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Writing to Riches: How Tenita Johnson Helps Authors Succeed - MMCB Podcast Episode 13
Episode 131st July 2024 • Minding My Creative Business Podcast • Ron "Ironic" Lee Jr. and ShySpeaks
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In this episode of "Minding My Creative Business," we're thrilled to welcome Tenita Johnson, a renowned authorpreneur who is transforming the literary landscape. Tenita shares her journey and expertise in helping others become published authors, offering services from editing to ghostwriting and cover design. Known as the "Book Bully," Tenita inspires many to pick up the pen and write their stories. We dedicate this episode to all authors, affirming that writers are indeed creatives with the power to change the world with their words.

Join us as we dive into a thought-provoking conversation about the creative process, the business of writing, and how to turn a book into multiple streams of income. Whether you're an aspiring author or an established writer, this episode is packed with invaluable insights and strategies to elevate your writing career.

Episode Highlights:

  • [0:07] - Introduction to the episode and our special guest, Tenita Johnson, the "Book Bully."
  • [1:20] - Tenita explains her role and how she helps authors with every aspect of book creation.
  • [2:48] - Discussing the power of words and creativity in writing.
  • [3:45] - The significance of storytelling in both fiction and nonfiction.
  • [7:46] - Tenita's journey from corporate to creative entrepreneurship.
  • [10:23] - The marriage uncut ministry and the power of creative storytelling in relationships.
  • [18:32] - How Tenita realized she could make a living from being an author.
  • [27:15] - The importance of giving complete value to clients and creating impactful services.
  • [31:32] - The Brand Book Bestseller Accelerator and its benefits for authors.
  • [41:13] - Discussing ghostwriting and the comprehensive publishing package.
  • [45:53] - Tenita’s belief that everyone can write at least two books and the potential for multi-millionaire status through writing.

Links & Resources:

Closing Remarks:

We hope you found this episode as inspiring as we did. Remember, every creative entrepreneur has the potential to turn their passion into a thriving business. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, follow, share, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more creative minds and share valuable insights.


Ronald Lee Jr. 0:07

Welcome to the Minding, my creative business podcast. I'm your host Ronald ironically Jr. and I am shy speaks, I am so excited to be the host as well of the number one podcast for creative entrepreneurs to gain strategy structure and self development, self development, all in one place. Yes. So, once again, we are here and we have a special guest today. Right? So let me tell you a little bit about this special guest before I allow her to introduce herself, right. But we have Miss Mrs. Tanisha. Johnson, who is a author printer, right? She helps other people become authors. She has a a one stop shop where you can go and get help with your editing, you can get ghost writing, if you need help ghost writing, she helps you with the designing of your cover, right? So if you need like every aspect of your book, she helps you with that. Right? So yes, this sister needs a job

right? Yes. So that's how I will introduce you. Yeah, how would you introduce yourself? Um,

Tenita Johnson 1:20

you are now watching the book bully? Hmm. Many people say I bullied them into writing a good book. People literally are on social media. Like, every time I see your posts, I'm not even writing a book. But I feel like I should be writing. I probably shouldn't be writing a book. Yeah, no, I can I can concur with the book blog. I like that. I like that. Yes, I actually want to take time right here to say, we are dedicating this particular episode to all the authors want you to understand that you are a creative or at least that's what we think there's an age old debate whether or not writers or artists or if authors or creatives, but I think the best person to answer that question is the book really are.

Let me tell you something, as not only an author, but as a poet. And many people don't know that I write poetry.

Poets have a way with words that can move your very soul.

hey say If a picture is worth:

ShySpeaks 2:48

that's a that's a strong Yes. For you.

Tenita Johnson 2:51

This is a strong Yes. Not only in the natural, but in the biblical sense. We create with our words. We don't create we can't create with pictures. But specifically, biblically, we create our world with our word. Wow. So out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, whatever you say is what you will see. Right? So that's why I don't go around confessing I'm broke. I don't have it. I don't know when I might. I may know it's I am and I will win. Hmm. It's just a matter of when now the win is not up to me. Right? It's a matter of I will and I am right, as if it already is right. Yeah. So

Ronald Lee Jr. 3:35

based on that definition, be the fact that you use words, that automatically makes you a creative because we create things with our words.

Tenita Johnson 3:45

Absolutely. But I want to take it a step further. Most people don't know this. Every movie, every sitcom that we love every stage production, Tyler Perry's movies and films and his stage productions. Somebody has to sit in a room and write those words. Exactly. before anybody gets on a stage. They have a script. Right? So somebody has to write those words.

ShySpeaks 4:11

Exactly. Yeah, I was. I was teaching a little workshop on the power of voice and I said that to people I was talking about all the different art forms. Yeah, the art is so powerful. Aside from dance, oh, from dance, they don't necessarily need words, but every other art form so all the all the performers you see singing if they are acting if they're doing anything, everything had to be written Correct. Before it is presenting. Yeah. Which means it it had to be created before you get to watch that person who you say as an artist, right? Do the thing.

Tenita Johnson 4:49

So think about even spoken word, the power of words combined with music. I tell people music is the quickest way to shift your mood. Because there are lyrics and There's a beat. Yeah. So if you're feeling sad, you need to listen to Pharrell. I'm happy. Because you want to be happy. Whatever it is change the mood. Change the music. Right? Yeah. Especially if we got some words. Right. Okay.

ShySpeaks 5:15

So Ron, would you say that writers are artists?

Ronald Lee Jr. 5:19

But of course,

ShySpeaks 5:20

would you say that authors are creatives? But of course,

Tenita Johnson 5:24

he can say no would be Sydney. Yeah.

