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The Mission 2038 – TS Wright pt 2
Episode 135526th September 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Mission 2038

TS Wright pt 2

You’ve heard me say over and over and over again, that the soon return of Jesus is about to happen. And I’ll continue to say it over and over and over again, too. Amen!

Folks, can there be any doubt?  Look at what is happening all around us!

Everything Jesus talked about in Mathew 24 is happening – right now!

Now, if you’ve been listening recently, you’ve heard several session with our guest today, TS Wright. We’ve done a deep dive on Revelation and the “7 Church Ages.”  If you missed any of those episode, go look them up in our archives.

Today, we are going to discuss something even more exciting… the year 2038.  And to do that, help me welcome to the program, Scott Wright!

I’ve been saying for years that the governments of the world would attribute the Rapture of billions of people – to extra-terrestrials. They would say something like, “They took out those folks that were impeding our efforts to bring unity and utopia” or things like that…

But, in order for that to happen, first they have to get us to accept their existence. That way, they have something to blame.

Whether they exist or not is not the argument. If you ask my personal opinion, I would venture to guess YES, they probably do exist. But, like when someone asked Billy Graham what he thought about ET, he replied, “I don’t know if they do or not. But if they do exist, Jesus is still their Savior.”  Amen!

So, I’ll just leave it at that.

But what do you think of all this talk about ET and the government, first the cover up and now their “unofficial recognition” that we may not be alone – and how all of that could play into the end time scenario?

Think about this… the Bible says, “All the armies of the world, come out against Jesus.”

Could it be, and I’m just throwing this out there as a hypothesis of sorts, that they label Jesus as an ET, just to create the “one world order” to try and fight him?

What better reason to unite a one world government than if we are “protecting our world” from an invasion by ET?  The writers of the Bible would have no clue what an ET was?

Huge “Tetrad in 2044” – that could be a date that coordinates the end time scenario.

Scott lays out an interesting timeline that takes us from NOW (2023) to 2044 and 2050 that provides several possible scenarios that lead us to culmination of 7000 years human history!

Scott gives a calling to “The Church” to fulfill our calling and to “let the Great Harvest” begin!

Pastor Bob gives a prayer of Salvation for those that are ready to receive it…

Scott shares that next time, we will discuss the importance of the “Great Harvest” mentality.




Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon

Podcast:  The God Centered Concept

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