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Episode #149 - Seeing Is Believing
Episode 15410th September 2024 • Speaking From The Heart • Joshua D. Smith
00:00:00 00:17:56

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How we see the world and whether the goals, aspirations, dreams, and other areas of life that we strive to develop is a process of the old adage, “seeing is believing.” However, being able to speak into existence the opportunities that we are manifesting sometimes seem out of our control, out of reach, and out of the realm of possibility…until it materializes in front of our eyes. In today’s episode, we will discuss how to manifest what you don’t see right now into a visionary opportunity not just through physical manifestation exercises, but putting into practice what you want to achieve in all parts of your life, business, and areas of empowerment.

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Intro/Outro By: Michael Dugan, Podcast Host: Voice4Chefs



[00:00:11] Joshua: Welcome back to episode number 149 of Speaking from the Heart. Now, before you tune out on this episode, thinking that it's going to be about vision boards, and you're going to say to yourself, "I already heard this conversation from many other coaches, many other podcasters, all kinds of other individuals. What do you have to contribute to this?" Give me a chance, and I promise you, by the end of this episode, you'll be singing another tune, or maybe, you might be changing your perspective of what you're seeing and believing, because today's episode isn't just about setting goals. It isn't just finding relationships, confidence, and determination. It isn't about all the mumbo jumbo that I usually talk about on this podcast. No! It is about manifesting the belief that you can [00:01:00] empower yourself to see an envisioned future that will allow you to see not only the things that you normally won't see, but how you can consistently keep on doing that for the rest of your life, and I know I have a tall order, and I better have something really good for you to be able to share so that we can manifest this into a reality, but we're going to talk about vision boards today. No! I'm just kidding! Don't tune out yet. Listen to me.


[00:03:39] Joshua: Now, before you think I'm going to get all mushy inside and talk about my emotions of whether I'm really sad or happy or manifesting something in between, hear me out with this, because I know I've been asking you to hold on and I'm going to get to the point real fast, but the thing is, is that speaking these existences, [00:04:00] these opportunities means that we have to live with the emotions that we have deep inside of ourselves. It means that sometimes that disappointment, that regret, that inability to see the things that are out of our control, out of reach, even out of the realm of possibility, might mean that we have to come to the acceptance that sometimes those things are indeed out of reach, out of control, and out of the realm of possibility, at least for today, for that matter. I think that we often want to jump from zero to one hundred really fast, and that's usually the society that we live in today. Whether we want to get in a motorcycle and go that fast down the interstate, which I often see right near me, Interstate 81, running through Carlisle, Pennsylvania, or even all the other things that we often want to see happen instantaneously: that person being fired; that person getting their just desserts. [00:05:00] Even the things that we expect immediately at fast food restaurants, service repair shops, and everything else that we engage with, we have to realize that good things come in due time. Time, sometimes, as we think about it, might not always be on our side, but that's a societal, cultural perspective that we have to start breaking. Millions of years ago, even with the formation of the Earth. It did not happen overnight that we were able to breathe an atmosphere and have all kinds of creatures and oceans and landscapes surrounding us like we do today. Even if you want to say that it was something that happened through God or some other scientific explanation, it still took time to happen. Even in the Bible, it said that God took six days to create the earth, and took the seventh day to rest.


[00:07:27] Joshua: Part of this whole experience means that we have to gauge what we're able to do and what we're not able to do, and I've talked about on previous episodes the Pomodoro Technique, even using the Kanban, as being ways in which we can progress ourselves into that realm of possibility. Sometimes we are visual learners. We want to be able to see what we're actually doing, and being able to check it off our list. That's just the kind of people that we are, and the kind of clients that I have sometimes do need that reinforcement, while other people where [00:08:00] they don't like that structure might want to have that flexibility. Even at the time of this recording, I have a potential client that is even saying to me, "Josh, I can't live with the structure. Structure for me can be too limiting. I want to be able to have the spontaneity and the creativity to work on the things that I want to work on with you.", and that's okay too. We can adapt to those frameworks as well. You have to understand that good things come in time.


[00:10:37] Joshua: That's the same thing that has to happen to you. In order to create that best value, that best version of who you are in the future, means that you have to spend a little bit of time today in it, even if there is an immediate payoff, and that can be one of the most scariest, most fearful things that you do, because sometimes, [00:11:00] and I hate to admit it, it might not actually pay off the way that you're thinking. Man. What a bummer! You've been waiting 11 minutes and you finally heard me say it! This is what you have to wait for to have this ability to see and believe in yourself means that you have to put the time, in and you might not get what you actually want? What hogwash, Josh! You're not an inspirational coach whatsoever. You're a fraud. You are a cheapskate. You're somebody that I would never, ever work with. What horrible advice! Well, let's be real. If I wasn't laying it on you today, do you think that you'll be able to get it laid on from somebody else in the future and be able to tolerate what they have to say? It's better that you learn it now in September 2024 than learn it later on: september 2025. September 2030. Hell! Even September 2050. Is that how long it will [00:12:00] actually take you, your kids, and maybe even your grandkids, to learn that the value of hard work will actually pay off, but you have to put the time in, the contribution if you will, to make it happen? Yes, and trust me on this. It will certainly yield rewards that you never thought possible.


[00:13:46] Joshua: Not only is it about realizing what you can give today, but what you'll be able to see in dividends tomorrow. Sometimes time itself is not a great healer, especially if you do absolutely nothing [00:14:00] about it. Even if you try to think that you are able to accomplish so many different things, so many different tasks, so many different opportunities that exist in front of you, can mean that you can work on things that you never felt imaginable, but the truth is, putting into practice what you want to achieve in all parts of your life, not only means that you have to give it in moderation, but you have to give it time. For many of us, time might not be on our side. Maybe there has been a diagnosis in your family in which there's some chronic illness happening to somebody that you truly care about. Maybe there's somebody that is on a clock, getting that job promotion that will take them across the country, maybe even across the world for that matter, and you might never see them again, maybe for a while, but being able to speak into existence opportunities sometimes means that before those situations occur, or even when those situations do occur, that we recognize the [00:15:00] concept and value of time.


[00:17:24] Joshua: Thanks for listening to episode number 149 of Speaking From the Heart, and I look forward to hearing from your heart very soon.


[00:17:44] Outro: Visit us at www. yourspeakingvoice. biz for more information about potential services that can help you create the best version of yourself. See you next time.



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