ShySpeaks 5:28

Why? Why? Why the Why would you say that? Authors are creatives?

Ronald Lee Jr. 5:34

Hmm, that is a good question. Well, you're worried. Right? We're not like you said you. It starts and it's you're creating something from nothing like said and you're using those words, like you're going back to that biblical speech piece. It's like, Let there be light. And there was lightning. Right. So yeah, you're you're creating with your words, right? You're Yeah. So yeah, it's just it's the it's the fundamental right, even if you're like I was we were talking before we started. And I was asking, Okay, we know that people that write fiction they identify as being Creatives or artists. But those who are to write nonfiction, we consider them creative. So

Tenita Johnson 6:21

guess what? When I write nonfiction, and when I'm coaching my clients, we write nonfiction. And just like we do fiction, I now become a character in this book, right? Whether I use my real name or not, the character is Tanisha. The character is wrong, right? Rom becomes a character in the book, not like maybe based on your true life story. But if we now turn this into a stage play, and film, Ron is still the character. So whether it's fiction or nonfiction, there's still a storyline, we're still using the power of storytelling. And at the end of the day, you can transform lives a lot quicker by storytelling, then principles and rules and regulations. And, you know,

Ronald Lee Jr. 7:04

so to speak to that. Let's do so there's a book that I was reading because I'm not a big novel person. I read a lot of nonfiction. A lot of informational books, self help, self help, right. So I purchased this book called The DNA of relationships for couples. Hmm, that book, I wasn't aware that it was a novel because I read the DNA of relationships prior, okay, so I'm okay for couples. I'm thinking they're gonna get into couples. Yeah. They wrote it as a novel, okay. And they just intertwine the self help couples marriage throughout it.

Tenita Johnson 7:36

Yeah. And so they have a real life scenario. Yes. Couple. Yes.

Ronald Lee Jr. 7:39

And I really enjoyed it. I think I enjoyed it more than I would have if I just would have read it as a regular self help book.

Tenita Johnson 7:46

Absolutely. So me and my husband when we coach couples, we have a ministry called marriage on cut. For transparency. We've been married 20 years shout out to my husband, Jermaine. At year 10, I had the affair. And most people when they hear we've overcome infidelity, they assume it was him. Not unlike nah, fam, I was the one wearing the scarlet letter. Yarbrough scarlet letter. It was me. All right. And when God told him know, pray for your wife and cover her and stay with her. This will be a huge part of your testimony. We are now not in this marriage. Because we just love each other so much. Yes, we love each other. But we understand. God has a bigger purpose and planning for this marriage than we do. It's about us, but it's not about us. So when we do marriage on cut, we create these fake scenarios loosely based on our marriage, sometimes, maybe not. You create it's like you'll give it a name. Variation in German or out to dinner, and in walks and ex boyfriend. And he comes over Hey, Tanisha Long time no see, what should she immediately do she a introduce him to her husband, be get up from the table and leave. I mean, so because he run marriage, small groups. And so as opposed to just coming in and teaching the Word of God and the Bible and just teaching straight from it, we create the scenario. And we say let's discuss

ShySpeaks 9:15

it right because at the end of the day, as I answered the question, I'm getting to a principle, there's a there's a relationship principle has to be implemented, but you're doing it through the characters in the story they end

Tenita Johnson 9:26

up on and it takes the onus off the people in the rope when when I get to become a character so my name is Tanisha if I now change my name to Tasha, I'm Tasha doesn't matter that I am braver being Tasha than Tanisha.

Ronald Lee Jr. 9:44

Before we Okay, so, we got a lot.

Tenita Johnson 9:48

So, now returning to

Ronald Lee Jr. 9:51

so with the marriage on cut, you give the scenario Yes. Is it a choose your own adventure type book or you just kind of do let them choose and and then you Yeah, how does that work? Because and I asked that, you know, total myself but I was a huge to your own adventure fan as a kid those way if I if I read a book Yeah, there was only kind of books I read. I even played those kinds of video games back when we had, you know, Oregon Trail it like that or no, no, okay. Oh, so

Tenita Johnson:

let me say this marriage uncut is not only the name of our marriage coaching program, it's a book series where we already have three books published from couples or individuals, sometimes not all couples want to write together, talking about things that they've overcome in their marriage or divorce. Some of them ended up divorced, marriage uncut, eventually will be a podcast if I can ever get my husband to go to the podcast studio. Um, but no, some of it is open ended, because we want people to discuss and we want them to come to their own conclusions. Sometimes it's a multiple choice, you have these four, these four options, what's the best option? Okay, if you were coaching this cup of what would you say? Right? What should she do next, and the ex boyfriend just walked in? You know, so everybody's on eggshells in the room and tense and I'm like, it ain't your boyfriend is hard. But nine times out of 10, when we run our small groups, somebody in the room has experienced what we love about it just works out that way. Character


storytelling, right? Because it's people in this scenario, yeah. And there's just that. Okay, so I have this, this thing that I was gonna say, as far as why I think authors are creatives. And that is because even if you're okay, we know, fiction, we know they created characters. Now we know that nonfiction, if you think about it in a certain way there, those are still characters, whether they're real or not. And at the end of the day, you have to have creative ways of sharing your framework, your principles, and all that. All that steel creative. But then I would like to also say that it's when you write the book, you're also creating a business behind it like so or like what you're saying here, they're creating a, you can be creating a nonprofit organization behind, you can create a ministry behind you. Because I've heard people say that the business is the book is like a business. It is right. It's a business card. So

Tenita Johnson:

it is your new business card. Don't give out business cards, give people your book.


