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Nicole Majik - Empowerment Alchemist for Resilience
Episode 27711th April 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this encouraging episode with Nicole Majik, listeners gain insights on aligning thoughts with goals and managing emotions to manifest a positive reality. Nicole Majik shares wisdom rooted in chemistry and metaphysics, highlighting the power of affirmations and the journey to living authentically.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase project. Podcast today is going to be one of those days we have with us Nicole Majik. Also you could say it magic if you want to be really, you know, French sort of. Nicole is the empowerment.


Alchemist. She's a transformational coach and keynote speaker, and she will awaken at your true potential by erasing your limiting beliefs and showing you how to live the life.


You deserve without compromising what you love. Welcome to this show, Nicole.


I'm so excited for you to be here.


Jill, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here with all of you.


All this magic happening, alchemy and.


I know it's so exciting.


Super exciting. So how did you get started? I know.


You've got like.


A whole bunch of different.


Tentacles out there and.


You were telling me the story of being in the lab and how you got your alchemist title.


Start wherever you want. We just like to know more about you.


Sure. Umm. I'll just kind of like throw a few things out there that I used to be a chemist for over 16 years. So I'm still a chemist. That's my background. That's so chemist at heart.


Anyway, and very much into the science side of things. So I love quantum physics, and that's really where I work in this metaphysical side of the field. So I have degrees in biology and chemistry as well as a masters in metaphysics. I am the mom of four.


Children. Well, three of them are now adults, and my youngest, so those are my boys, three adults and my youngest is my daughter, who's turning 15. Air Force mom. And I just love to make an impact and bring positive.


Of things into people's lives so that people can be in the space where.


They can be who they are.


Totally authentically and live a life that.


They love, really.


I love that and that's really what it's all about. And chemistry and quantum physics are so related. I love chemistry. They are. And you'd be surprised how many scientists have this like, oh, that's too woo for me.


But everything Nikola Tesla is my favorite scientist of all time. Everything is energy, vibration and frequency. So if you're a scientist.


I found the bus. Yeah, yeah.


Nothing exists and everything exists. It's like, you know, the particle. It's there, but it's not electrons. Same thing. The longest time we thought they were like little planets floating around this, but they're not. They're energy waves. They exist and they don't.


And if you're looking at them, they're doing something.


Exactly. So what are yours doing?


Yeah, and you can.


Excite them any way you want.


And that's, I think, why the magic of attraction works so much is you, you get on this vibe and then other things that are on that vibe start materializing because everything exists all at once.


That doesn't.


And that's like the little conundrum of our brains want to make sense of everything. And when it can't, it just kind of goes and does those weirdo stuff. Hey, Jill, I'm somehow, like, I'm getting this intuitive hit of when I had it a near death experience in June for a surgery that I had.


Last year.


I had this download and I came out of it and I wrote this little thing, so if you don't mind me, just reading it's super short and it's about time and energy and waves. And like all of that stuff, if you really suck it in.


So I had written down.


And there was something about.


It popped into my head about out of time and you know how we use this phrase that I'm out of time or I'm running out of time or I'm going to be out of time. What does it really mean to be out of time? So I wrote this to myself so I could create a video on it. So I'm just going to say it here first.


It's, I said this might sound weird, but really think about this right since time doesn't exist. What if we look at the phrase you're out of time a different way?


Instead of the unit of measure of linear time, read it again or say it again and think of the concept of music as a waveform. You're out of time now means you're out of sync with the frequencies around you. Now apply that to life and you can also apply that to death. Your personal frequency is a harmony.


With your personal frequency is in harmony with the reality you've created until either you don't evolve with it or you've evolved past it containing.


Either way, you're out of time. Becomes something much more meaningful and entirely beautiful.


Ohh man, I think I might cry that is so powerful Nicole.


Yeah. And the more you think about it and let it sink in, it's like ohh it brings you down that quantum realm. So get to that point where all of a sudden you're like, yeah, that makes so much sense. And then.


You're like, fall out of it again.


It's it reminds me of like phasing.


We're we when you look at something that's.


Like I'm that old * treks when they.


Beam me up Scotty.


You're existing in in one realm but.


Then you're starting to phase. You're out of time. You're not.


And then you're moved, and then you're In Sync again.


So when we're when we align our energies to what we want, this is the whole concept of manifesting. It's the whole concept of quantum jumping entering a different dimension, or entering a different version of you, amplifying your energy to a higher energy.


It creates.


A vibrational pattern that influences.


The energy around you and the energy around you is also influencing you. So who's going to win out right and create in the creational factor. So you get to choose that. And if you do the things in the sequence in the right ways or whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish and you do the thing that.


