We all are aging, and there is nothing we can do about that. But what we can do is realize that everything works out just as it should.
Serial entrepreneur, author, and podcaster Tavarus Hogans shares how his 40s have brought him to the place that he realizes he doesn't have to first or right to be the man he is meant to be. From understanding at a deeper level how being secondary is a gift to knowing that birthdays are simply another day to be grateful to be alive, Tavarus doles out some interesting insights of what he has learned in his 41 years of life that has made him a better man.
About Tavarus
After being class president in High School and graduating #6 in his class with honors, Tavarus Hogans chose Vanderbilt University. Tavarus majored in Communications and was captain of the football team.
His company True Seven Life works with individuals and organizations looking to make their employees more comfortable and confident presenters. Also a Podcast Coach, Tavarus Hogans is the host of a podcast called the True Seven Life Podcast, a podcast featuring self-employed business heroes making an impact and cohost of a second podcast called Beyond The Stars, where he and astrologer Crystal Warren demystify some of the suspicions behind astrology.
Currently working on his debut book, “Finding Your Voice - A journey of becoming a better presenter” Tavarus lives in Jacksonville, FL. Tavarus credits a lot of his success to his faith in God, and that he can control the attributes to his 3 favorite words: love, attitude, and effort.
As a new entrepreneur, Mr. Hogans has a Premium CBD line called True Seven CBD. Of the 20 oils in this line 15 are terpene based and feature higher milligram concentrations for those experiencing chronic issues. Boasting 44 skus, True Seven CBD also has a line of cosmetic topicals that include facial cleanser, eye serum and charcoal mask among other items.
Fun Fact - Tavarus coached a pee-wee football team in Tampa where these kids taught him more about life and leadership than any class he has taken.
If not in a local gym or coffee shop, you can find Tavarus on LinkedIn under Tavarus Hogans or on Facebook @true7life. Be You, Be True #true7life.
Connect With Tavarus
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