And what Okay, here's the written this is why why would why is why are we saying it's the new business card.

Tenita Johnson:

Because when you read my book, you have now been introduced to me personally, professionally, creatively. If you want to do business with me, you're gonna feel like I know enough about her to know like, and trust her. Because I read her book.


I know her, I like her, I trust that if I come to her for whatever it is that she says she can do in this book, whether it was helping me bring my marriage back, whether it was helping me with water coloring, this person says they know all the juice on watercolor. And so I'm gonna go to them. And I'm going to do a hey, can you teach me personally one on one? Yeah, I'll pay you to teach me one on one. Because when what I read in the book, I know, you know, this, this has to be the tip of the

Tenita Johnson:

iceberg. Right? This is so so unfortunately, a lot of people come to me for a book, and they don't realize that I'm also highly prophetic, too. So what happens is, we don't just get a book, we get a whole business, we get a strategic business plan with a strategic marketing plan. We get a book, we get an ebook, we get an audio book, we get a webinar, we get a conference, we get a clothing line. We get a stage play, we get a movie, we get short films, we get a series, and I teach my clients, there are seven to 12 streams of income tied to just one book. Okay, I'm not telling you to write 30, right, just one book. Now,


this is why we have her. She calls herself an entrepreneur and authors are creators, because she just told you how many 1212 was 10 streams, there was at least 10 streams that came out of so there's no reason for us to be broke, starving, grinding or hustling, creating knowledge just out of creating the we work so hard. So we're going to I'm going to ask you a question. What, what was the first book you wrote?

Tenita Johnson:

Oh, what the first book I wrote is called 100. Where's my encouragement, tidbits of inspiration. Um, I had been unemployed from a job for about three years, kind of like we talked about before we got on the air me and my husband moved to Waco for six months. I quit my job at 18 t, which is like no longer a thing. at&t Yellow Pages so that's I'm dating myself, okay, at&t yellow pages where we still had the big, big yellow books, and I quit my job. We moved to Waco, six months later, we were back. Couldn't go back to my corporate job. So then I got into this rat race of being a contractor. So I wasn't Ever our full time employee hired and I will get short term contracts three weeks, three days, you might work this week you might not. And immediately I sat at my desk and God said to me what's in your hands? I said, Well, I'm a writer. He said, Well, right, what else? I'm going to encourage her. You said, well write encouraging words. And I would send an email to five friends every day. And when I got to about 60, to a friend of mine, Natasha said, Are you keeping these? I said, No, girl, I sent out an email. No, don't buy my piece. I sent it out every morning, okay, I asked me Do not know. She's like, Well, I've been keeping them emails come back to me. Like, I think this is a book. I did not set out to write a book, I set out to encourage and to write. So in 100 days, I had 100 words of encouragement, the book, and I did 100 words of encouragement, part two, which is even crazier. Why don't your words of encouragement, Part Two are nothing but social media posts that I put down from years past? Like, literally had to add me and go back to like, five years ago? Can you pull down all the motivational posts from 2017? Well, I'm gonna put them in a book.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

And it was that simple.

Tenita Johnson:

No promises. That's all it is. There is no secret sauce, like it was 100 words of encouragement, one 100 words of encouragement part two, today, I could probably do a part three, if I wanted to be encouraging and ragged pay someone on Fiverr to go to my social media just pull it down motivational quotes that I've been posting every day, because we're constantly posting, we don't have a lack of content. People just don't know what to do with the content. We're producing content every day.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

This is this is good. Right? So one of my my former coaches, she would tell me because, you know, she she was teaching me how to market. Yeah. And she was always telling me like, You're overthinking it. She was like, you can take your social media posts, your your your, your highly engaging social media posts, and turn it into your email marketing. I made that email. Yeah. So now you're even saying take it a step further. You can take these posts, make it make it a book.


Especially you said, you didn't write it for

Tenita Johnson:

social media day even got a hashtag like warning, long. Alert. Is a long post. Yeah. Thank you. 10 minutes to read it. Like, that's a chapter right there.


Right there.

Tenita Johnson:

We are overthinking it. So


I didn't know which one was your first book.

Tenita Johnson:

I know you've written 23. Girl 23.


I was gonna say a lot of books. When he was 24

Tenita Johnson:

launches marks 30. If I'm not sure my 24 project? Yes.


I know that one of them is a book that's geared towards going from corporate to create it. Yep. Right. And so I was like, Man, I think that one is pretty cool. Yeah. So what was it that convinced you that you could actually make a living from being an author? I know, you mentioned the 12 different streams of income. But at the time, you didn't know that, right? So like you said, he was just writing and encouraging you. At some point it had to dawn on you, did you like write, say, I wrote this book, and I made so much money, and it's like, oh, I can make I can make a living from this. Or after you wrote the book, people start coming to you saying, Hey, can you help me edit? Or can you help me with my packaging? And after doing so much that you realize, ooh, that could be a business? Like what was it that made you realize you could go from corporate to a creative by being an author? So

Tenita Johnson:

what I tell my clients, well, what I tell our entrepreneurs find a problem and solve it. And so for me, I was actually tired of seeing independent authors books filled with so many errors, so many grammatical errors, spelling errors, sentence errors, a comma where it needs to be a period. So when I started my company, it was just an editing business. And they actually wanted to publish, they had to go somewhere else after me, because I will send them out. I'm not publishing, I'm not doing cover design. I'm not doing any I am just proofreading and editing. Gotcha. And one of my clients did the best thing he could have done. And he asked me for a second round of edits, because when I first started, I was only doing one. And he said, do me a favor, can I pay you but can you look it over again, I want a second round of edits. And then I added that service. And now that's a normal practice in my company that it goes to at least two it may go through three. But over time, the company has more from 2009 to 2024. And eventually I said listen, I've been editing and proofreading 2025 years now. I can't even sit long enough. I can't sit still long enough to edit a manuscript right now like the gift is just


done in just been used.