Creates that you just shift right into it.


So whether it causes you to shift into a new dimensional reality, new version of you.


Or, you know, just creates the ripple.


Just keep going.


I was reading a book and I'm not going to remember the guy's.


Name I think it's Mark Allen actually.




And he wrote it's.


It's basically the lazy man's guide to manifesting, but.


It's manifesting for Type Z personalities or something like that. I'll put that in the show notes. So, but I don't screw this up, but he talks about.


When you're manifesting that it, it starts with the vision and having a vision and doing affirmations really kind of cements change in your mind.


And it all starts in your head. Everything, everything exists and doesn't exist in your head as a thought and as you're focusing these thoughts and you're writing down, you write down affirmations about.


That are in line with what you want to accomplish, and then you make goals around these.


Affirmations. And then you start loosely doing a plan.


And when you do stuff like that, those little exercises which you.


Know take 5 minutes.


Really you start to find things coming into your periphery that help.


Push you to that place where you're actually materializing these things. They just started out.


As a thought.


It and it's effortless, I mean.


That's how it's supposed to be effortless.


Because it just comes to you.


And people get weirded out by that word. Effortless, like it's a trap.


It's a trap.


But it's not.


Can I add something about the affirmation thing and?


So here's I like how you laid that out, because there's something very specific that the listeners.


Will benefit from understanding is that.


Affirmations alone are not going to get you there. Affirmations are there in order to support a belief that you already have. So if you're saying an affirmation that goes against a belief that you have inside of you subconsciously.


That affirmation is only going to amplify the negative side of that belief.


So the belief has to change, so the affirmation.


Can support it.


So here is what that book is saying, which is in the right side of it, because if you're using the affirmation as like, OK, here's part of the goal, right. This affirmation is what I want to be accept.


And then you're creating your action plan to get to your goals that that affirmation goes with. So now you're taking the steps because you have to do the work and the work doesn't have to be the four letter word work can be effortless. Work can be fun. Because when we think about.


Our work, our career, we want to be doing something that seems effortless. We have the skill, we're able to do it. It's fun, we enjoy it. That's why we chose that line of work. So it's the same thing. So as you shift and you move into that space to.


Create that reality. That affirmation is now supporting on a deeper and deeper and deeper level on amplifying the new belief that you're installing because you are now moving in the direction and taking the action cause nothing happens until you take action. Nothing happens unless you create that change.


So as you're creating that change, that affirmation is supporting the new belief and because you're.


Doing the thing and doing the work, you are now reaffirming that this new belief is true and you can do it and you can get there. So you're assigning a new meaning, assigning a new belief and getting there. So I wanted to make that very clear because a lot of times people say, well, I did my affirmations for 5 minutes in the morning and then I went right back to my little victim triangle.


And I'm wondering why these affirmations suck. Well, it's not the affirmations that suck. It's your beliefs that suck.


Yeah, and it's the.


Thoughts that you have constantly and we all start out running the trauma.


Yeah. Or the trauma loop. You know, we make stuff up about situations and we make stuff up about people and what people are thinking, though they're never thinking about you because they're busy thinking about themselves in their own trauma loops.


Exactly. Exactly. So nobody is immune to, you know, going into that.


I don't care.


You know how quickly you get out of it, so sometimes you can just have a thought and it's like, whoa, where? Where did you come from and done with that? It can be as simple as that. Or you can sit there and ruminate in the stuff and start creating a reality based on all of those ruminations and all that junk.


Yeah, I was like living in a junkyard. No, thank you.


And you don't.


Have to think every thought that passes through your brain that that was a life changer for me when I realized, hey, I'm having an emotional reaction here. I don't have to. I can choose if I want to do that or not.


And I can just choose to think something else, or I can choose to reframe this in a way that's benefits me. And who cares if it benefits anybody else or not. But it will if you're doing stuff that makes.


You feel good, or if you're choosing to look at something in a way that.


Makes you feel good. It's going to make.


Others feel good that are around you.


Because you're in a different frequency. That vibration just it.


It goes out.


Yeah, and there's that is huge and I'm glad that you said that. I'm glad that you used those words and kind of as an example where I like to look at things from that scientific side. In science, everything is about the data, the data is what gets processed and the data tells us what to do next.


Right. So when we look at something, let's say you get triggered because.


I'll use some.


Your husband left the jar in the sink again.


Ohh I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go to a bigger trigger. Where?


You call.


Your husband or your boyfriend or guys you call your mate.


And whoever it is you call your mate.


And somebody else answers the phone.


And then you're saying? Ohh well. Hello. Who's this? Who's this?


