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Influencer Scope of Work - Setting out Content Deliverables
Episode 2516th January 2024 • The Business Of Influence • Karan White
00:00:00 00:21:11

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Hello Moots. You're listening to The Business of Influence podcast. Today's show is about your influencer scope of work, and we're going to take a look at setting out your content deliverables.

So this is when you set [:

It's easy to be caught out having to produce more content, content to a different standard, perhaps a longer duration, or content that might deviate significantly from your usual style if these aspects are not clearly negotiated and defined up front. Setting out your influencer content deliverables is a fundamental aspect of creating your campaign, quote, or scope of work as we've said.

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Let's get started by looking at the different content types. We know that content creators work across many platforms. You might be a TikToker, a blogger, [00:03:00] YouTuber, pinner, Instagrammer, or an influencer or UGC creator across multiple channels. When setting out your content deliverables, you first want to understand what platforms you have to offer a brand.

For example, a brand may have found you on TikTok, but they might not know that you also send a weekly newsletter or perhaps even run a Facebook group or some other type of community. Think about ways you can incorporate content across various platforms where you have a presence when setting out your content deliverables.

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As always, there are going to be variables to the wording you use for each scope of work, but what we discussed in today's episode will be a useful starting point for you to develop your own wording or adjust the wording to meet the specifics of any campaign brief that you receive. And it may be that the brand has already supplied a brief for you, which is a great starting point because you can use this brief as reference to ensure All elements of the description, the style, the engagement, disclosure, and any other requirements are clearly set out.

need to adjust your content [:

Okay, as we're working through these content deliverables, I want you to imagine you're typing this description into an email to a brand in response to a request for how much will it be for us to work with you for this? Or you might be typing them into your quote document or your scope of works. So today we're just focusing on setting out content deliverables.

We'll talk about how other sections in greater detail about your scope of works and your quote in other episodes. The first example we're going to talk about is setting out content deliverables for Instagram in feed posts. Nice and easy. I'm going to jump in here and say, don't worry about writing this down.

the podcast. So just relax, [:

You can be more descriptive here. You might say featuring the Apple or whatever it is that you are doing the content for. It's important to include the style of content that you're producing. So write style and then use of appropriate lighting and styling, ensuring the product is clearly visible and consistent with the aesthetic displayed on the talent channel.

ntent that you're producing. [:

Then of course you're going to include a caption, so write caption, an inclusion of a caption of 50 to 150 words, incorporating brand specific hashtags, a clear call to action and tagging of the brand's account. When we set out the deliverables for the caption, we want to be clear that this is what you're going to include in the caption.

an agency, this is going to [:

They're not going to ask for something like that. But if you're working with a small business who is inexperienced with marketing, they may have unrealistic expectations about what will be included in the caption. So again, we're just setting it out clearly and being very transparent about the work that you're going to be doing.

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And once again, inexperienced brands or some brands may not want to use that tool, but you want to make sure that you get that provision in there and get your disclosure right. Okay, that was pretty straightforward. And as we work through the other sorts of content, so we're going to look at Instagram stories, TikTok posts, YouTube and newsletters, I think, we'll, if we've got time for this episode, you'll see that a [00:10:00] lot of these descriptions and narratives are replicated, which makes it easier for you to build your skills in building out your content deliverables when you're preparing a scope of work. Let's take a look at setting out content deliverables for Instagram stories. Again, we're going to start off with the description, and it might be something like one story set of a maximum of three frames.

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Now, on the next line, you want to write format. And you would write something like a mix of photo and short video up to 15 seconds per frame with interactive elements like polls, swipe up links or question stickers. And then you'd write the style again. So we'd use the same description that I used in the previous example that there will be appropriate lighting and styling and consistent with the aesthetic displayed on your channel. You may want to include something like a branding sentence, which would say that you would incorporate the brand logo or specific campaign tag subtly in each frame, you'll have a call to action on there.

for more information. You'll [:

Description in there as well. Moving through quickly now to setting out your content deliverables for TikTok content. Very similar in the description. You're going to have something like two TikTok videos with a maximum duration of 60 seconds each. The style, again, similar content to align with TikTok [00:13:00] real trends, challenges and talent aesthetic.

The CTA will be slightly different. You might want to include the incorporation of a verbal or text based call to action in the video, like visit the link in my bio for more info as you're recording your video, or tag at brand to show how you use the product. Whatever that CTA is, it's going to be slightly different in that video content.

Then you will again specify the engagement, that you'll respond to comments and queries on the post for a minimum of five days post publication, and include your disclosure description. Moving along, we're going to look at content deliverables for YouTube. Your description there would be something like one video of five to 10 minutes duration.

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And then you can have a new line with your inclusions, which might be things like Editing, including transitions, text overlays, and brand logos, use of appropriate lighting and styling, and consistent with the aesthetic displayed on your channel, mention of the brand within the first 30 seconds, and a more detailed discussion or demonstration in the video's main body, per the agreed brief, a maximum of two brand CTAs in the video.

Caption [:

And wrap that one up with a bow with your disclosure statement. I'm going to include two other types of content deliverables in today's show. These might often be overlooked, but they can bring generous income to you as a creator. So if you're not already blogging or setting up your email, please do that.

Let's look [:

Usually the brand will nominate the URL that they want included in a blog post. You'll want to include some images, so say four to six high quality static images, optimised for web, with alt tags and SEO naming conventions. SEO and formatting, use of H2 headers to structure the content effectively, which makes it easier for readers to navigate.

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Your next line will be a brand mention and product placement. The brand will be mentioned naturally in the content, including in the introduction and conclusion, with information on features, benefits, specific CTAs, and personal experience or opinion. in an authentic manner. Continuing with the blog inclusions, you want to reference post placement and state that it will be a standard blog post placement.

posts or a pinned post as an [:

Our final piece of content we're going to look at now is the setting out the content deliverables for newsletters. this is. on the assumption that the sponsored content is an inclusion in your regular newsletter rather than a newsletter dedicated specifically to the brand content. A brand specific newsletter is a great upsell where you can incorporate brand messaging in the subject and preview lines as well as exclusive newsletter content.

might be something like one [:

Wow, we've covered off a lot of information today and your brain is probably thinking, boom, how am I going to put all of this together? Read through the notes and it will make sense as you start preparing your next scope of works. This is tried and tested methodology for setting out content deliverables.

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The links to the Moots Facebook group plus other recommended resources for preparing your influencer scope of works in the expanded show notes. at thebusinessofinfluence. com forward slash EP25. I'll also include all of the wording we've used today for you to copy and paste into your own scope of work.

Next week, I'll step you through how to define the publication and distribution of content, also known as usage rights in your influencer scope of work. Until then, have a great week and stay creative.




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