Tenita Johnson:

That's how you know when it's time to shift and when what you used to do came easy and you are now struggling to do it. It's time to pivot releases. it, let it go. So now I have contract editors,

Ronald Lee Jr.:

all right and not struggling from a scalability, right but struggling from a motivation,

Tenita Johnson:

my motivation, levels I don't even deserve. I don't care how good the book is. Now, every now and then I'll edit some books that are fiction. But even that it takes me a long time to I'm talking about going from I used to be able to edit 20 to 25 pages in an hour. I was very quick and accurate, like 98% accuracy. Today, it is probably 10 pages. It is cut in half. You do not want me to edit your book and it's gonna take me a month and a half to get it back. Yes, it's gonna be right. But it still take a long time to get it back.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Know that in you kind of answered the next question, right? It was like, we hear a lot about like, niching down, right, like, okay, that's the you know, there's there's riches in the niches right? Yeah. But you started in the knees. But then you started to expand and said, Okay, I'm I still do editing though I may not do it. I have editors on staff. Now we're publishing right now we're publishing and

Tenita Johnson:

eventually I want to grow to now we're publishing and marketing your piece for at least a year. Okay,


so what's the name of the company? Because it's somebody that's watching this right now. So

Tenita Johnson:

the name of the company is no, so it is written. So it is a company. Yep. And when we get the physical brick and mortar, I already know, it'll be called the Creative Suite. The Creative Suite. Um, the other thing I want to say is you have to know when to shift and pivot and stop doing certain things and businesses well, so when I shifted and pivoted from, let's say, a $250,000, head coach to a million dollar cash flow coach, the pivot was, you're trying to do all things for everybody. You're doing press releases, and bios and Speaker One sheets and website content and resumes. Stop, you have three packages. I was like, what? Just three?

Ronald Lee Jr.:

So there was a level of niching, right? I mean, in that regard, where you said, Okay, before I was doing all these things, but now I was like, Okay, I still do a lot of things. But within a lot of things, I put them in three different patterns, abandon

Tenita Johnson:

those packages. So when people come to me and say, Tanisha, I just need editing. I got to refer you to somebody else, right? Because that's not the best use of my time and my gift, I can't take the project just to get money. It's not about the money. What is you editing that novel pulling you away from? So do you want the $500 client and every $500 client that comes to you? Or are you willing to wait for the $5,000? Client? Hmm, so my base Packages start at 5000. Right, but it didn't just include editing, you know, that's, that's publishing, publishing, full publishing. Because what


we want to do is we want to give you a certain level of value that you can give besides just this little thing, and that little thing, and this little thing, um, because

Tenita Johnson:

the truth of the matter is, people who come to me don't necessarily know what they need. So they think they just need editing. Because here's what people say, I just need you to edit it. I got my cover design on Fiverr. And I'm going to upload it to Amazon, and boom, I'm published. Do you know how much money Amazon takes from authors? About 40%? of every sale? Yeah. I don't have 40% of every $10 book to give to somebody named Jeff Bezos, who isn't doing a lick of marketing for my book. It is providing a platform. That's it. So I tell my clients, the number one place people should go get your book is your home your website? Well, Tanisha, I don't have a website. I know you don't. That's why I have a publishing package. With a website, we're gonna build it for you, where you can sell your own book, from your website, the ebook or the paperback book, we can automate the download of your ebook, you do not have to use Amazon. We'll


be right back after these messages. You are now coming into the minds of my creative business. What's the iron? It's because it's us in different color clothing. I mean, listen, we've been doing a lot of talk and we want to make sure that you have an opportunity to make a statement as well,

Ronald Lee Jr.:

because we've seen people make statements with their athletic apparel. We've even seen people make statements as entrepreneurs. But one thing I haven't seen is somebody makes a statement as a creative entrepreneur. So what we've done is we have given you an opportunity to make a statement as a creative entrepreneur.


Oh, okay. Okay. So if they want to make sure that they're rocking that creative printer gear, where can they go get that?

Ronald Lee Jr.:

You can go get that gear from what's the irony of dot com

No, that's that's, that's good. No, because once again in this coaching space, right? It's

Tenita Johnson:

it's Do It Yourself culture where everybody just wants to YouTube and they think, right, I can cut costs and just do it myself. But the results you get on the back end? Yeah, well, you actually just


cut revenue and then you cut revenue.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

I mean, cuz like you said, they got costs, but you got revenue, they have an idea of what they think they want or what they think they need, but because this is something that you done and something that you do, oh, exactly, yeah, I know exactly what you need. And you're not even we're not even aware of it. I'm saying. So when you created those additional services and things, was it because you saw the need as they could they were requesting it? Or did you saw the need, because I've been through this, and I know you're going to need this in the long run a little

Tenita Johnson:

bit of both, let me say like this, just giving them editorial service is doing them a disservice. Right? Because I'm only giving you a piece of the puzzle. My goal is for you to leave with the puzzle, the packaging for the puzzle, the barcode for the puzzle, the wrapping, so that if you want to go out on the street corner and sell this puzzle, you got everything you need. Exactly. And I'm telling you how to sell it, right. So I think a lot of times as entrepreneurs, we're chasing the next $100 client, or let's even jump 997 clients, whatever it is, is that the greatest use of your time, another thing I tell my clients is, yeah, we can create a coaching program based on your book. But we don't do hourly coaching, right? I can't transform your life run in an hour, right? You probably need to spend 12 to 20 with me. So here's the package, we do people a disservice by taking their money for one hour consultations for them to ask questions. And


then they're gonna walk away with the end result. So you basically want to make sure that you walk away with the transformation that you was really looking for when you came? Absolutely, you came to me for editing and then you're the transformation you're looking for is I want to you

Tenita Johnson:

want to polish No, you want a book published an accent, because most people do. And they don't want to just they don't want to crap people. Exactly.


