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Seize Yours, Grab Your Best Life!
Episode 812th July 2021 • The BraveHearted Woman • Dawn Damon
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Dawn Damon 0:07

Hey beautiful women. This is Dawn Damon, the brave heart mentor and you're listening to the brave hearted woman. This is a podcast designed to help you find your brave so you can live out your beautiful vision. I have been working with women for years. And now I want to help you too. I'm here to awaken the brave heart inside of you so you can ignite the flame of your vision you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Come on this get brave.

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But there's another kind of mindset. It's called a fixed mindset. a fixed mindset is a very limiting mindset. And this is what it says, a fixed mindset says, I believe that intelligence and talent are static. You have it or you don't, you can't grow, you can't learn. I believe that I will avoid challenges because I have to avoid failure. The fixed mindset says I ignore feedback from others. What do they know? It's just criticism. They're just jealous. And so we dismiss it if you have that kind of mind. Set, or feel threatened, a fixed mindset feels threatened by the success of others, a fixed mindset, they're going to hide flaws so as not to be judged by

others. So I don't want to be judged by you. So I don't want you to see the real me, I've got to wear masks, and I've got to hide my flaws. And I've got to make excuses. They also believe that feedback is personal criticism, we kind of touched on that you're picking on me, the world is out to get me. I'm a victim and everybody hates me. a fixed mindset says that I believe that putting an effort is worthless. It's fruitless. So why bother? I'm not wasting my time. They quit very, very quickly, they give up very easily. So what kind of mindset do you have? I'd like you to commit to and think about the prospect of saying, I want to see how many that I said yes to on the growth mindset chart. And how many did I say yes to on the fixed mindset chart? Because you can make those changes you have the power to choose? What's your mindset about you your identity? What is your mindset about your life and your circumstances, about obstacles and adversities? What's your mindset about failure? Is your mind filled with empowering thoughts of I can do this, I'm growing? Or is one teacher said I can't do this yet. But I will I can learn I can grow, really powerful thing to teach your kids by the way, too? Or are you battling with limiting and false beliefs that disempower you? Do you feel yourself kind of ruminating over thoughts that leave you feeling frustrated, and they leave you feeling stuck and defeated? You know, if you don't have the right mindset, if you allow those scary thoughts in your head, those scary thoughts create feelings, and those feelings create behavior, and that behavior, well, that creates the world that you're living in right now. That's your reality. You're living in whatever you've chosen, whatever you've created, through the way you think through the way you speak, and the way you act. So speak what you want to become, because it will probably come true. words do create, right? We're not supposed to speculate about the future, we're supposed to create it. So seize your mindset. Make sure that you're dwelling on things that are powerful and true and right and good, and noble and uplifting. Make sure your mindset is filled with growth. Words that say, I can learn I can stretch, I'm not embarrassed. I am on an adventure. This can be exciting. This is fun. I can be goofy, I can laugh at myself. I don't have to be perfect. No one is but I can enjoy this moment. Instead of fear ridden and bound up and embarrassed and shy and timid and living small and living in this limited closed in trapped hoof. Man. Don't do that to yourself, you get to choose. And how about this is the third one that I want to share with you. Seize yours, seize your moments. The word what is the word Carpe ADM, seize your moment. Don't live with regret because you missed a moment. And don't miss your moment. Because you failed to prepare, right? Because when preparation and opportunity meet that success, so you should be living like you expect opportunity to come. And it's just days away. So I am preparing. I am getting myself ready. If you have something on your vision board that says that, that you're going to be a great writer, I'm going to write a book perhaps that's on your vision board, then live like you know that's going to come true live like you know that you're going to get an opportunity to share your book proposal with a publisher, or you're going to meet an editor live like you believe that take steps and prepare. I'd like what Theodore Roosevelt said. It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself, but he can put himself in such a shape that when or if the opportunity comes, he is ready. How Yep, that's powerful, isn't it? So opportunity will knock now it does knock on the door during the most hectic of days. So be careful that you don't miss it. Do your best to take full advantage of opportunity. When sometimes opportunity is disguised, looking like work or looking like oh, that's anybody could do that. But say yes to the opportunities that open up before you. When these doors open up before you they can lead to your path of purpose. This is one step led you to this. You didn't see it from where you were. But because you walk through that door you got to brand new perspective. And now you can see the purpose in it and the opportunity and how creative God was to put you in that place. So take advantage of the opportunities that put you into the culture or the environment that you feel called to. Again, if you feel like writing, then go to a writers conference prepared. If you love children, then serve in your church nursery or get a job at a daycare or be willing to be a provider for for children, it can open up opportunities for you, if you're an entrepreneur, jump on that webinar. There's free webinars all over the plays, you can't buy them all for sure. But jump on those learn, be be discreet, be discretionary on what you're doing. But don't miss the opportunity. If If you can join an online group somewhere that's talking about the subject that you enjoy, and someday see yourself doing, get involved in that. If your thing is health and fitness and you want to lose weight, then you're not going to, you know, find that in a candy store, get in a gym. And you might think, Oh, I feel embarrassed in the gym. Listen, everybody's proud when when you see anyone in the gym that's maybe a little bit out of shape, or they feel like they have some pounds to lose, or they're of a certain age. Any gym I've ever been a part of people feel good for you, man. And even if they don't think that So what? They're not living your life, they're not going to your funeral, they're not crying for you. So why are we living our life caring about what other people are going to say? We don't. Alright, here's the last thing I want to talk to you about sees yours sees your musings. Yeah, I had to get that last m in there. But I want to talk to you about being creative. And you got to seize that moment, do you have a habit of writing things down? I don't remember who said it. But someone once said, if you think it, ink it, capture your creative juices, get a journal, write creative ideas on it or use your phone. But honestly, there is a part of your brain that opens up when you actually begin to write. Because when you speak into your phone, you're using the logic center. But when you write with your hand, you're actually opening up the part of your brain where creativity and innovation, were all of those things in inspiration live. So I would really recommend writing it down. But capture it in any way that you can. Because you only have a few seconds, they say less than seven seconds. I mean, I tell you, there's times where I think about something, and I don't have my notebook handy. And so I start scrounging for a pencil and I'm looking for a piece of paper. And then I get the pencil in the paper. And I'm thinking, now what was it that I was gonna write down, I don't even remember, it took too long. So you have to keep it nearby. I keep a little one of my personnel. So I'll have to do is pull out this little mini, little tablet there and I have it right there. But however you can capture it but sees your musings, take a small step, make sure that you, you just start writing down little ideas so that they don't leave you. And pretty soon you might feel or begin to see a little bit of a theme there or a pattern. You're unleashing your creative self. And you might discover that there's something that the true self inside of me is longing to do. And maybe I'm not letting her

