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Judging from the first impression
Episode 20326th December 2022 • Irresistible Communication • Dr. Michael Gerharz
00:00:00 00:02:11

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We’re told to not judge things (and people) by the first impression, but how does that fit with reality?

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Mentioned in this episode:

My new book is out now

You’ve got a bold vision and a strategy to achieve it! But why does your company seem to be standing still? Why is the gap between what strategy promises and what it delivers so vast and disheartening? And what to do about it? Find out in my new book “The PATH to Strategic Impact”:

New book



Should you judge a book by its cover?


Of course!


That's what covers are for.


A good cover sets the expectations for reading the book.


It tells us what it's about and what it will be like reading it.


It makes us curious.


It makes us pick the book up and read the back.


It's one of the first touch points in our process to choose the book.

But some might ask:

what about all the extraordinary books with terrible covers?

But some might ask:

Well, what about them?

But some might ask:

I've enjoyed a lot of those, sure.

But some might ask:

But that misses the point.

But some might ask:

I've picked them up despite their cover.

But some might ask:

Or maybe just because of their cover, as it had been spot on to trigger

But some might ask:

something in me that I didn't even notice.

But some might ask:

Or maybe I was just referred to the book by someone who enjoyed it so the

But some might ask:

cover wasn't even part of the game.

But some might ask:

The point is that a cover is a shortcut to what we think about

But some might ask:

the book before we read it.

But some might ask:

It is a decision-making tool.

But some might ask:

Decisions are almost always made based on incomplete information.

But some might ask:

Books are no exception and, by the way, neither are people.

But some might ask:

Covers prime this decision-making process just like the way you show

But some might ask:

up primes the decision-making process of the people in your audience.

But some might ask:

So, how do you show up?

But some might ask:

And how can you deliberately use the way that you show up to prime

But some might ask:

the thinking of your audience?



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