If you came for editing, you didn't want your book crappy. So they let me know you want to publish in Indian, you could probably get to the point I'm sure you may have seen this, where I'm editing the book for somebody. And then you come back around to him and ask him like, how did you ever get that book published? And they didn't get it? Because then they when they when they left that they went and found out that there was a whole other things that they need? You like,

Tenita Johnson:

no, let me take it a step further. There are clients who have paid the full $5,000 or $8,000 to get published to get a website to get physical books in hand. And they do nothing, huh? Wow, the books are now sitting in the garage, because you don't have enough courage. See, so then now I gotta be a mindset coach. Now I gotta go into mindset Coach Mo and I got to work through all the trauma and all the fears of public speaking and all the things your mama didn't tell you when you was laid away. And now we got cuz you're sitting on 200 books in your garage, and you ain't sold None, right.


But I want to go back and reiterate that you said that you get a book. Yeah, just like you don't want to give them just like you don't want to sell them incomplete service, know what the value that they're really looking for. You don't then teach them to give incomplete value. Right? Don't do an hour consultation when people probably really gonna need 12 to 20 hours with you how much the 12 to 20 hours of your time costs. Let's just say 20 I will put it in calculated term for the creators right through it. 20. And let's say they were charging $100 an hour. I just showed you how to create $2,000 package. Every time somebody comes to you from here on out. They're going to be spending $2,000 Yes. Now go back when she originally said that the package costs 5000 People like me $5,000 But I'm about to help you make 2000 over and over and over and over again. You're going to have the book and now you're going to have the means to make 2000 After you make that you do two clients you don't just about broke even off of three YOU DIDN'T YOU and profit so really, you're getting more out of me then I got

Tenita Johnson:

out of you. But wait, there's more. Like I'm on. But wait, there's more. You didn't let me finish. The other thing I want people to stop doing is one on one coaching. I'm not coaching Ron. I'm coaching Ron and let's say for other people. So most of my cohorts even when we're writing a book, so I have Brand Book best seller where we write a book in 60 days or less, and it's a sprint, right 60 days or less you're working with If me weekly, your book is done in 60 days, but I'm doing it with five people at a time, five to seven, I'm not working with people individually, right? Each person is paying me $5,000 times seven, that's $35,000. So I just helped seven people write their book in 60 days. Now, those seven people need to get published, and they don't know what to do next. So they're either going to get the $5,000 package, or the $8,000 package, let's say the five. So that's another additional file based on the five, five times seven. So that's an additional 35,000 35,000 plus 35,000 is how much


you run it up to.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

I gotta

Tenita Johnson:

understand why so many people are creatives that broke like we really get out be charging $100? Nothing like, Wow, no, because I'm working with these people. 60 days to write 60 days to publish. So a max of 120 days I made $70,000. Right. And that's just from that. And that's from me sitting in my office at home. I ain't left the house yet.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

So that's the that's not an in person. That's zone. Oh.

Tenita Johnson:

So you're my clients can be anywhere you can get on Zoom. We're not going to an office. We're not eating. Right. We mean, that's it? No, this is yeah.


So okay, so you talked about the brand, book Brand Book bestseller Brand Book bestseller? It's an accelerator? Yes, it's a group program

Tenita Johnson:

coaching program can take five to seven people at once, no more than seven. Because I know my capacity. They're writing chapters weekly submitting them to me, for accountability to let me know, listen, I finished this chapter. And then I'm giving them real time feedback on the writing. Right.


So that's, that's, that's one thing. Okay. Because one of the questions we want to ask is, how do people know about your service? Like, how do they know about your publishing company? Right, right? How would they know about it? But you just answered that by saying, there are times where I opened up my time you create 60 days of your life, 120 days a year live where he says, I'll invite you guys into a writing camp, right? This brand boop, boop, brand new best seller acceleration accelerator. And then from there, I can then tell you about my publishing, right? That's one way of getting people to know

Tenita Johnson:

you. But that accelerator only runs three to four times a year. Because I'm spinning most times 120 days with you. Yeah. So I don't get to run it 12 times a year. Exactly. And if you miss it, then you may be waiting until next year to get it depending on my travel schedule and holiday schedule. Because we got to have a block of time to actually write the book, you know? Yeah.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

No, no, I mean, that's one

Tenita Johnson:

of the services. So I have three, we didn't even touch ghost writing. And that's what we


that's so we have a little notes here. So here's what you offer. So go ahead, right.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Yeah, I'm taking it off. Because I mean, I'm, I love that once a mini model, right? Because like you said, you're you're limited in the one on one as far as from a business standpoint, being able to scale it, right. But if I'm, if I'm giving you all of my time, and it's just you, yeah, then in order for me to scale, I'm gonna have to increase my prices. Right? And everybody might not be able to afford to pay you. $35,000. Right, right, for one on one, because that's what that's an actuality, what it would cost based on what you're saying. Right? When 35,000.

