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E105 | Modernising The Death Industry with Dan Garrett
Episode 10518th August 2020 • Curious Leadership with Dominic Monkhouse • Monkhouse & Company
00:00:00 00:50:14

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Death is such an unusual, fascinating, and emotional area to work in, however the industry hasn’t evolved much since the 1850s. But today’s guest, Dan Garrett, CEO and co-founder at Farewill, is on a mission to change that - to bring wills, probate and funerals into the 21st century. 

“[Will writing] is the most amazing industry because it's basically the biggest consumer industry that's been untouched by technology. It’s a multi-hundred billion dollar business globally. The industry looks and feels like it did in Victorian times.”

Having just raised £20 million in a Series B round and with their absolutely awesome recruitment process, Farewill is the UK’s leading tech firm in the death space, working to bring technology and an improved customer experience to a difficult time in everyone’s life. 

Starting a business, raising funds and recruitment are all common topics for discussion on The Melting Pot, what makes this a truly unusual episode is simply because of the industry Dan is revolutionising. 

From tech and the death business, to the incredible recruitment engine he’s built that gets the hiring process right 80% of the time, this is a really interesting discussion with useful points pertinent to all entrepreneurs. 

On today’s podcast:

  • Why he started an online will writing business
  • Their chosen marketing channels
  • The problem with the existing funeral industry
  • Raising a successful series B during lockdown
  • His aggressive growth plan
  • The effect of burnout on him





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