Aliens, A.I. and Quantum Computers
Tom Donnan pt 2
Tom Donnan is back and we are so blessed to have him here with us. Every time Tom comes on to discuss current events in relation to Bible Prophecy of the end days, we are always amazed at how close we really are to the soon return of Jesus. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on, brother! I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you. Amen!
Let’s start off with something you shared about something the Lord first showed you way back in 2010, about the Elitists taking over the world. Let’s open with you sharing a little bit about what He showed you and how that compares to what we see today…
You shared a video with me that discusses how Quantum Computers will, ultimately, change everything in our lives. How is this going to happen?
Michio Kaku - This is Why Quantum Computers Will Change Everything - YouTube
There is no doubt we are being monitored 24/7. Did you see the video about Alexa listening into a conversation and then notifying authorities to shut this person down from accessing their internet?
Amazon Alexa Hears "Racist Remark" & SHUTS DOWN Man' Entire Smart Home For A Week! - YouTube
There is no doubt that some of this advanced, Artificial Intelligence (or A.I.) is going to benefit society – to a degree.
They will bring many benefits to the human race. I just seen the news yesterday about A.I. mapping the DNA sequences that allowed a new medication go to the trial phase faster than ever before. Did you happen so to see that report?
Could all of this actually begin a RACE for Quantum Dominance?
It is about reshaping the fabric of society.
Could advance Alien civilizations have mastered quantum computing and are currently using it to surveil or planet and society?
I guess the bottom line is, if you believe there are Aliens – then we would have to admit this a far more advanced race than we are… Because they would already need to have Quantum computers just to navigate the universe to get here, right?
It goes without saying, that if you believe in this as well, that Aliens have to have experience at navigating wormholes. That’s how they travel, right?
Quantum Computer allows us to calculate things way beyond our today abilities.
What will happen, not IF it will happen, but WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN, where Quantum Computers and AI join forces? Will they turn against their human creators?
Quantum Computer Terrifies Scientists After Something Weird Is Happening - YouTube
16:00 mark
As we get ready to close, did you see the report where Police cam caught a fireball streaking across the sky. And then police switchboards lit up by others that seen it. And there are even reports that aliens invaded a families backyard! Did you see that?
Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky - YouTube
Tom, this has all been fascinating. If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or maybe do an interview like this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, as we wrap our discussion with Tom Donnan today, I want to emphasize, we are not doing this to instill fear, but hope. Hope in the Jesus. Hope in the Word. Hope that unbelievers do not have and are incapable of having – UNLESS they become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has accomplished for us.
If that’s you today… if you have a desire to have that type of HOPE, Tom can you lead that person in a prayer that will help them to receive this HOPE through Christ?
If you prayed that prayer, get in touch with Tom. Email me, too. I would love to hear your testimony. Amen!
Tom, I do appreciate you taking the time to come back on and join us today. I look forward to our next interview as well. Amen!
Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Tom Donnan and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Tom Donnan
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