Tenita Johnson:

So give me my 1010 No, no, no.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

That's what you just told ya.

Tenita Johnson:

So spend the whole day with you 35k. That's right, you live hours,


you really don't have use take 60 days. There's not that many 60 days in a year. I mean, I would have only been able to help so many people. Right? But

Ronald Lee Jr.:

I want to model that one too many model.

Tenita Johnson:

phenomena. And I've done it multiple times. And it's worked well. Again, a lot of my and these are people who have the money, they're spending the money. These people don't owe me money they pay for the program. A lot of the downfall is mindset work, they will finish the book and still not publish it. They have paid me 25,000 in full and still have not published it.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

And I've seen that right. So we're gonna do a little pivot here because I've seen that right. I've had clients that I've coached. And once again, I'm giving them all the tactics, all the strategy, they got the blueprint, they have everything that they need, but whatever reason they're not executing and not implementing. And it goes back to that that mindset it goes back To those limiting beliefs, yeah. So in every coaching program, that mindset piece needs to be implemented in there. So I'm assuming I'm assuming based off your experience that you've added that piece to okay, yes, I'm, we're gonna build this book, we're gonna do this book. But I gotta help you do some of this mindset so that you don't got 20 books sitting in your garage.

Tenita Johnson:

Absolutely. So one thing about the accelerator is, it's only for people who want to write their signature Brand Book. So it would be your book for entrepreneurs on minding their own business, minding their own creative business, hypothetically. So maybe you have a seven step coaching program that you take people through. So it's essentially your coaching program, right? The pillars, right? It's a little bit of mindset. And it's your seven steps. That's the book, a lot of times people are scared to give their secret sauce away, because I'm scared, you're gonna get it and try and teach it somewhere else or try and implement it on your own. The truth of the matter is, if you could get the transformation on your own, you would have already got it. Correct. So I can give you the blueprint for I teach a webinar on Brand Book bestseller, I say, these are the three ways to write a brand, book, a book around your brand, that's going to get you to bestseller status, and I can help you do it in 60 days. Now you can try it yourself, because you have the blueprint, or I can help you and for me to help you. It's $5,000 Right.


So, okay, so we got to get into some of the other service. Okay, sorry, the writing, but what you were saying is really good, especially for somebody who is who's like, I want to help. I'm an author, and I want to help other people become authors as well. I'm gonna be author maker, right. And so they want to be automaker, they're, they're not realizing the piece, you just say it was important. It has to be the book. Yes, that is the signature Brand Book. Why? Because these other 12 streams of income that's gonna come out of there are gonna bleed out of the brand. It can't just, you can just write a book, but not all books can be can be milked in the same way. All

Tenita Johnson:

right. So a lot of people want to write their life story. And I'm like, that's great. I want you to write the empowerment, the rags to riches, the, you know, drugs to church, whatever it is, I've seen, I've seen it all, especially in the Christian community. And I want you to write that book. But when you write that book, I want you to know what's on the other side of that book. Because even though I wrote When the smoke clears, which is centered around my life, going from suicidal thoughts and depression, to where I am today, I knew the goal was to get to the stage play. And then I know a year or two from now, Ron, the goal is to get to a full feature film, right? I know what my next jumps are, even though I haven't taken the step yet. Right. So there's a book that I've been sitting on, I work on it every now and then in between clients is my first fiction book. Now I have 23 nonfiction books. I'm looking to hire a fiction ghostwriter. Okay, if I want. I know the storyline is in my head, I can tell you how I want it to flow. I just need somebody to flush out the writing. Because I'm really just busy with other stuff. Right? And I'll be honest with you is for selfish reasons that I want to hire a ghostwriter. Because I want the book to be the blueprint for the movie and the stage play. I don't really care about the book. I just need the book to be the blueprint. So I can give this to the person who writes my scripts. I don't even write my own scripts. On my stage play Richard bass, he, he writes my scripts, I give him my book, and say, I need a script based on this book, right? So read the book and create the script and tell me what I owe you.


If you talk about it to simply like because it's not necessary, like, did you like, I don't really care about the book, but I know what you say.

Tenita Johnson:

I mean, I care about the book, but but I'm gonna do a book signing and then I'm be like, okay, Richard, we need a script going. Yeah, let's get this movie going. Right. So

Ronald Lee Jr.:

I'm sorry. I'm


just gonna say I just want people to know that you're already trying to be an automaker. And you say, well, I help this person, you're trying to charge people a certain amount of money to write a book, they're not going to wind up being able to monetize, they're going to feel like you got over that over. Yeah. But she's saying I'm going to help you write a book that you're going to be able to monetize is going to be able to have different streams of income that are coming out of I just want to make sure that that's clear. Yeah,

Ronald Lee Jr.:

it's like the, the book is the blueprint is the blueprint, or it's the it's the foundation, it's the base. And then it's like, it's like the Lego so you've got the base blocks. Yeah. And then okay, as a result of just having this base block, we can build other things on it. But this is the foundation right? So like you said, Okay, we have the book but now we got the the screenplay. Then we have the stage play. Then we have merchandising If we have all these other things that we can create based off of this one book, so this one book has created these other avenues to generate revenue for you. So it would behoove you to to write the book.


To pray, that's what you've been trying.

Tenita Johnson:

And what one thing we didn't even touch on. Oh, my God paid speaking engagements, y'all, we ain't even right. What people have paid me $5,000 To speak for an hour, right?


