You’re a guy who’s found your passion. You pursue it with a loving vengeance. You feel alive and on a roll. Then that roll leads you to realize, “If I don’t chill pill, push the pause button, and step back from life, I’m going to die!” Ever felt that way? I have and it isn’t anything I enjoy feeling.
For Darren Tipton, he didn’t have much choice. Diagnosed with a rare blood disease, it was either he take care of him or say bye-by to the life he knew. Hard as it was to step back from his love – Project Humanity – he made the choice to thrive in the pause and he pushed that ever so hard to do pause button. Guys this just might be your wake-up call, to push your own pause button. Are you ready to take that step?
About Darren
Darren Tipton first began working with humanitarian projects in 1990 when he participated in a beach ministry project transporting intoxicated students who were on spring break at South Padre Island, TX. He made his first overseas humanitarian trip to Kenya in 1996. He has coordinated collegiate leadership development initiatives for National Collegiate Ministry, with the Southern Baptist Convention, and he coordinated leadership-training events for new volunteers for the North American Mission Board for nine years. In 1997, he founded DoMissions, an organization focused on cooperative multi-denominational ministry in Africa and Eastern Europe. In 2010, DoMissions was renamed Project Humanity and its mission was redefined to what it is today.
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