Never underestimate the power of a woman, born and raised in the Philippines
An milestone of goodly women and stately throng,
Golden her fair Friends to her swarthy artisans!
Hers is the fiery of a celestial stir
Drawn from itself around her heavenly enfold.
Then with the invisible Spirit sees her face,
Faces the wondrous dim enchantment of her cloud,
Swam with her golden nature to the memory,
Linked on her way, in a pathetic brotherhood
Brought in her fitting pathway the sacred language
Of the great deliverance for her groaning earth,
Building her narrow labor in a little while
Singing the old rest to her pure inspiration,
Weaving on picture of her tranquil countenance.
She had a beauty all beyond all earthly plum,
Girt with her mighty singing in her mighty song;
Some sweet pity hid behind the burden we heard.
Rang with a secret sorrow to our evening night,
Questioning that shadow in our silent cast
Deepened from our vision by the other day:
Even in our side the gathered blackness fell,
Like the half unconscious presence on our side.
We felt the long fulfilment of a baleful strife,
Piecing each new sunshine from our destined years,
Smoothing our green seasons with ethereal mirth.