We're talking less than this to talk. Right? So okay, so if I did

Tenita Johnson:

10 speaking engagements in one month, for one hour, that's 10 hours. But there's $50,000, right?


Even if you got it in a year, that's 50,000 hours, which is replacing your current job how you say? Creative. Alright, so we keep talking about getting to these other services.

Tenita Johnson:

You mentioned two more hours. 123. Right. You hit on it a little bit


when you talked about even having your own fiction book. And you've already tinkered and work on it. So I'm still doing it yourself. You can do it you can't you want to bring in a ghost.

Tenita Johnson:

So let's talk about that being a service as well, because not only do you have that publishing package, right, we should the cover in the ISBN number on the all of that kind of Library of Congress. Yep. People don't understand they gotta have a library of congress number. If they ever want their books to be in public libraries. There are just things that people don't know that Amazon is not covering. Right, right.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Even the ISBN. Everybody

Tenita Johnson:

got 9000 job to do. I tell people to do this all the time. And they laugh at me. I'm like, the next time you're at a book fair with vendors. Just flip over to odd this book, if you see 9000. I mean, they uploaded it to Amazon. And they print it from Amazon. And all of them have 9000

Ronald Lee Jr.:

in Amazon, right? Whoever owns the ISBN technically owns the book.

Tenita Johnson:

That's your publisher. So, so is another


nugget right here. Minding my creative business? If

Tenita Johnson:

somebody comes to you like they did when Meijer came to my daughter and said, We want to put Nylas books in 256 Meijer stores. How do we get ahold of the publisher? I am the publisher. You're talking to? My daughter who was she was nine at the time. This was two years ago. That $8,000 Check. Jeff Bezos would have gotten sick 40% of that, right. Yeah, for doing nothing. We're doing this. We're


winding back. It's what's going on? She just said her daughter? I don't know. Yes. All right. I know we just leave it at that right though. We're gonna get to these other services. But say it again. She was

Tenita Johnson:

seven years old when she wrote her first book. Nyla now has five books. Nyla has more speaking engagements than me. Okay. gets paid 250 for her speaking engagements. If the schools do not buy books, we ask for $250. So this Thursday, she has a speaking engagement. Wow. They didn't want to buy books. I said, Well, Nyla she want her money? She wants she near 250. All right, she got to go to five below in the Dollar Tree. She got.


Okay, so we got to get to these services

Ronald Lee Jr.:

at a time because I know that we're running out of time we


went okay, okay. Part two, well,

Ronald Lee Jr.:

no less than four. If you're willing to do a part two, we would definitely look back. Because this is This is dope. This is dope. And I do have one question that I'm kind of leapfrogging in your mind. Yeah. Right. Based off your business model based off your experience based off of, you know, like I said, I follow you online. So likely, that's why I concur you

Tenita Johnson:

to the book book book, buddy. Yeah.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Who do you think could and should write books.

Tenita Johnson:

So I am of the belief that every person can write at least two books, at least two,

Ronald Lee Jr.:

every every No, no exceptions, every tell you

Tenita Johnson:

why every person in the earth is in the earth with purpose. Every person or has at least one gift. You write your book on that one gift. Whatever that gift is, I don't care if it's baking cakes. It might be cleaning up a house. You write a book about cleaning up a house. So you write a book on what makes you an expert. Now, my expertise just happens to be booked. So I wrote a book about books, right? But for most people, it's what you do best. And what I tell people is the problem that you solve with the least amount of effort. For one specific audience. Our problem is we try and serve way too many people. So at the end of the day, I would love to serve everybody but when I look at the majority of my clients, they are Christian female speakers and coaches who do not have a book They want to have a book.


Everybody, everybody, everybody.

Tenita Johnson:

So the second book they should write, is I call it the overcomer book. So something in your life, that you may have overcome it, you know, it may be from the time you were diagnosed with cancer to the end of the last chemo treatment, whatever it is, we're not talking life story from the day he was born in 1979 to 2024. We're not covering all right, right. But really writing about something. And what I tell people is the story is about you, but it's not about you, because you're asking people to pay for our product. People don't pay for products, they pay for solutions. So what solution does your book provide to your target audience?

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Yeah. So. So I don't know if the camera was I think the camera was on Tanisha. Oh, she said what she said, I gave cya look, because I got a I got a couple books. I'm putting this out here.

Right now, so I'm putting it out here on the MCB podcast that show I got two books. She has one. So we got to have her brand, brand oriented, right. And then she has this other one, which is the overcomer book, then the fact that you said overcomer, because that's what we've been talking about. So it's totally prophetic. today to say that,


but you know, since we hear on me, I want to say I receive it. Okay. And then you know, what's on me? And then the other thing is, I love the fact that what you're saying is, I do want you to write the brand based book. Yeah, but I'm not taking your dream away of you getting that. That thing you overcome. Yeah, right. I want you to get that out as well. But do that one second? Yeah, that I like that. Well,

Tenita Johnson:

and and I'm not gonna say do that one second. Because I think it takes a little bit of life to determine what you're really called to do like what your purpose is, like, I know I'm in the earth to advance hope. I know. I'm an executor, and encourager a motivator. I'm, I'm a purpose pusher. I know those things. But it took me a long time to get there. So you spend a lot of years in the darkness, suicidal thoughts, depression, all of those things, to fight and really find out who you really are. Right. So now I can write those two law books of overcoming suicidal thoughts and depression. sexuality issues, molestation from both men and as women and I mean, I'm candid about it. People will literally tell you, it is not. It's funny, but it's not funny. They'll be like, you're literally an open book. And I'm like, I like that. Because it's like, if I can help somebody else by sharing my story, and I tell people this, the molestation wasn't good as a single act. But the fact that I can start a nonprofit now to help other people heal from sexual abuse, and molestation, makes the molestation good. Because had I not went through it. There was no way I could wholeheartedly pour my heart and soul into it, and build it the way that I'm building it. So I had to walk the journey first before I can go back and get some other people and say, okay, come on. Let's hear. So yeah,


that's the beauty for ashes, Beauty for Ashes.