And you get this whole conversation that goes along that lines and you're saying, alright, well, I want to talk to the person that belongs to this phone. Well, I can take a message.


Ohh can you now? OK, well, here's the message.


Click right. You get off of that call and you're wondering.


What the heck? So some people can get triggered with.


You know the fear of the unknown, abandonment, all kinds of stuff, you know.


Is this person cheating on me? What is happening? Who the heck is that?


Chick guy. Whatever. Who is that? Why are they answering your phone? There's a million questions that can flood the brain, right?


That's the wrong person.


In that instant, you can choose to go down that road not knowing what the information is.


Because hey, it could be anything. Yeah, it could be that bad thing. It could also be nothing.


So in that instant.


When you really know nothing.


I like to say, OK, let's look at the data. I don't have any information to actually say that this is happening. I also don't have any information to say that this is happening. So because I don't know any of it, I'm going to choose right now.


Something so you get to choose that for me. It's always been as I shifted into certain things, of getting away from triggers and the I have a really good imagination. So you know, we can go down there and make ourselves miserable, but I'm too busy for that.


So I would say, OK, I have no information. All I know is somebody else answered somebody's phone.


And maybe I don't like what that might be, but I also don't know what it is.


So because I don't have the full data, I am choosing something that's going to be easy on me.


I'll figure out the rest later.


But right now, so I'm not ruminating all day until let's say it's your spouse, and they ruminate. You're ruminating until they get home. And that's like 6 hours away.


You're going to drive yourself nuts.


And what if it's nothing?


But if it's something, who cares? What if it's nothing?


Who cares?


So in that moment you say I choose to just assume that everything is going on as any other day.


And then you can ask questions later.


Hey, tried calling you. Who answered your phone? What? You know what's up with that? And then you your instincts.


Will tell you.


And yeah, it's hard to stay out of the emotion. I'm going to grant that.


If you stay out of the emotion.


But if you.


Practice staying out of the emotion. It does get easier and you may find that you don't even.


Hang up.


Because that's an emotional reaction. It's just like.


You're already like.


Turn in the.


The mill, you know, the emotional mill, if you can, if you can just detach and say, OK.


And you can ask questions even at that point, you know.


Is he OK?


Because maybe this is an emergency person.


Exactly. And you see anything?


I mean the there's.


It could be anything, so you can like.


Your mind doesn't have to automatically go to oh, my God, he's cheating on me.


Because that's, you know, we're women. That happens, it's a thing.


We'll own it.


So many people, right? Men, women.


Dogs, if they could talk.


Dogs, dogs, dogs. Dogs. Dogs.


Yeah, it is really about.


Taking your thoughts captive, it's really understanding what it is you're thinking about and that helps you?


Not get triggered so much.


And your life is much better if you're not getting triggered all the time.


Oh yeah, so much better. It's such a beautiful thing when you can navigate through your day and you don't have all these emotional things, even when things are, you know, seemingly negative things are happening.


And you just go about it because guess what? That's going to change too. Everything changes. That's the whole.


Message of this life that everything is in constant change. So if you can deal with something as it's a temporary thing no matter what it is, it's always temporary. It's always going to change because it's constantly changing and it's chaos there.


From order because of an enough constant change begets chaos and chaos. Calls for order to take place. So.


Chaos begets order, and we just cycle through over and over and over again. And that is exactly alchemy. The Alchemizing Zion of our inner stuff.


It happens over and over and over again as we evolve.


And we exist in reality only in the now. In this moment, it's always this moment.


In time.


And in the moment I heard somebody.


Talk about.


The idea that we exist, kind of like a camera snapping.


Like a video, it's actually still frames it's not.


It's not continuous motion and our lives are actually like that. It's like some 22 comes to mind, but it's like billionths of a second or something and some a really huge number that happens.


In still frame, our lives happen in still frames, so we're torn apart. We go back together, we're torn apart. Go back together. But it just happens so fast that we see it as reality. But it doesn't actually exist. We don't actually exist.


Yeah, I think I heard that.


Either something similar or what you're saying is sparking a memory from a long time ago where somebody likened it to like an LED light.


Where the light goes on and then the light goes on so that light goes off and the next light goes on and it's like it's.


It's not actually.


Something else is moving. You're not actually moving. You're just the light is going on and off, right? Yeah.


All of realities like that in in that from that perspective which I found.


Really fascinating.




It's kind of I like to think of it as.


You know, we can be moving at rapid rates.


But we feel like we're sitting still right where we are, right? But the earth is turning.


The universe is expanding like all this stuff is happening. Everything is in motion. We are actually like tearing through the universe at.


