And then the back of it is a bunch of testimonials. And I was really particular on the testimonials wanting to get the most compelling stories with people. And so I have a friend of mine Actually, it's my mom's best friend. She had. She'd started taking well she for years have been telling her doctor I don't want to take the medication for the cholesterol. I just don't want it. I don't want to take it. I don't want it. And you know, kind of just kept telling the Doctor No, no, no. And her number got up to 172 which apparently is a little bit elevated and the doctor was like sorry, you've been putting this off for years and you need to take it and she starts taking it and she had full body aches. She felt terrible. She looked terrible. She was miserable from it but oh it's helping her cholesterol right. So she was miserable. And so my mom actually called me the three of us got on the phone because she's like is everything you know, can this work for her? And so I shared with him like look, I've never researched heavily the the cholesterol side of But I know it has some properties it might be able to, to do something. And she goes, You know what I want it. Let me just get the product and she decided to work straight up to the 1000 milligram because she knew she had another blood test in six weeks. And so she kind of wanted to give it a power punch. And instead of only taking the eight milligrams or 16 milligrams a day, she wanted the 33 milligrams a day. So she slowly worked up to it and stayed on it. She stopped taking the medication on her decision on her own. She said she felt so terrible on it. She got a surge of energy, she's in her 70s and she felt great on it. She shows up to the doctor and she so this is another stigma story. And the doctors like wow, Jolene, these are great results, your your cholesterol dropped 32 points. Keep doing what you're doing. And she said nothing to the doctor. That thing. I'm like Jolene, the only way we're going to start to get change in our country with our medical system is by sharing the success. Mm hmm. I'm still encouraging her tell your doctor what you're doing. He thinks she's taking the status. Oh,

Michelle Lasley:

that's another episode. We'll get it. Yeah.

Lizzy Renee:

We can talk about that for hours. But again, but it comes down to the stigma. She was comfortable taking it herself, but she was not comfortable telling her doctor. I mean, we all listen to our doctors, we all kind of like it's like kind of like praise to the doctors. But I'm hearing more and more about how doctors get like less than a friend of mine who's a psycho psychologist. He's not a science. He's a psychologist said his understanding is they spend like 30 hours on mental health in in terms of instruction in medical school. Same with nutrition, I saw something recently that it was less than 50 hours on nutrition. It's like a very small snippets. And they understand how the body like how the body works. And they understand a lot of disease and how to diagnose different stuff. But I don't believe our doctors are really training at the root level, which is feed our body good stuff to stop things. It's like I'll just give them we just learn how to diagnose and then what medications treat that. And it's just sort of seems like we're on our medical system is going now I am No, I've never been through medical school. I can't I mean, there's just like hearsay type of stuff. But it kind of makes some sense, especially when the doctors are so hesitant to even talk to you about CBD or blessing.

Michelle Lasley:

Yeah, there's a lot of things to unpack there with the stigma of power and control and the education. I think we can narrow down maybe two things, one, any of those types of jobs, even lawyering, right, doctors, they call a practice for a reason.

Lizzy Renee:

That's a good point. Very good point.

Michelle Lasley:

And then the point of self advocating, and, and doing our own research and asking questions and challenging our doctors like, Okay, I get it. And this is the research I've done. Can you take a look at it? And can we have a conversation about my health, please?

Lizzy Renee:

Yeah. And to add on to that, the big thing that I feel like you need to find is doctors who are open and receptive to natural approaches. So I've been very lucky that my doctors are willing to hear me out and not shamed me for using an essential oil on my son. So my son got a little bit of a rash from putting the lemon and I diluted it but it was a lemon essential oil, he wasn't itchy, scratchy, irritable, but it did show up a little bit red, and he's a player skinned with red hair. And so the doctor was like, Okay, let's, let's, let's break this down and talk about it. Like piece by piece. She says, well, it could be the carrier oil, or it could be the essential oil, she goes, I probably first put some carrier oil on him and see if that you know, just playing carrier oil and see if it breaks out in another rash because he's not having a really bad reaction to it. She goes but you know the child with his collar and can eat a strawberry and have the strawberries you know, turn right around the face. And that doesn't mean that he's allergic to the strawberries and she has very sensitive skin might be in well you don't want to use just play with it a little bit. But he doesn't seem upset by it. And if it helps other things like it's, you know, like, she didn't shame me. And it's like, oh my gosh, thank God, I don't have to look for another pediatrician. Right? And my doctor, because we have different doctors. My doctor was kind enough to I said with two things. I said, Can I get it? Can I take a drug screen? I'm curious to know, I've been taking CBD for over 1000 milligrams or I've been taking the 33 milligrams a day for over a year when I had the drug screen done. I said I'm curious to know if it's going to come up on a drug test. Yeah, sure. You know, that's, that's fine. I'll just put in for one. That's cool. So I'm like, Cool, thank you. It came back as zero toxicology. There was a whole nother conversation that can be done on that if people are being drug tested. I have some ideas of things that they can do to combat other some DNA testing you can do to find out if you have a gene in your life like a liver enzyme that slow to processing THC because those people would build up for longer and not come out of your system in 30 days. So there are some tricks there too. And then they also I say Can you run my thyroid numbers without? Can I because I was having a having a thyroid problem. And I

Michelle Lasley:

wanted to just share, like if your thyroid was over or under active?

