Her REDEEMED Year Month 1 Update
Did you know by this time tomorrow we’ll be exactly halfway through 2023? Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun (and let’s be honest, even when you’re not, right?).
At this point in the year when it comes to your WITH-God Life, you’re only in 1 of 3 places- either you’re ahead of where you wanted to be, you’re right where you wanted to be or you’re behind where you wanted to be…or maybe you have no idea where you want to be, cuz you haven’t taken the time to even think about it.
But what actually matters more than where you are at this moment is not what you’ve done up till now…but rather what you will do next.
Might I suggest you NOT DO anything, but instead slow down to BE WITH God (and yourself)?
I know what you’re thinking- what’s a girl to do to slow down and reflect when time just flies by? You implement an intentional practice of reflection.
In fact, I’ve been incorporating the practice of reflecting as part of my Her REDEEMED Year… and it’s made all the difference already in month 1.
I promised to keep you up in the loop with what I’m doing to celebrate my 50th year, so today I’m sharing 5 Key Reflection Questions so you can practice looking back before moving ahead too- whether it’s the middle of your calendar year, the beginning of your REDEEMED year… or any other time in your year.
We’re gonna do this episode workshop style so you can reflect on them yourself before any more time flies by in your life.
You ready to look back with me? Open up your heart and journal and let’s dig deep….I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!
L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)
P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over!
P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program
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