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Podcast# 266 Earnest Truth: The Migrant and Asylum Seekers crisis, When Caring and Reality Collide
Episode 26625th September 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:16:53

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The Migrant Crisis: An Earnest Perspective

The Reality of the Migrant and Asylum Seekers Situation

In episode 266, I address the pressing issue of the migrant and asylum seekers crisis. Contrasting it with the Russell Brand situation, I emphasize the gravity of this real crisis. It's a situation where caring and reality clash, and we find ourselves in a challenging position with limited solutions.

A Glimpse into Ellis Island's History

Reflecting on the history of Ellis Island, I shed light on the waves of immigrants who arrived in New York City in the 20th century. The Statue of Liberty's proclamation paints an inspiring picture, but the reality was different. Many immigrants, including Jews, Germans, Poles, and Italians, faced poverty and diseases like cholera and typhoid.

The Exploitation of Immigrants

The Industrial Revolution saw businesses exploit these immigrants, offering them meager wages for long hours. This exploitation mirrors today's scenario, where businesses seek to pay the lowest possible wages. The influx of new workers often leads to wage suppression, benefiting businesses but harming the general population.

The Overpopulation Challenge

The root of this crisis lies in overpopulation. With cities like New York taking in millions, resources become scarce. This overpopulation, loved by corporations, is the elephant in the room that few address.

The Road to Hell and Good Intentions

Concluding with a barbecue analogy, I highlight that good intentions can lead to unintended consequences. Just as an overpopulated party can ruin the experience for all, unchecked immigration can strain resources.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 266. Ernest truth the migrant and Asylum Seekers crisis when caring and reality collide in the previous episode I did number 265. I gave you my take on the whole Russell Brand crisis thing and I was very surprised by just how many of you not only listened but understood where I was coming from so I just wanted to thank you all for reaching out and letting me know that so with this story I thought I would take a look at the migrant and or Asylum Seekers situation

01:00 and give you my two cents worth about it because in this situation it is the exact polar opposite of the nonsense surrounding Russell Brand this is in fact a very real crisis I'd like to point out that there are times when a person really isn't a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation sometimes you simply can't ignore reality and the reality in this case is that this is only a symptom of a much bigger problem and the solution is not going to be pleasant nope because we have painted ourselves into a

01:50 proverbial corner with few options I think it might be a good idea at this point to talk just a little bit about the history of Ellis Island and the Great Waves of humanity that ended up sitting in New York City at the turn of the 20th century but many of us learned throughout grade school concerning the immigrants who came through Ellis Island was basically a bunch of propagandist feel-good [ __ ] the proclamation that the base of the Statue of Liberty for example an excerpt from the great Colossus reads uh give me your tired and your poor your

02:45 huddled masses yearning to breathe free The Wretched refuse of your teeming Shore send these the homeless Tempest Taurus to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door wow there's some birds there those are great and inspiring words and all that and it's been thoroughly documented how many of those immigrants from that time became teary-eyed when being interviewed years later remembering when they got off the various ships being processed through at Ellis Island the huddled masses of course started with hundreds then thousands

03:40 then tens of thousands people from many nations but the largest numbers were Jews Germans polls Irish Scotch Irish and Italians many different people and many different languages but for the most part the vast majority of all those people had one thing in common except for a relatively lucky few they all lived together in various neighborhoods in abject poverty and continue to do so until the day they died which for many of them was actually not that long for what should be obvious reasons I guess diseases such as color and typhoid was

04:38 rampant in the slums where too many people were packed in and compounding the problem it completely inadequate sanitation system you have to remember this was still horse and buggy days and despite the city's best efforts there was still horseshit on the streets everywhere now back to those great inspiring words from the great Colossus mentioned earlier all those teeming masses were here not because the locals loved them and welcome them with open arms they were here because they were desperate for one reason or another

