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21 Reasons for Trusting In God – Laura Buckley
Episode 154730th July 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:27:51

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21 Reasons for Trusting In God

Laura Buckley

Do you or someone you know doubt or question if God is real? I know that sounds like a blasphemous question for a Christian podcast – but it is one that is being asked in society today.

I hear questions all of the time that try to plant the seed of doubt into the minds of some people about the existence of God…

Things like, “Why would a loving God allow so much evil in the world?”

“Why would God allow all of this devastation or sickness or wars (put whatever thought you may have or have heard in there as well)?

Sometimes, we just need to sit down and contemplate these things. Not do “doubt if God exists.” No… but to contemplate the importance of relying ON GOD in times like this.

Our guest today decided to explore the profound aspects of Faith and Spirituality in light of sharing the Gospel message of hope, trust and unwavering belief in a loving God…and how to provide answers to those who may be questioning these beliefs.

Laura Buckley is a devoted Christian author who is committed to exploring the profound aspects of faith and spirituality. She has dedicated her literary journey to sharing the Christian message with readers around the world.

To help accomplish this goal, she has published a wonderful book titled, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God.” This book offers the spiritual guidance and tangible proof to help reinforce the reader’s confidence in God’s presence and God’s Love.

Help me welcome to the program, Laura Buckley!

Laura, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to visit with us today. I do appreciate joining us.

First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Laura Buckley?”

Is this book, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God,” your first book? Or have you authored other books?

Do you see people saying they “Believe in God” but yet, they kind of hold back or reserve doubt because they are not “really sure” one way or the other?

I believe another element that adds to the confusion is all of the different faiths and belief systems that are out there today. How did that play into your research and final product of this great book?

Personally, I believe it takes greater faith to NOT BELIEVE IN GOD than to be a believer… For example, despite man’s greatest technological ability – we have never heard of a scientist creating a new, fully functional biological organism – even a single cell amoeba! Let alone a complicated, fully sustained, replicating biological system even like a slug or a worm, let alone a human.

I guess the question there is, did you dive into any of the scientific explanations for the existence of God?

You have a chapter in the book titled “Objections and Difficult Questions.” Share with us a couple of the major objections you encountered as to why people do not believe in God and how your responded in your book?

Some people may say, “Faith is just wishing…” or “Faith is simply a crutch for weak people.” How does your book overcome those stereotypical ideas?

Some people try to equate God with religion. With so many different faiths in the world, how does your book reconcile those arguments into believing in the God of the Bible?

I saw you created an audio version of your book, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God.”  Share with us about that… did you record it yourself?

If someone wanted to obtain a copy of your book, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God,” how can they do that? How can they obtain a copy… We mentioned it is on Amazon, correct?

Laura, this all so interesting… and this book is definitely needful for such a time as this, in this chaotic world we are living in right now. I believe God is going to use this book to further the entrance of His Kingdom through Christ Jesus very soon. This is really a great book that answers some amazing questions…

If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or maybe do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone contact you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

Folks, from the dawn of time, humans have searched for answers to the most fundamental questions about our existence. Many have turned to religion to find meaning. The confusion is in “which religion.” Some get confused because the world is full of distractions. Others may struggle just to truly understand and trust in God's Love and His plan for you.

Laura Buckley’s book, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God” will answer these questions and turn your doubt to Faith and help to bring clarity and guidance on your journey toward a more profound understanding of God and His place in your life.

Drop down into the show notes right now and click the links right there. Reach out to Laura. But be sure to click the link to order your own copy of this great book, “21 Reasons for Trusting in God.” In fact, I recommend you order two, three or more copies of this book – it is that important!

Allow God to use you to share this work with others. Buy a couple of these books for the church library. Put them in the teen’s ministry area. Use this work to reach those you may not be able have this type of conversation with, for whatever reason. Amen!




Book: “21 Reasons for Trusting in God” – on Amazon

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