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Podcast# 282 Earnest Truth: Precognition, The Terror of my Life.
Episode 2823rd November 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:10:55

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Hello, friends, it's me, your pal Earnest Mann, bringing you another slice of life from my corner of the world. Today, I'm tackling a topic that's as mysterious as it is intriguing—Fate. Now, I'm not one to shy away from the unexplained or the supernatural, and I reckon there's a bit of magic in the unknown.

Embracing Fate in a Secular World

In our tech-savvy, secular society, talking about fate might seem out of place. But I'm here to tell you, there's more to life than what meets the eye. I've felt it, and I bet you have too. It's like taking a Roman from ancient times and showing them a flashlight—they'd call it magic, but we know better, don't we?

The Burden of Precognition

I've had my fair share of precognitive experiences, and let me tell you, it's no walk in the park. It's one thing to foresee events, but another to bear the weight of knowledge that you can't share or act upon. It's a burden that's followed me, making and breaking connections with folks who couldn't fathom the warnings I'd give.

The Inescapable Dance with Destiny

I've seen it time and again—people drawn to their fate like moths to a flame, no matter the warnings. It's a tough pill to swallow, realizing that free will has its limits and that some folks just have a knack for courting disaster.

A Personal Tale of Fate's Grip

Just recently, I had a chilling reminder of fate's grip—a dream about an old acquaintance, Bob, that foretold an untimely end. It's these moments that reinforce my belief in the unseen threads that tie our lives together.

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Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] in this very technologically advanced and overwhelmingly secular society it might seem to be a bit of a Fool's erron to discuss the subject of Fate especially when it comes to our individual lives experiences and relationships it seems that we have become so anesthetized to even the prospect of outside unperceived forces that can and in my opinion will have an effect on our lives now I want to make it clear that I'm not talking about spirituality or religion per se what I am trying to say is that to a

to go back in time let's say:

01:42 indication that it was the 21st century and in a controlled manner you could very slowly introduce simple technology so as not to overwhelm them and demonstrate that simple technology such as a you know a flashlight or an electric fan to them I believe that most likely they would consider such things to be magic because quite simply that's what humans do you know we we try to formulate the best explanation of what's going on around us as best as our perception and experience allows so that if they did

02:27 consider such things to be magic it would be completely understandable within that context even though you and I easily understand that it's not this is what I believe is taking place in many people's lives and certainly in my own what I'm trying to say is that just because certain things seem to be happening that don't seem to have any recognizable explanation doesn't necessarily mean its Spirits or magic but I can tell you beyond a shadow of any doubt that there is certainly something going on that so

03:09 far denies explanation as I've been able to find my entire life For Better or Worse unfortunately usually for the worst I've been cursed with a certain amount of precognition it comes to me in several forms sometimes in dreams sometimes handshake or sometimes just meeting a person in a social situation and then I have what I've come to call the experience I usually don't get personal on the show but I'm going to share this with you in many books and movies having the power or the ability to see into the

03:52 future is portrayed as a gift but I'm telling you it's any damn thing but that and you'll see why it's such a burden one of the absolute worst things I have come to know is having a dream or Vision about something you know with absolute certainty is going to take place yet not being able to tell anyone and not being able to do a damn thing to stop it I've been told I don't know how many times it seems uh I have an uncanny ability to detect character or lack thereof and predict the futures of some

04:35 but not all Intimate Relationships now people that have known me for many years will readly admit that what I just told you is true but the problem as far as I'm concerned is the heavy burden I have had to Bear because of this ability I've lost many friends over the years I'm foolishly trying to warn them of exactly what I saw coming and even though my intentions were good as the old saying goes the road to hell was paved with good intentions so I stopped trying to save people around 15 years ago what happened

05:22 was the realization that Not only was I tired of losing friends but it was also the realization of the futility that even when the people I was able to warn who didn't get angry at me enough to quit the relationship with very few exceptions it still didn't make a damn bit of difference they still ended up completely ignoring what I had warned them about and did it anyway then paid my predicted consequence of those actions telling me later they WI wished they would have paid attention to what I told them it was actually many years ago

06:06 that I came to understand that there actually appears to be something completely at odds with Free Will and some people somehow just simply seem to possess some kind of negative energy that no amount of support no matter how much you try to help them they seem destined to go down and they will certainly take you down with them if you don't detach from what I could only call their fate I'm going to finish this by giving you a perfect example of the experience I speak of that happened to me just recently and I have experienced this

06:50 kind of thing for years there is a restaurant in a small City south of where I live I really like the place and the food but I typically only go there when some kind of business has me going to that City for some reason usually around every I don't know 2 or 3 months and just recently that was the case the names have been changed out of respect for privacy so as I said I really like this place the food and the people who work there I've known them for several years so last week I stopped in to get my usual meal and I noticed

07:32 that the head waiter Bob wasn't there so I asked one of the owners Hey where's Bob now you have to understand that Bob was practically a fixture at that place and even to the owners he was practically like family he had been there for many years and during normal daytime business hours he was always there so I just thought maybe was out you know sick or something the owner hesitated because they became a little bit emotional then told me that Bob passed away about 3 months ago well needless to say I was very

08:16 surprised I didn't really know him except from the restaurant but he was always friendly looked healthy and was high energy and as I was about to find out was only in his early 40s so very respectfully I asked what happened he told me that one day Bob didn't show up for work he also didn't call and that was completely unlike him so they called his house but there was no answer so a family member went over to his house that morning and found Bob sitting in the bathtub apparently a heart attack had taken him just hours before it was at

09:02 that moment I was told this that an old familiar terrible feeling came over me because I remembered a dream about Bob I had had only a few months ago but I didn't remember it until that very moment but when I did remember it came back in my memory crystal clear a few months ago I had a dream that I was in a small boat and Bob was also in a small boat my dreams involving future death are still representative not literally identical just like most dreams but are very Vivid I'm saying this because a bathtub looks like a

09:48 small boat not too far away from me but his boat was sinking so I was calling out to him to swim over to my boat and that's what he did but when he got to my boat and I was reaching down to pull him in he looked at me and said I can't go any further then slipped out of my grasp and went down under the water and I immediately woke up and because I've had this type of dream many times before I knew in my heart he was a dead man and I also knew there was no one I could tell and nothing I could do to save him this is

10:34 why I call it a burden and a curse if you enjoyed or found this helpful somehow Please Subscribe and if you can offer some support please do so by going to the Kofi Link in the description below anything would be sincerely appreciated until next time this is Ernest thank you for listening wishing your health wealth and good luck



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