05:25 with the Irish for example it was the Potato Famine little did they know however that for many of them they were leaving one hell only to end up in another you see back then much like today big business pretty much ran the country and at the onset of the Industrial Revolution the factories did have one big problem not enough labor matter of fact companies routinely paid for ads in newspapers in like local towns and you know rural communities without landish propaganda lying about great pay and working admissions

06:18 and how wonderful life was in the big city and the deception worked for a Time but when the sons and daughters who had come to the big city and they'd quickly discovered how awful it was and then wrote back home telling their families and friends that they had been deceived many declaring by the way or begging if necessary that they wanted to leave and simply come back home so the factories were constantly having a labor shortage problem that is until the immigrants arrived it didn't take the company it didn't

07:06 take them very long to figure out that those immigrants coming off the boats were really good for business in short here was a bottomless supply of poor desperate people who more often than not didn't even speak the language 12 hour days for [ __ ] wages was quite common if not the norm six days a week and vacation Health Care get the hell out of here if you would have said such outlandish ideas to any industrialist at that time he would have either laughed you out of the room or called the police to have you removed because you were obviously

07:56 totally mad those people were essentially slaves and this was long before unions which wouldn't make the scene or at least another 30 or 40 years so what the business owners and industrialists had was a capitalist wet dream and just so you know before you get all big pickle up your ass and jump up and declare that he's a socialist or he's a communist I'm not so just sit the hell down and listen so what was basically going on is the same thing going on today most business owners which includes just

08:47 about any business you can name especially construction if they can get away with it want to pay the absolute lowest wage they possibly can for the maximum amount of work it is the same thing that it was then that it is now exploitation if many of those business owners could get away with only paying starvation rations and having their workers sleep in a warehouse with bunks looking very reminiscent of Auschwitz yes I'm talking about even here in the good old USA they would that's no joke but there's one very big difference

09:39 between the plight of immigrants and by the way you know you'll note that they were accurately not referred to as migrants or Asylum Seekers at the turn of the 20th century and what is taking place today the fact is that all these millions and millions of surplus workers are simply not needed if I may touch on the situation in New York City briefly to illustrate the last calendar year since 22.

10:21 New York City alone has taken in approximately 116 million Interlopers I choose accurately to call them what they are not what they've been erroneously mislabeled and are currently accepting if you want to call it that about 14 000 additional per month and that is in New York City alone so what is currently happening in New York City is that the previous Interlopers are angry with the newest Interlopers angrily telling them to get the [ __ ] out because the new Invaders will simply work for less than the ones before them

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12:06 exploiters all they want and do everything in their power to create are lots and lots and lots of poor disenfranchised and desperate people that is what makes them happy and as their Psychopathic economic grip gets stronger and stronger across the world it has arrived in America RS is in serious trouble now for all you masochists out there if all that wasn't dark and depressing enough here's more historically speaking that means this either the Invaders must return from where they came or eventually there's going to be a

13:02 massive Bloodbath either they will leave or they as well as many others will die because the absolute truth of this comes down to resources or rather a lack thereof and this is what I meant by stating that you know this is actually a symptom of a much bigger problem in short all of this is a direct result of overpopulation yet overpopulation which by the way corporations love Remains the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the room that no [ __ ] body will even talk about let alone actually do something about let me conclude with this hopefully you

13:58 know a simple example let's say you planned a barbecue you planned it for 30 people you actually planned it for 30 people and you know a few stragglers say another five or six people or so there is enough meat tighter salad coleslaw beer wine etc for everybody party's going good everybody's happy a few stragglers show up still no problem then 10 more stragglers show up you're getting annoyed but you want to keep things Pleasant then five more people show up now you're starting to get pissed

14:44 because now there is not adequate food and drink for everyone at the party and then that's right you guessed it even more people show up so at some point you decide despite any potential hurt feelings you tell everybody who is not originally invited to [ __ ] leave because otherwise you understand the reality that if you don't do that all of your hard work that you plan for the original group will be destroyed and what you intended as a great experience will end up another failure regardless of your intentions

15:34 and this is the reason why there's the old saying that the road to hell was paved with good intentions until next time this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care



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