Massive speeds. We just don't feel it because everything is moving with us.


Yeah, my husband once asked me if I wanted to have a headache. He was reading this book about, I think it was on magnetics, how magnets work and the theory was that everything is expanding so fast that it causes things to stick together or something like that.


Oh yeah.


It really was like, no, I don't want a headache.


Explain it to me, I'll read.


If you yeah, if you put magnets in a certain way, so a lot of times people will use magnetic therapy. This is like such a weird conversation. People will use a magnetic therapy and but if you flip those magnets over.


The book.


And you're using the off poles than what you're supposed to be using. You're doing the opposite.


Do you know how?


Magnets work because I don't.


Magnets have like their own it's polarizing field.


A polarizing magnetic field. So when we.


But doesn't everything have that?


We all have electromagnetic fields. Yeah, and our magnetism is just dependent on how intense that magnetic.


Field is.


So what causes things to have a more intense magnetic field than others? Is it just based on the elements involved, or is it?


Do you know?


I don't really know the full answer to that.


You know science, keep searching.


Might have to look that one up only because like it's like the intensity of the field, whatever the pull is. I mean you have, you can have magnets that are small that are very, very intense with the field, with the fields pulling everything in, right.




If you.


If you look at the, if you take the magnets and you.


Work with them. You can make them do different things and use different magnetic intensities to do different things. I mean, Tesla was really good with magnets.


And all that and the magnetic fields and generating energy through the magnetic.


Fields that he would create.


And keep everything rotating because of the push pull of the magnets he would create the.


The energy from.


Energy, yeah.


And that's what he talked about with the.


Ether and.


He had a car that actually ran on.


Magnets. Nothing. No fuel, but yeah, exactly. And if you.


And I can say from certain like my experience with healing energies and facilitating healing energies. When I work with peoples energy pathways and I open them up and I'm like feeling through different pieces of people.


It feels like magnets to me, so when?


And I find a blockage. It actually feels like when you put two poles of the same.


Same poles of magnets together and it repels each other and it has that feeling. That's what I feel. So that's how I'm working with other people's energies is through like the torsion field and that energy fields where I, it feels like magnets and I work through and flip it and change it and.


Help it to go back to unblocked. So that's the best way that I can describe how I facilitate.


Energy healing.


That's really interesting.


I want to ask you this one other question. Then we'll talk about how you do what you do and who you do it.


For, but have you ever heard of the call castles?


The what cancels.


The coral castles, the coral castle like it's just it's in Florida and it's a guy who had, like, a third grade education who's really small man. And he took these huge.


Where is that? No.


Boulders granite like.


Weigh thousands of pounds and he moved them by himself.


And he built this.


They call it.


A castle. But you.


Should look it up. It's really fascinating, but I'm wondering if he did it, they don't know how he did it and he was really secretive about it. But it, it seems to me that he probably used lay lines and magnetism in order to make these.


I'm gonna.


And vibrations because he had a machine that made a certain sound that I think.


Oh yeah.


He was using with.


It but it's.


So many fascinating.


Like wormhole portal? Like kind of thing where you just kind of.


Push it through and there it is.


So it didn't have to actually move it very far. He's just shooting it through an interdimensional portal or something.


Yeah. I just.


Totally possible. It's like the Philadelphia experiment where Tesla was involved with that and he was like, no, I don't want it. I don't want you guys doing this because you're going to.


Have problems and.


They had problems.


Yeah, exactly.


That's really interesting. I'm going to look that up and you just. That's my curiosity. Thank you.


Yeah, it.




You can you can visit it. It's still.


It's still around the guy. It's long gone, but I think the boulders, I mean, he had it like a couple 1000 LB, boulder.


So perfectly situated that you could just push it and it'll twist. So you could go in and out.


I mean it.


It's just like.




It's amazing to me, I.


So cool.


Yeah, just.


Fascinating. And then you've got the held on Collider, that's like on the other end of it and they're going really small and you went really big.


Yeah, what the heck?


So many cool things going on.


So how do you do what you do and who?


Do you do it for and all the stuff?


Like that.


OK, so I hope people go from resistance to resilience and erase and limiting belief, eliminating erase, limiting beliefs from.


From that mindset.


And help them reprogram the beliefs into something that's going to be foundationally supportive and catapult them into the life that they want to.


Live and.


Who do I do it for? Mostly the people that I work with are entrepreneurs, business owners, teams and.


A lot of times people in sales or corporate, a lot of corporate dropouts that became entrepreneurs mostly like holistic.


And those types of people, people that have done a little bit of the work on their own and just got so far that they're it's the subconscious beliefs that are really derailing them. And so teams working together to erase that stuff and complement each other.


