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E136 | Badass Your Brand & Show Your Business Who’s Boss with Pia Silva
Episode 13623rd March 2021 • Curious Leadership with Dominic Monkhouse • Monkhouse & Company
00:00:00 00:52:29

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  • If you’re tired of being overworked and underpaid, 
  • If you lack the ideal clients, or you don’t know how to find, attract and close clients, 
  • If you keep experiencing project creep,
  • If you’re an expert in what you do, but you’re constantly overlooked and having to explain the value of what you do,

Then you need to listen to Pia Silva on this week’s episode of The Melting Pot. 

Pia is a partner and brand strategist at Worstofall Design where they build entire brands in 1-3 day intensives. But these days she is just as focused on helping other small branding and marketing companies build profitable, lifestyle businesses using her No-BS model. 

She’s a TEDx speaker, a Forbes contributor, author of Badass Your Brand and host of the podcast Show Your Business Who’s Boss

And on today’s episode, she talks about how she went from being $40,000 in debt, working 100 hours a week for clients she didn’t want to work for, delivering work she wasn’t happy with, to 12 months later, making $500k, being profitable and working with a client she wants to work with. 

Pia does the work she wants, her way, and she charges proper money for it. This is a fascinating story about the benefits of niching, adopting a no-BS approach and creating authority to drive business in. 

We hope you enjoy this conversation with Pia as much as we did.

On today’s podcast:

  • How she built her own brand
  • From debt to success with Worstofall Design
  • Niche down
  • Definition of badass branding
  • Create authority building content
  • Charge proper prices







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