Lizzy Renee:

I don't remember.

Michelle Lasley:

Do you remember the name they gave to your thyroid problem?

Lizzy Renee:

No. Okay.

Michelle Lasley:

I have graves disease.

Lizzy Renee:

I think I'm I think I'm under. Most people asked about I think I'm under because when I asked about increasing the dose, he said, I'm afraid I don't want you to become hyper. So I must be hypo.

Michelle Lasley:

Yeah, I should be reluctant. With my saying most, it feels like many of the people I encounter have under active thyroid, or hashimotos, which is the autoimmune version of an underactive thyroid, I actually have graves disease in remission, which is the opposite of hyper active. Graves disease is the autoimmune version of that. So you were having these thyroid issues probably under and then what?

Lizzy Renee:

I just I asked him before we go on the medication, can I increase my dose of CBD and draw the blood afterwards? And he said, Sure, where some doctors are gonna be like, No, you need to be on the medication, or I'm not going to play with your little CBD game with you. And so I'm very lucky. So I tell people, if you have a doctor, if you want to be more holistic in the way you approach things, and your doctor is resistant to it, find another doctor. Like there's so many doctors who are open and willing to there. Now, none of them are going to recommend it because the medical boards don't allow you to recommend the central oils in this country. They don't allow you to suggest CBD even though prior to 1937, when marijuana and hemp together were outlawed. It used to be in our aspirins that the doctors would prescribe. That's a whole nother conversation. And things will change. I think it's gonna change with time. I just think that we're still in a space where they have to be careful. And I understand that. So you might get a thumbs up or you might get Uh huh. And those are Timmy signs that are not against it.

Michelle Lasley:

Right if that. And we could ask our doctors to like, Are you open to natural solutions? And if they just give you a hard No, thanks so much for the conversation.

Lizzy Renee:

Doctor, I mean, there's the doctors all over the place and find the one that resonates with you. And this might be something new, but I just had a new, I was having like a weird skin rash that was showing up. And who knows with all this stuff, I am using what it is. And so it turns out sulfur is fixing my problem. I'm taking high doses of like natural sulfur just like sulfur tablets. And it's fixing the problem. She actually told me and this is where it's like mind blowing. She's like, the fragrances, it's a fragrance. And the fragrances are what's bothering people and thinking the fragrances on a 1200 chemicals that are called fragrances. Essential oils are not a fragrance, they have fragrance because they come from a plant, but they're not fragrance the way so the doctors, they don't know they're not trained in this stuff. And they're gonna they're gonna use the umbrella method to answer your questions. So for like half a day, I was like, really, I'm gonna stop using my essential oils. And I'm like, why should I should I mean, you can build up an intolerance to an essential oil, it's possible, I could have developed an allergy to one that I use all the time. And if I don't dilute probably, I can get a sensitivity. It's possible. But I was like, I'm not stopping my essential oils, because she thinks that's what it is. I'm going to try the sulfur thing first. And my problem is fixed. We'll take the sulfur every day. That's

Michelle Lasley:

awesome. Okay. Ah, I would like to invite you back so we can talk about any number of the things that we could have spin off on, we could have our own little podcast book of all the topics. And anyway, so but what are two things that people can do right now to get started successfully

Lizzy Renee:

with CVD I have two tips that I always give these are my two number one tips. One is make sure you're using quality products. And that my book can help you with my facebook group on thriving by nature. Now. Join me there I have all the tips in there to get quality product and the second is take the patience and the time to figure out the right amount. And if you get the quality product and the right amount then it is your endocannabinoid system that's starving for more CBD. And it could not work if your if your cbds are not low in your body. It's not going to fill that gap but most of us are deficient in the amount of CBD. That's in our bodies. so fascinating.

Michelle Lasley:

Where else can people find you?

Lizzy Renee:

And my website is Lizzie Renee calm and so that has all different ways to get a hold of me and my facebook group and then my book is on Amazon so you're welcome to read that. Feel free to email me message me through Facebook. I'm I'm around I love talking about CBD and I love talking about essential oils. Natural approaches. I'm all for helping people get started.

Michelle Lasley:

Oh, thank you. I'm so glad you joined me today. Thank you so much for being here.

Lizzy Renee:

Thanks for having me.

Michelle Lasley:

You're welcome.

Balance shared is produced and edited by me. Michelle Lasley. The instrumental music grass by Silent Partner is from the YouTube Audio Library. If you've enjoyed today's episode, leave a review, especially on Apple podcasts. If you love the messages of CO creating a better future and digging into ourselves, maybe you'd like to become a supporter. Email Hello at Michelle to get your sponsorship guide. Thank you for listening to this podcast. This is Michelle Lasley with bounce shared, a space where I truly believe we are better together.

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