Tenita Johnson:

Hey, give me the title for your book.


Is a little Boolean. With

Tenita Johnson:

badges I didn't say beautiful. So


we were going to have to have our own for part two. So we did because we talked about the editing. We talked about, we didn't talk about, we need to, because that's actually a service that's available. Yes. Through through so so it is Rachel it is written. And then of course, well, the publishing comes to package. Yeah, absolutely. So forth and so on. We did talk about the book seller, right. I mean, there's just so many things to talk about. I want to encourage you to head over to the website. Can you tell them the

Tenita Johnson:

website? Absolutely. So so it is written dotnet is the business website if you want me to speak to pay me the 35k that Ron See, I should get for that hour. I didn't say Ross and my price to Anita is Tanisha but it looks like to Anita tea in it a is my personal website, or they can email me info and so it is written dotnet Awesome.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

Awesome. All right. So before we let you go, if it could be covered a lot, we've covered a lot now so we just scratched the surface scratched the surface. So what's one thing that that you know that you want to just kind of give to our audience that But you didn't touch on one yet? Like, what's one walkaway takeaway from today's episode?


Audiences, creatives who desire to be entrepreneurs or who are already creative entrepreneurs and trying to scale? Yeah.

Tenita Johnson:

So yeah, I think the biggest thing is really take a step back and get clear on who you serve best. The key word is best. Because I think as entrepreneurs, we can get into the rat race of the grind the hustle and chasing the next best thing and I should be posting on Facebook. No, I should be on Tik Tok. No, I should be on Instagram now. Where are your people that you serve best, again keyword best, because just because we can serve a lot of people doesn't mean we have to serve a lot of people. We just sat here and said if I get seven clients over the course of 120 days, I've made $70,000. That's only seven people. Right? So who do you serve best? And stop chasing the good for the great,


right? Oh, she says stop chasing everybody. And yeah, focus on who you serve best. Yeah. She said that's only seven people because we know everybody's trying to get 7070 1000. Right. Right in 700,000 people and still only coming up with about $40

Tenita Johnson:

I pointed out Yeah, All and Follow on people. You're not even doing that work well, because you have way too many clients like


you're saying she's saying I can serve seven people well and still come out financially lucrative as an entrepreneur

Tenita Johnson:

I love and I could do it from the beach. I'm just saying, This is great. I'll be on vacation. I


kinda want to be an automaker now.

Tenita Johnson:

I got you. Yeah. Anyway,


man, I want to thank you for everything that you've said so far here, in, you even gave extra on top of the extra that we weren't even planning on giving. And one of the things I said earlier is that we're dedicating this episode to authors Yes, so that they will know that they are creatives, right? And we answered the question over and over and over and over again, authors are creatives Can I read this quote really quick? Was

Tenita Johnson:

it before you read the quote, I just want to say this because this is on top authors are not only creatives, we all have the potential to be multi millionaires if not billionaires, it's already living on the inside of us. It's just a matter of unlocking all of that to get to that point. And getting through the muck and mire to get to the real hidden treasure within to say, Okay, this is it. And sticking with it long enough to see the manifestation of it. Yeah, that's great creative thing broke. We broke.


Ranks that's overweight. Yeah. And nobody's starving, starving,

Tenita Johnson:

starving artists. Oh, no, we eaten good. Yeah. Jay Alexander's in like,


and we, when she's when she says that, you have to understand that. She just talked about writing your book, and then potentially coming out with a $2,000 package. But you can also write a book that comes out with a script in a stage play, that could be a $2 million deal, right? So when she's saying that, you got to go back and go back, and I'm telling you go back and listen to this episode. There are so many gems here. I was gonna read the quote, and Iran, I'm gonna turn it over to you. But it says that a writer is someone who learns about the world, tries to figure out their corner of it, and then use his words to share what they learned. Hmm. That's pretty cool.

Ronald Lee Jr.:

So on that note, we want to thank you for spending your time here with us here today. We also want to thank you all for spending your time listening to while viewing this podcast. We encourage you if you are listening to this, whatever platform it is, please like comment, share, share, leave a review. If it's on YouTube, if you're watching us do the same thing. We asked how we just kind of build up and get more exposure for this podcast because we know this podcast is here for you by us, right we are creatives. And we created this for creatives. We also want to encourage you to join the creatives, creatives corner community, which is a newsletter, right mafia newsletter as well as a Facebook community where you will be surrounded by other creative partners that are on the journey of being a six, seven or even eight figure earner actually, I think we tried to be some billionaires we turned

Tenita Johnson:

seven and eight

Ronald Lee Jr.:

right? So join that community so that you can be surrounded by other people like yourself on that journey so that you can have that community sense. And on that note, I'm gonna turn it over to you sigh Alright,


so I like to end the podcast with a mantra. So I want everybody who's watching everybody here and who's here period to repeat this mantra after me. All right, ready? Go. All it takes. All it takes is intention, intention, consistency, consistency and laser focus and laser focus. My my creative business. My creative business. Yeah, peace.




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