express that. Or maybe you're going to find you're going to you forget, forget maybe that you wrote it down. But you page back through your creative journal. And you think that is a good idea. And I still think that's a good idea. Some of them you'll read and you'll say, maybe not so much. That was just a moment I was having. But I will tell you what, some of the most creative and successful things and financially lucrative things that I personally and others that I know have come up with happened in a moment of sitting quiet with a journal and a pen, and just clearing the noise and the clutter and allowing yourself just to be in a creative, reflective, inspirational moment. If your world is too loud, then tone it down. Get somewhere where you can hear yourself think and where you can actually allow those creativities to begin to emerge from you. I want you to live your best life. I want you to be brave. I don't want you to miss your moment. I don't want you to think you know, boy looking back I should have done this I should have done that. The what I should have could have and let's not live in regret because that's just more time wasted. Thinking about what we could have done. You can start today it's never too late. You start right where you are. Take those baby steps whatever it is, but be brave. Take courageous action and uncomfortable action. Someone once said just be uncomfortable. Wait be comfortable with being uncertain. trouble. There you go. Can you do that? Can you just be comfortable with being uncomfortable? So don't be such a creature of habit. As human beings. We like that, don't we? Our brain wants to let us know it's perceiving a threat and you know what is threat to your brain. Anything that's not familiar with doing new things, you know, hiking, water skiing, eating something different, anything that your brain hasn't seen before. And so sometimes we're adventure adverse, because we don't know what we're going to be in for. So be willing to stretch, be willing to challenge your own mindset. Because once the brain does it, then it can classify it as rewarding, enjoyable, and you can do it again. So I'm encouraging you today. Brave hearts, that I want you to live your best life. I don't want you to be stuck. No, I don't. I want you to go out there. Change the world. take it by force. Don't just slink your way through life. Put your shoulders back, put your head up and say yeah, I'm bad up in here. You know why? Because I am a daughter of the king. I've been created for greatness. There are seeds of greatness inside of me. And that's how I'm going to live. Alright, I hope this has helped you a little bit. Go out and seize your day. Get your morning routine going And hey, if anybody listening, you're interested in one on one coaching, or want to be a part of a mastermind, visit me at my website Dawn That's D A W N D A M O N dawn Damon dot com. We're having a great time in the mastermind doing a lot of coaching and we'd love to see you. I would love to see you be a part of it. Alright, that's all I have to say. This is done Dave insane. uncover your vision and live your brain. Thanks for hanging out with me today and becoming brave. If this has helped you, be sure to share it with someone and subscribe so you never have to miss another episode. For more about me my books, my coaching or online courses, visit Dawn And as always be brave and live your vision

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