Instead of trigger each other, that's a big one.


So super fun.


What else did I miss something, I mean?


No. Do you do it one-on-one? Do you do it in groups? Do you do both?


I do both.


Yes, I do both. I have some. I have some programs that help you to really map out the foundational pieces, because if you don't know where to start, that's probably the best place is really defining what you want. And there's a process to defining what you truly desire. So defining that, aligning it with your soul's purpose.


And then creating the action plan to get there. So that's the foundation piece.


I'm sorry I keep having this.


Cleaner thing pop up cool so.


How do I know you have a?


A quiz that you offer to people. How would they find that?


So that is on my. On my website there's a little there's a little button that you can press on my website that is the take the beliefs quiz. It actually goes through 14 core beliefs and quick yes or no questions and then.


Uh. Once you submit that, it will trigger an e-mail.


E-mail series that will go over each one of those core beliefs in more detail and how to identify it and overcome it.


I love that.


That sounds really helpful because there's so many of us.


That we, we.


Have limiting beliefs, but we really don't even know what they are.


We just know we have them.


It's true, and the ones that compound on top of each other create these convoluted things in our minds that I do have like a deeper dive beliefs.


And that I do with people with clients. And it's so funny because they'll take that. And when I'm analyzing it, I'm like, oh, I know exactly what's going on. And. And so I know the questions to ask to really delve deep in our coaching session that follows and they.


They'll. I'll show them some stuff. And because there's a lot of things that end up dovetailing.


They think, Oh my God, I'm so messed up.


Right. And I just laughed in a nice way. You know, it's like, oh, don't worry about that because, you know, you're not so messed up, it's that these things dovetail. So the bad news is, is that they've dovetailed and caused you, you know, pain and suffering in some way. But the good news is, is they dovetail. So guess what?


When we start pulling it apart, they unravel very quickly and fall apart from each other so.


You can look at it two different ways. You get to choose which way you look at it. Look at the data.


Yeah, yeah. And just having somebody else come alongside you, there's so many things that we have that exist in our lives, in our psyche and our souls that we can't see because we're so close. It's, you know, they can't see the forest with the trees sort of situation. And to have somebody like you.


Come along and say hey, I see that thing over there that's causing you all this grief. You can't see it because it's like right there behind your head.


It's really close to you though.


I like how you can't see the forest for the trees cause a lot of people say it a different way. That doesn't make any sense. You said that.


The correct way.


I I've heard a lot of different versions.


Screw up other ones though, so.


Sometimes we do it on purpose around here just because we're weird.


Weird is good, I like weird.


Yeah, weird makes life interesting.


I know.


So people can get a hold of you by going to your website. That's probably the easiest way.


That's one way. So I have like three ways that people can get to me depending on what you want. So my website.


Will also lead you to my marketplace if you click in the right space. So if you want free resources and to see a bunch of my like.


Standing offerings that are always there, you can take a look at and if you want to just go ahead and see what I have available to schedule. Whether it's a call, a session or a workshop, you can look at Nicole Magik dot AS dot ME which is my scheduler.


That's awesome. And Nicole spells her name, her last name M.




Just because we're.


Audio in some venues and I just want to make sure everybody.


Gets that.


Yes, MAJIK. So the main website MAJIKL


And all the rest of us, we don't get to have such a.


Cool. Last name as that.


You know you can just say mine all kinds of different ways, like magic, magic.


Yeah, it's so elegant.


It's so cool.


Use it as a mantra to calm down.


In it, in. Breathe it in. So, Nicole, this has been so interesting. And is there something that you want to leave the audience with? You hope they take away from our conversation.


Yeah, leave the audience with this is that it doesn't matter what is happening in your life right now. If you can take a look at the data and start deciphering it in a way that that shows you.


Even if it's seemingly negative, and if you use that, this is just seemingly negative. It's just a temporary situation because all it's doing is raising your awareness to the pieces that are not supporting you. So these your foundation may feel like it's crumbling because guess what, the things that are not supporting you moving forward.


In your growth and your development in your.


Success. Yes, those things are falling apart because they no longer belong there. So then you get to choose what to put in its place that will support you. That will move you forward and.


It's so simple and right in front of your face, but just open your eyes, open your ears, sit still for a little bit to so that you can be aligned with your soul's purpose and what the universe is actually telling you so.


And if you need some help.


Find someone.


I'm on the call.


Call me.


I love it. Thanks so much for joining me. Nicole, this has been so fascinating.


Thank you, Jill. It's been my pleasure completely and I love it. I love the conversation.


It's such a.



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